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Jan 14, 2010
I use the following system to calculate the final score:
In each of the five categories (Story, Art, Sound, Character(s), Enjoyment), a score can get 2, 4, 8 or 10. 2 for something I find truly bad, 4 for something that just isn't good enough, 8 for fairly good and 10 for outstanding.
The sum of the score is divided by 5 and the score is rounded to the nearest integer (More than or equal to .5 rounds it up, less than .5 rounds it down).
STORY (4):
Very, very simple. Some monsters from Chrono Trigger do some stuff. 'twas rather boring.
ART (8):
The designs are, as anyone who has
played Chrono Trigger would know, great. The animation was so-so and monsters seemed to differ somewhat from what they should look like.
SOUND (4):
I really don't think the voice actors did a great job. Well, except Gonzales.
Outstanding, due to Gonzales being present. AAH, GONZALES! I'M STRONG!
Finally, hearing Gonzales song being sung. Several times. This is the one thing that truly makes this worth watching.
36 * 0.2 = 7.2, rounded down to 7.
If you've played the game, why not? It's short anyway. No point if you haven't played it, though.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 14, 2010
I use the following system to calculate the final score:
In each of the five categories (Story, Art, Sound, Character(s), Enjoyment), a score can get 2, 4, 8 or 10. 2 for something I find truly bad, 4 for something that just isn't good enough, 8 for fairly good and 10 for outstanding.
The sum of the score is divided by 5 and the score is rounded to the nearest integer (More than or equal to .5 rounds it up, less than .5 rounds it down).
STORY (2):
The story is very simple and very bad. A kid running around yelling about his mom being constipated? Yeah, great fun.
I may be a bitter and old, but I remember childrens shows being better than this.
ART (2):
Crayon Shin-chan's typical style. As dreadful as always. Truly, this is an insult to many other childrens shows. Even though kids don't care that much about this particular area, can't they at least try to do something good? Blocky, uninspired art that has seemingly no effort put into it.
SOUND (8):
Nothing wrong with voices, sound effects or music. They do it all just fine.
Would've been a 2 if it hadn't been for the Den-O cast. Shin-chan is intolerable and annoying.
Not so strange, seeing how I'm a TAD too old to be watching this in the first place. Not that I'd show this to my nephews.
18 * 0.2 = 3.6, rounded up to 4.
I'm aware this is childrens show. I show my nephews (of mixed ages, the youngest one is 3 at the time of writing, the eldest is 7) various shows at times, this is not something I'd bother showing them. But if they enjoy either Crayon Shin-Chan or Den-O before this, sure, show them.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 13, 2010
I use the following system to calculate the final score:
In each of the five categories (Story, Art, Sound, Character(s), Enjoyment), a score can get 2, 4, 8 or 10. 2 for something I find truly bad, 4 for something that just isn't good enough, 8 for fairly good and 10 for outstanding.
The sum of the score is divided by 5 and the score is rounded to the nearest integer (More than or equal to .5 rounds it up, less than .5 rounds it down).
STORY (10):
A tragic main character, forced to fight. Military men with lots of ambition. Aliens and plants. Romance. A bit of amnesia.
Mecha! Sounds like this series doesn't lack a single thing, right? The story is presented in a typical, episodic monster-of-the-week format, and is one of the better shows using this format.
ART (8):
The animation in this series is very inconsistent. Sometimes, it's brilliant, sometimes, it's bad. When it's good, it's really good, and the designs are exquisite. If you like mecha in the form of power armor, these designs should have you drooling, but the inconsistency hurts a lot.
SOUND (10):
Both opening tracks to this series are great, the same goes for tension music and sound effects. One of my favourite voice actors voices the main character, D-Boy. Many will know his voice as Sephiroth's, while others will recognise him from roles such as Kyosuke Nanbu or Ryu from Street Fighter. Either way, his voice is great.
D-Boy truly is an angsty main character, but rightfully so. And he doesn't run around whining about it. The main cast, the antagonists and the interactions within and between these groups are well written.
Anyone who didn't cry oily tears over a certain event towards the end of the series has a heart of stone.
Excellent fights, a captivating story and great mecha designs, not to mention the Vol Tekker, which was later turned into a Pokémon attack exclusive to Pichu's chain of evolution. I enjoyed the heck out of this show.
48 * 0.2 = 9.6, rounded up to 10.
This is something for people who like action shows with some angst and drama. Though there is romance, it's not the focus.
