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Chapters: 6, Volumes: 1, Days: 0.06, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes
1 30-sai made Doutei dato Mahoutsukai ni Nareru Rashii Publishing
- / -
- / -
2 Ashita wa Docchi da! Publishing
- / -
- / -
3 Bloody†Mary
- / 40
- / 10
4 Gravitation
- / 54
- / 12
5 Hanakoi Tsurane
- / 74
- / 10
6 Hare Nochi Shiki-bu Publishing
- / -
- / -
7 Here U Are
- / 156
- / -
8 Kabukichou Bad Trip
5 / 14
1 / 2
9 Kamisama to Tobenai Tsukai
- / 7
- / 1
10 Kaze to Ki no Uta
- / 139
- / 17
11 Kimi no Yoru ni Fureru
- / 6
- / 1
12 Kirai de Isasete Publishing
- / -
- / -
13 Koisuru (Otome) no Tsukurikata Publishing
- / -
- / -
14 Loveless On Hiatus
- / -
- / 13
15 Mask Danshi wa Koishitakunai noni Publishing
- / -
- / -
16 Omairi desu yo
- / 46
- / 10
17 Poe no Ichizoku
- / 15
- / 5
18 Saiyaku wa Boku wo Suki Sugiru Publishing
- / -
- / -
19 Sasaki to Miyano Publishing
- / -
- / -
20 Shounen Zanzou
1 / 3
- / 1
21 Silver Diamond
- / 82
- / 27
22 The Dangerous Convenience Store
- / 92
- / 6
23 Vampire Library
- / -
- / 13
24 Wizdoms no Kemono-tachi
- / 8
- / 1
25 Yami no Matsuei On Hiatus
- / -
- / 13
26 Yozora no Sumikko de,
- / 10
- / 1
27 Yuki no Shita no Qualia
- / 7
- / 1