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Filler episode...but it was actually quite funny XD
Great, very funny episode^^ Suiseiseki is really cunning^^ and the desu-thing is just hilarious xD
Also funny how Shinku showed some emotions towards Kun-kun^^
And interesting how the sister can get angry sometimes^^
Just a great episode, loved it! :-)
I must say, for a filler it was good but I still hate fillers. At least this one was funny. Everyone was acting so childish except for Shinku but she kinda ruined it when she got fooled by the Kunkun doll. I mean, it was fun to watch but I thought she'd be more intelligent, even being a doll.
Who knew Suiseiseki could be so evil?! haha Shinzu is adorable! her love for Kun-Kun is so CUTE! i loved it how Hina saved him XD omg Suiseiseki is really good... getting the food was a great idea! Shes like me alittle X3 anyway this was an AMAZING epi! eh and in the beginning... why couldnt Nira be there alittle longer?! grr lol i hope he shows up again =D i mean did you SEE his blush?!
I loved how seriously Jun and Shinku were taking the Kun-kun show! And her reaction when Jun was using the puppet! That was so funny. And her blush was really cute.
I loved the pictures Hina drew on the box.
The Truth Crocidile was hilarious! And the way Jun ran backwards up the stairs cracked me up.
Sound warfare was great.
Excellent filler. Very funny!
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Huh? This was a filler? Nevertheless, their war was totally hilarious that I laughed throughout the entire episode! xD All of them get along very well now, eh~?
I don't think I've ever watched a filler this cute and entertaining in like...ever. It was a great change of pace, and reminded me of being a kid again.
I've decided to watch this series from the beginning after watching the 2013 version, and I am continually surprised at how fun this show is.
The only thing I'm disappointed in is that I didn't watched it sooner. It is one of those animes where you shouldn't judge it by its cover. I'm really glad I took a leap into this world. ^^
Lol when Ichigo went for Kun-kun. I feel that Suiseiseki and the sister kinda went out of character in this episode. Was Suiseiseki this bad? Was the sister this.. fierce before? -Shinku falling for the Kun-kun trap ~.~ Good one, Jun.
Episode humorous tones, but that leaves the main plot at home, we are still at an impasse over who participates in the so-called "game", but at least today we do a few laughs.
Narration pretty, but especially the dialogues are fabulous in sense of humor! XD
Maaan. This one episode was awesome and funny as heck! XDDD, at first I thought "Oh, this one seems like a filler one...? But whatever" I ended up actually loving it lolz. Jun-Hina gang FTW!!!
Seems like next episode Suigintou, my fav, shows up again, and there's more drama and fight. Veru naissu!