It's a bit more than your run-of-the-mill shounen, though it runs in the same vein, or very close to it. You should also be aware that with this being a rather long shows, it has some slower arcs that may put some viewers off, not to mention dated animation, which some people can't stand these days.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 13, 2010
I use the following system to calculate the final score:
In each of the five categories (Story, Art, Sound, Character(s), Enjoyment), a score can get 2, 4, 8 or 10. 2 for something I find truly bad, 4 for something that just isn't good enough, 8 for fairly good and 10 for outstanding.
The sum of the score is divided by 5 and the score is rounded to the nearest integer (More than or equal to .5 rounds it up, less than .5 rounds it down).
STORY (10):
As with many Gundam series, it's about a young boy who becomes part of a small military force that opposes greater
military forces. There are themes concerning authority, youth, war, death, romance and politics, though it seems that the main theme is "WAR IS BAD".
I found it to be well executed, although slow from time to time. The story of AEUG isn't a complicated one, but somewhat captivating. Kamille's growth throughout the series is something worth watching, even if the ending can be a bit of a downer.
ART (10):
Zeta Gundam had some really good mecha designs, especially Gundam MkII and the titular mecha, Zeta Gundam, which ranks as my favourite Gundam of all. This series also introduces the beauty that is the Qubeley, so it's solid on the design front.
Animation is mostly on a pretty average level, but every now and then they surprise you with some really detailed and beautifully animated scenes.
SOUND (10):
Disregarding the terrible, terrible j-pop openings Zeta Gundam had in its country of origin, the soundtrack is fit for an epic tale of space warfare. The voice actors do a great job and some of the speeches and yells during battle make them sound as if they were super robot pilots.
An overall good cast, but some of the characters can be really annoying at times, especially Katz. If it hadn't been for him and a certain character doing something I feel was unsupported by the overall story, this might have scored a 10. Be prepared that you may dislike Kamille, the main character, quite a bit. Although I do not, a lot of people are disturbed by his constant whining and disrespect towards others.
As a mecha fan, there's a lot of fanservice with all the different suits and armors used in this series. The tale itself, the operations and some characters from the first series just add even more viewing pleasure. It really is quite a classic.
48 * 0.2 = 9.6, rounded up to 10.
It's 50 episodes long, so you better be prepared for some slower parts here and there. There's a lot of war and death, and the action is often there to say that war is bad, which sets a somewhat grim tone over everything.
However, if you want a war drama set in space, this is a truly good one.
Though if you want to watch this, I recommend watching the series that came before this first, Mobile Suit Gundam, or the Mobile Suit Gundam movie trilogy which summarizes the first series. This will help with background for both the setting and several characters.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 13, 2010
I use the following system to calculate the final score:
In each of the five categories (Story, Art, Sound, Character(s), Enjoyment), a score can get 2, 4, 8 or 10. 2 for something I find truly bad, 4 for something that just isn't good enough, 8 for fairly good and 10 for outstanding.
The sum of the score is divided by 5 and the score is rounded to the nearest integer (More than or equal to .5 rounds it up, less than .5 rounds it down). However, should everything be given a 2, the resulting score will be 1.
STORY (10):
Each mini-story is either cute, fun or relaxing.
It may not seem like much with all the slice of life and moe we get these days, but it fits my tastes very well.
This should be one of the earliest slice of life series you watch to get the most out of it, I reckon. Had I seen it later, the score might have been somewhat lower, but since it earned a special place in my heart, the biased score is 10.
ART (8):
The character designs are rather simple, which is suitable considering that these are supposed to be normal people in a normal school. The animation and art is nothing to write home about, it's pretty standard level. Nothing sticks out in either direction, which means it's more than good enough.
SOUND (10):
Azumanga Daioh has a very pleasant soundtrack and a great ending theme. If you like the series, you can probably sit and listen to the soundtrack and experience bliss. Other than that, the voice actors do a good job. This is also true from my (brief) experience of the English dub. Although I find it a bit discomforting that Osaka is Texan, I find it to be a good attempt at localisation.
Also, Norio Wakamoto as Chiyo's dad.
Archetypes. Well-made archetypes. All of the characters feel very distinct, and I don't dislike a single one of them. They all get good amounts of screentime as well.
I've rewatched this show about 7 or so times, I never get bored of it for some reason. That alone is worth a 10. Since each episode consists of several 'minisodes', the content isn't very dragged out (though I'm sure some people would object to this) and we get a couple of different highlighted events each episode.
48 * 0.2 = 9.6, rounded up to 10.
Unless your tastes are very niched, or you've already seen lots of other slice of life anime, I readily suggest this to you, even if you've already seen it once.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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