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Days: 6.7
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- Volumes134
All Comments (444) Comments
There's been some interesting game announcemente recently, I'm sure you'll find some more cool games to play if you buy one. As time goes on it becomes harder to have the time to immerse yourself in these things, but I think it's sad to be unable to continue enjoying what you once enjoyed, so I'm always rooting for people to be able to continue holding onto that feeling.
The game I told you about is coming along, I had a playtest with some people and found a bunch of bugs and design issues, so I had to return to the lab and continue polishing it. I'm hoping to be able to deliver it by June this year (and then go straight to making another one because it's too much fun.)
And it's honestly a mystery why they had to bring out a team of poets for the previews, really. There are shows that just give a summary, or have the characters talk a bit while showing scenes of the next episode. Most shows today even cut the preview to have longer episodes, while Votoms was bringing out shakespeare for no reason. I'd love to know the behind the scenes of the production to see how they built that up.
ive been drawing these past few days and got oddly confident, maybe saying im bad would be offensive to people who actually are bad. im more on a neutral area between bad and good, which is hard to insult very much or praise too much. who knows if other people will feel the same way, who knows. and the unique twist is kinda there, im doing a bunch of tentative stuff and finding out while not talented, im more creative than I imagined. its been fun, even if its a disaster, the feelings im having creating are already worthwhile to me. endlessly practicing didnt give me an insight into the creative process the same way as this
theres the same words with different sounds, theres very similar kanji that are different words, getting used to how many traps there are in this language really is tough. but its good to have someone to learn/practice with, at least for me, since alone im prone to giving up, but with others not only i want to look cool, itd be embarrassing to tell them i gave up, so even if i dont look cool at it, i want to dodge the shame of quitting.
I'm a writer first, so the story and the characters are what I have most confidence in. I spent some years practicing art to try and be able to deliver something of value, but ended up improving very little across this time, but still got tired of this endless postponing of what i want to do. I stopped to think about some works I like, one punch man, mob psycho and a few other minor ones, that didn't have worlds greatest art, in fact very amateurish, but that didnt stop the story from shining. bad art cant kill a soulful project, so i chose to believe therell be someone out there wholl be able to love my child even with my amateur art. thats why i moved to producing it, instead of waiting for a mirage of "being good enough" to produce it. I'll distribute it for free, so if you have a PC you'll be able to play it.
Kanji hails from chinese, hiragana is japanese original, katakana is mostly used for foreign words. In basic reading, you'll see hiragana the most, when you get to intermediate its kanji and hiragana (generally kanji come with furigana, which is hiragana that tell you how to read it) and then when you get to advanced they throw 5 kanji in a row with no hint how to read, but you can still figure it out somehow. (most kanji have multiple readings too, its hell). personally, I think reading/typing is the easiest, speaking it is incredibly awkward, forming sentences and sounding natural really doesnt come to you (even some people that reside there for the longest time ive seen still have very evident accents) and writing it by hand i havent done in so long I cant even do hiragana for sure these days, and theres like 3 kanji i can write by heart. Learning is hard, but retaining the knowledge when you dont use it on the daily is even harder, thats the uphill battle of japanese.
Burning man is something I've only heard of in TV shows, felt so unreal that I thought it was more fiction than reality. But now that I know someone who went there, I can't think it's a fairytale anymore, I guess. Also, I thought it was a party, like coachella, not an amusement park, it was your experience but I ended up learning from it.
Things have been well, and I almost said I had nothing new going on, but I remembered: I've been writing a game and finally finished writing the story yesterday. Next I have to program a bunch of stuff and draw art for it, which isn't a small amount of work, but seeing one part of it is finished made me feel pretty happy.
Criei um canal no YouTube recentemente, e seria incrível se você pudesse se inscrever e dar uma forcinha pra esse meu projeto, vou falar de animes e outros tópicos!! Estarei profundamente grata e agradeço, desde já!
ASMR is like relaxing music and voices that got popular recently, I don't like people talking near my ear so I'm not into it, but even my mom uses it to sleep sometimes, it's new but not really something only the kids got behind. That's probably true to all the classics that stand the test of time, there's no date to messages that speak to the soul.
