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Jun 13, 2023 6:11 PM
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Jun 13, 2023 6:07 PM
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Jun 13, 2023 6:07 PM
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Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi
Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi
Jan 1, 2021 8:16 PM
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Kyou kara Ore wa!!
Kyou kara Ore wa!!
Dec 10, 2020 12:25 PM
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KingBAMF Oct 23, 2021 4:03 PM this site has everything

I watched like 2 ep of black clover when it first came out and hated it, it seemed pretty meh and the main dudes voice was super annoying lol I barely watch anime now but I watched the new star wars visions anime that came out recently. Some of those were really awesome especially the 1st ep of that, its all stand alone short story ep. Idk if you watched the demon slayer movie but thats also out there, and the next season of that starts in dec or jan. As well as attack on titans last season starts in Jan.

I watched some shows this year like kims convenience, superstore, ted lasso are all like comedy stuff. The marvel shows are cool, the witcher show i actually really loved as well on netflix and the animated movie for that too. Squid game on netflix is nuts too. Theres a bunch of movies as well, I just watched Dune today and it was fking amazing, but its part 1 and part 2 isnt gonna come out until like 2023 the earliest lol. The new james bond movie was awesome too and a really good ending for daniel craigs james bond.

you play any games lately? and have u seen final fantasy 16, good chance thats coming out next year

KingBAMF May 16, 2021 5:54 PM
i finished shigurui, honestly it was weird as fk lol. I liked the dynamic between the 2 main chars, I didnt like the ending at first but after some time it grew on me, pretty fitting end. I wasnt a huge fan of the gore, its pretty brutal but the artwork for this was amazing. The 2 main guys kind of remind me of the 2 main guys in vagabond in a way, there were similarities between gennosuke + musashi and irako + kojiro for sure.

You should check out Vagabond one of these days, its my favorite samurai thing ever and sasaki kojiro is just my fav char in media lol
KingBAMF Apr 27, 2021 12:40 PM
Oh shit, yea i watched some of the anime but didnt like it. Ill check this out after i finish attack on titan
KingBAMF Feb 12, 2021 5:00 PM
fate zero has so many awesome characters i just chose one of them lol Attack on titan new season is airing right now and its the craziest shit ever, best season since the 1st and i think its gonna end soon like after this season there might be another one and its over. The manga is ending around april i think so yeah check that shit out later. And jujutsu kaisen if u havent seen it already i think u will really like it
KingBAMF Feb 9, 2019 2:14 PM
I havent been watching much anime lately but mob psycho is airing right now and the new jojos and im just waiting for them to finish then ill watch those. I watched gurren lagann again lol and basilisk was really good it reminded me of ninja scroll. I kept thinking the main guy would go berserk and just kill everyone but that never happened i was really surprised when ppl actually started dieing lol.

Zelda on switch was awesome, its the only zelda game ive beaten lmao. I never knew where to go when I played zelda when i was a kid. Mario Odyssey was awesome too it reminded me so much of super mario 64. Theres alot of cool games on the switch and more coming out too. Ive been playing Tales of Vesperia on the ps4, i played it back on the 360 and they re-released it with extra content and characters which is awesome
KingBAMF Feb 23, 2018 6:22 PM
no lol monster hunter is all about hunting monsters, gathering their drops/loot, crafting stronger armor + weps so you can kill stronger monsters to make more shit. no one cares about the story its just there for u to get started, it dont think the series is for everyone so idk if u would like it but this newest one def makes it easier for new players to jump in. Theres a bunch of diff weapon types u can choose from, and u can switch whenever you want, theres no class your tied to or anything. Its not really a game u beat but u just keep playing, ppl spend hundreds and thousands of hours on these games lol You can play online as well with random ppl or make a party and hunt together or play alone. You would just have to play it or watch a gameplay video or something to see if its something that interests u
KingBAMF Feb 16, 2018 6:44 PM
i havent reallybeen watching much except dragon ball kai lmao ive been playing monster hunter world its so addicting. im kinda stuck on a monster right now but i made a new armor set for that shit and i hope i can take it down soon. I have horizon zero dawn as well only played like a hour tho lol. Shadow of the colossus for ps4 as well i beat that too. Im just loving monster hunter so much tho lol
KingBAMF Nov 10, 2017 4:51 PM
the castlevania series on netflix was pretty nice, i liked it. Theres gonna be more seasons already announced. I fking love stranger things lol its just full of nostalgia. The new Fate series was pretty meh, the last ep i watched was just the last straw lol had enough of it. Not even close to fate zero or even fate stay night.

