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Jan 8, 2016
Crying Freeman
Crying Freeman is a messy piece of work, which includes a very bad story, mediocre art style, mediocre sound, bad character development and the only enjoyment you can have is the laughs one can have when watching the absurd story and how nonsensical it is.
The story is poor on this one, the first time i have watched something so bad that i couldn't take any possitivity from it, although the beginning can be deceiving because the first ep. did things almost right, if i have to score it just for that one ep. i would give it a 7 and it would deserve that
for the fact that it was good, seeing this man crying because he has to kill and can't get out of this life style and then finding love in someone that he has to kill (after having consensual sex, both virgins too) and risking his life to almost being killed and proving the organization (108 dragons) that he would die for her and then he's told to rescue her and forget his name Yo Hinomura to have a new life with her at that moment i thought he was going to be betrayed by them and thus suffering (although it seemed like a TV drama serie for the obvious reasons) but next ep. was not what i expected, now all of a sudden we are introduced to both with different names and married by the organization, now Yo/Long is the leader of the clan and Emu his wife, then a fair amount of nonsense thrown here and there with a weird storyline, he wants to make the things peacefully and that's ok but after that the next eps. were dropping in quality even further and becomes absurd and bad and more nonsensical and WTF?, and a lot of soft hentai scenes, he fu**s a lot of women that fall for him in two min. and is infidel towards Emu but hey he's the action hero right? so who cares?; They like to be naked too, almost every time they are naked and he cries but it's not for remorse because he kills whenever he wants, crying is just a gimmick, he likes to be the leader and f**k girls so why cry? because he was hypnotized by the clan to do so, as he doesn't know why he cries neither but is not for remorse and the ending was bad, a sex scene with his wife saying that he will only love her or something along those lines but he fu**ed more girls than the times he fu**ed his wife, is just a messy very bad story.
Art & Animation
I was surprised with the animation of the first ep. from an '88 aired ep. really detailed and great gun fight scenes and the art style was good for that time, i was wow look at the detailed gun shots, bullet holes and blood but, each and every single next eps. the art style and animation was getting really bad and different from ep. 1 which had the best character design and better overall but it was mediocre in the end.
The music started really great with a couple or more songs that reminded me of the 80's action movies from Van Damme to Kurt Russel or Steven Seagal etc. movies (i like a lot the 80's songs and the New Wave 80's song like the ones from Far Cry Blood Dragon) but later it was repetitive out of place and not the same from the first ep. which had better songs, so it was mediocre.
The characters made the story, so that means they were bad, i kind of liked Freeman at first but later on it was predictable what he was going to do, and their interaction is dull, it was cringe worthy at times, the characters are always changing in mood or personality, so it was confusing for me just like for them, i didn't felt that much impact when a certain character was raped by a guy who had a family and was criticising Freeman for having sex and spread his love with other women and not with his wife but he's no one to say that when he raped a woman and throw her to the ocean to a possible death (and that part was absurd and nonsensical because she found a radio transmissor to contact Freeman but why would a big ass radio transmissor be in the sewers?) and he dares to talk about love and be with one while he might already raped more than one woman, c'mon bad character development.
Thie first ep. is good, other eps. are bad, no enjoyment value other than the laughs at how absurd this was and how random things happens in some absurd ways, it was bad, the first 4 i give to an anime too and it deserves it and even lower.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Dec 5, 2015
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
FMA: Brotherhood is an anime that i enjoyed a lot, i wish i watched this before, after friends telling me to watch it, i wasn't sure because i thought it was too long, now i even feel it was short and left me wanting a little more but at the same time glad for the conclusion.
It starts almost predictable for me, talking about the plot, it appears a guy, an ex statal alchemist killing statal alchemists because he found out about a secret that the militia is doing something and he wants to stop them and at that part i was making my
bets about what he was talking and if he was really a ''bad'' guy, (turns out i was right about it, and not just that one but a lot more) then i thought the story wasn't going to surprise me, but it was the opposite, it did surprised me a lot of times; I got to point out that the story is well made and told with little noticeable flaws, the story is not just about the adventure of Ed and Al to retrieve their bodies back but is about finding out the truth behind what they're looking and how it connects to the people, the country and the fate of all, meeting new people that will help them and some old friends too, finding about their stories. The story will make you shed some tears for unexpected people and humanoids, feel sorry for murderous guys, even if you hated them, you will feel empathy for their reasons of being like that, the ending was good, with a final scene of a photo that i liked and that's why i think the story is outstanding.
Art & Animation
The art style was not amazing but it sure was very good and the animation too, with great fight scenes but sometimes those fight scenes and art style were dropping quality at certain scenes the character design is not my favorite but it was good, i think the FMA from early 2000 had a better animation and i only saw some eps. when it was aired in CN but in general it was very good.