I live in a small city, so it wasn't that bad here exactly, but the country suffered a lot as the countermeasures were in low supply for the longest time.
Was it the way it ended, with everyone dying and the universe resetting? I don't dislike that ending, but I know it's a controversial one. Emporio using Weather's stand to finish the job is one of my favorite in the series, I can't deny.
Nowadays the kids have their ASMRs to relax and all, but me personally, when I want to be soothed I always play Votoms' next episode previews, they didn't need to be that poetic with them, but I love that they did. One that is unforgettable to me and I don't even need to look at the base anymore is for the final episode of Shining Heresy, "If you will ask me, I'll answer. What I want isn't much, just a dream I can hold in my arms, just a truth I can carry in my chest: Fyana is her name. She is my life, she is my destiny! Votoms Shining Heresy Final Episode -The Untouchable One-. Aah, how fitting that title is..."
Another one that grew on me as I listened over and over to the previews "Yesternight, I lost everything and was drenched in the acid rain. Today at noon, I put my life on the line to get some coins to afford my dream. Tomorrow morning, with a bit of faith and a little benevolence, we sow money on the ruined city. Woodo is Pandora's Box, created by the 100-year war. If you don't care about quality, you'll find anything in it. Next Episode, -The Rescue-. The day after tomorrow? I can't see that far ahead." Mostly I love the "The day after tomorrow? I can't see that far ahead."
And I was busy for about two of those years, not only work, but life also wasn't going very well. Two years after that we had covid and the world pretty much stopped, and 2023-24 things improved and I'm better in many ways.
It's like that legend of galactic heroes quote about how you can't abandon a friend (in regards to drinking alcohol), but for me it's anime. It's a part of me now I can't stop. But I watched Argento Soma this week, first time in a long while I stopped to watch something on my backlog, and it really reinvigorated in me the feeling that I do love anime. Watching something with substance really hits different.
I watched the first two parts of Stone Ocean and never bothered with the last one, I must have been telling myself I'll get to it for a year now and still havent even downloaded it. I blame Netflix for releasing all episodes at once, if it were weekly I wouldn't have forgotten.
It was already pretty surprising that for some three years after your casual message about "hey we're both watching votoms" we were still talking but, 6 year gap aside, who'd imagine 10 years later we'd still be at it? You really can't predict what will happen when you do things
There's also a river here, and I've seen some guys fishing in it, but the water is allegedly dirty and it's better to not eat your catch, it's another place for sport fishing. My dad bought a home near the sea now that he's retired and I think there's fishing platforms there, when I visit I'll try for sure.
Cheers to life turning out well, then! I used to worry about the future, thinking I'd die if I didn't get a job fast enough, now I get to actually wait for work to show up or someone invite me to a project. Life really made me learn how to be patient.
from these recent years, I'd recommend Back Arrow, Migi to Dali and Paripi Koumei (in order of best to least best). Sometimes I watched a bunch of stuff and nothing really moved me, but these were good and memorable. I played a bit of witcher 3 in a friends house, but never had a PS4 myself to play it properly. I didn't even advance in consoles since the PS2. Life lets you choose to be either a gamer or an anime watcher and I picked watching anime, I suppose
I want to try fishing, but it's hard to find where to fish here. I need to go search for it better. I dream about fishing a lot, which is what made me want to fish IRL too. A few places I found are hobby fishing, catch and release, but what I want is to catch cook and eat, so not ideal.
I'm surprised you remember, yeah, I graduated, worked as a chef for a few years in a few restaurants, then got a job offer as a translator (did it as a hobby at first, then caught someones attention and was hired) and the pay was better for an easier load, leaving time for more personal stuff and I ended up leaving my other career. Never expected my hobby to take off, but life can't be predicted huh?
sometimes i think about updating again but after so many years, thinking about all the old things id need to say i watched demotivates me
and things do have been pretty well, when i imagined the future i didnt imagine things would be this alright. sometimes i work as a translator for games even (mostly mobile games i dream of getting a console game job) sometimes im just chilling, its a comfortable life.