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Chapters: 71, Volumes: 21, Days: 1.05, Mean Score: 4.9, Score Dev.: -2.47 More stats
#Image Manga Title Chapters Volumes
1 1/11: Juuichi Bun no Ichi
6 / 37
2 / 9
2 Ano Ko no, Toriko.
3 / 35
- / 6
3 Boku no Hero Academia
- / 432
3 / 42
4 DOODLE Publishing
2 / -
- / -
5 Kanojo wa Uso wo Aishisugiteru
1 / 94
1 / 22
6 Kin no Angel Publishing
2 / -
1 / -
7 Kinkyori Renai
4 / 45
1 / 10
8 Love Phantom Publishing
1 / -
- / -
9 Naisho ja Tarinai yo
2 / 5
1 / 1
10 Natsume-senpai ni Semarareru Hibi
3 / 28
- / 7
11 Ojou to Yakuza: Wakagashira no Aibu wa Amai ga Takedakeshii
4 / 5
- / 1
12 Otoyomegatari Publishing
32 / -
6 / -
13 Rinjin wa Chou
1 / 4
1 / 1
14 Shunkan Gradation
8 / 25
- / 4
15 Totsuzen desu ga, Ashita Kekkon Shimasu
- / 52
5 / 9
16 Yubisaki to Renren Publishing
2 / -
- / -