Man ive watched walking dead but stopped after season 6. I really liked it before but it just got worse and worse until i quit watching it. Its just one of those things that just keep going with no direction, just to milk the fk out of it. No conclusion in sight. Before they would try to like go places to see if theres a cure or how to stop it and shit but then it just became about surviving thats it. Same old shit later on. Like Breaking Bad is an amazing show that ended after 5 seasons, if it had kept going longer i would have started to get worse but it ended at a perfect time and they didnt milk it. Stranger Things as well is already announced its gonna be 4 seasons and gonna end at 4 seasons. Walking dead is just gonna go until it dies off and stops making money which sucks. lol i used to the love the show but now i hate it lmao
KingBAMF Nov 3, 2017 7:53 PM
u been watching a shit on of stuff lol i havent been watching anime that much just the new ones airing. I wanna play secret of mana too, i saw the remake and it just doesnt look good to me lol The 2d graphic artstyle looks way better than the 3d remake honestly. THere was a triple pack of the mana series released but its japan only which sucks.

I got a nintendo switch when mario odyssey came out lol it reminds me so much of mario 64 which is awesome.

Idk if you watched stranger things before but thats an amazing fking show. The 2nd season just recently came out. I binged both seasons straight up in a sitting lol its so fking good. Its on netflix if u wanna check it out

KingBAMF Sep 5, 2017 8:14 PM
lmao anime can make everything exciting. man the 3rd season is the fucking shit and u get to watch it all. I had to watch it weekly that shit is so legendary
KingBAMF Jul 14, 2017 10:03 AM
ive played some symphony of the night and it is amazing. I love the graphics in that game and alucard is badass, you lvl up and shit and get different skills u can use and equips its really awesome. I never beat it tho and thats the only one ive played. I wish they would re-release it or remaster it or something but fking konami is dumb. Which ones did kojima even work on
KingBAMF Jul 7, 2017 8:52 PM
lol ballroom is the only one im super excited about, im gonna watch fate/aprocphya too but im gonna wait for more ep for that. Haikyuu is sick u will definitely will like it, the 3rd season of it is so legendary but u gotta watch the first 2 seasons lol Its really good and looks amazing, the animation and artstyle is crazy and the volleyball games hype
KingBAMF Jun 15, 2017 10:07 AM
Yeah thats true each part is like different adventure and has a different feel to it. Stardust crusaders was like a road trip for the 1st season then they actually get to egypt in the 2nd season and have to battle their way through to dio. Pt4 really was a mystery thriller sort of thing lol. Im pretty sure jotaro is in pt5 along with some other characters coming back. Its really cool when the characters appear throughout the different parts. Definitely have to watch/read in order.

I read manga on mangafox, i never found anything better. I caught up to berserk a while ago now I gotta wait a month for each chapter which sucks lol At least hes doing the manga again i guess.

They ported shadow of colossus to the ps3 and made it hd + fixed the fps. I played it on ps2 and it was below 30 fps alot of times lol but it was still a legendary game. The PS4 version is a full on remake from the ground up and it looks awesome.
KingBAMF Jun 15, 2017 8:57 AM
I liked jotaro more in pt4 lol hes so much more mature and actually talks more in pt4. Overall I liked stardust crusaders the most just because of the main crew, they were awesome. Joseph is like a senile old man in pt4 lol he was just kinda there for w/e reason with a damn baby lmao. Joseph is definitely the best character for me, pt2 and p3 joseph not pt4 tho lmao. I heard that pt5 is alot of ppls favorite and least favorite part, really divided lol.

Idk if you ever played shadow of colossus but its getting a remake for the ps4 thats coming out next year which is amazing. Super excited for that lol and monster hunter on ps4 as well which is sick
KingBAMF Jun 14, 2017 6:59 PM
yo jojo was amazing, at the half way point it just got going so fast, and they started showing kira way more. I was surprised how awesome a character kira was lol he was a super creep but such a good villain. Now idk if i should read jojo now im curious to see what happens in pt 5 lmao.

I watched a couple minutes of QUan zhi gao and stopped lol I keep hearing how good it is and shit and that the animation is really good too. I really do have to watch it, the chinese voices are hella wierd and feel so out of place lol I gotta give it a shot tho
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