The background music is really good the same can be said about the first OP that has beautiful vocals and reminded me of Maoyuu's OP, the first ED was good too, the rest were meh, too many OPs and EDs, for me that amount was unnecessary and they give spoilers, the VA was great, if it wasn't for that amount of OPs and EDs the sound could have been outstanding but for that it's just great.
The amount of great and outstanding characters is high, everyone is interesting and great villains that are despicable but somehow the creator made you care for them.
-Edward Elric is the big brother of Alphonse, who may not look strong but he is despite his inmature personality and his anger at everyone who calls him little; He's good hearted and always wants to save people.
-Alphonse Elric is the little brother, more mature but at the same time could be more naive than Ed, he's even more kind hearted than Ed.
-Winry is like the little or at times big ''sister'' of the Elric brothers kicking their asses when they get in trouble or creating trouble for them.
-Izumi Curtis is the sensei that teached alchemy to Ed and Al and she beat the life out of them, she is a great character.
-Roy Mustang is the one who started the brothers to be statal alchemists and a great one of the most powerful characters but at the same time useless under water, he is a great leader aiming to be the new Fuhrer so he can help and protect people.
-Scar is an Ishvalith who is seeking revenge against every statal alchemist that was or wasn't involved in the Ishvalith war, a powerful character.
-Yao Ling is great full of ambition and at the same time determination of reaching his goal of becoming the Emperor of Xing no matter what, friendly and deadly, he will be a real friend to Ed, and a bother to him.
-May Chang is a little girl that is seeking for the same thing that Ling, to become the Ruler of Xing.
-Kimblee was a little disappointing because i thought he was going to be more dangerous than what he looked or what he did, he was the only let down of a character.
-Van Hohenheim is the father of the Elric's and someone with a though past and that past leads him to abandon his family, he's one great character.
And a big amount of great characters, like the Armstrong family, Hugh Maes, the various Chimeras, Greed, Hawkeye, Prof. Marcoh, Envy, Father, King Bradley, Bucaneer, Miles and the list goes and goes, is a big great cast of memorable outstanding characters.
This is for me a flawed masterpiece, i recognize like any other the flaws but i have to follow the enjoyment i had, it was superb, it was outstanding, i was never bored and kept watching the next eps. when i could, the ending was good but i wanted more even with a good conclusion.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 29, 2015
FMP? Fumoffu
This is totally different from the real stories, this is like a spin off, one that is aimed to be full comedy without an specific storyline and i got to point out this is much better than the original and the Second Raid and much more enjoyable than both combined.
Well there's no actual linear storyline but more like episodic stories in which every episode has two funny ''stories'' or daily life moments in which Sousuke finds himself and other ones in trouble triggering funny moments, that's it, expect to laugh a lot and Chidori this time has justification for her violence towards Sousuke and
is less violent than in the other two adaptations in which it was unjustified over the top non sense violence and i hated that but here it's justified and even funny, sometimes she's a douch but not like in the other two adaptations.
Art & Animation
The art style is very good, sometimes is deformed and some episodes the quality of the animation drops but considering the time this was made it is pretty good and has a very good animation, better animation value than others of that year or years later. Overall very good.
The music background was good, the OP was good, fitting with the slice of life theme and the ED was ok but what i liked the most was that this time the VA was great and i think they felt compromised to do a great job and make everything funny, enjoyable and on point with the funny actions specially Sousuke, so serious and yet so funny, that's why i think the sound in general was great.
The improvement of the characters is great, maybe it's because of the comedy slice of life or how well the chemistry of the characters is, but for sure the characters were great in Fumoffu and that chemistry is what made everything funnier and better.
-Sousuke is not aware on how to socialize with people at all, and that's what makes it funny, tho he seems more stupid than unaware of logical things.
-Chidori is more likeable in Fumoffu than in the other two adaptations, in which she was the worst character, she's one of the best here, tho i still prefer Tessa.
Just with these two the things are great already, but we have a bunch other support characters that makes it slightly better but still great, like people from Mithril, Kurtz, Melissa and Tessa, funny moments with them as well.
I didn't thought this was gonna be great, i didn't have high hopes for this anime but it surprised me and that come from someone who scored the original with a Six and the Second Raid with a Seven and i wasn't going to watch it but i decided why not and i'm glad i gave it a shot and my enjoyment was great.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 29, 2015
FMP! The Second Raid
Ok this is an improvement from the first season but still has the same problems that makes it not enjoyable, just like in the first one and that problem is Chidori and her constant unjustified violence and other considerable problems of interaction between Sousuke and Chidori.
The story starts two months after the first season with a somehow changed enviroment, like if Chidori was more violent and isn't aware of the hard work Sousuke is put on by Mithril but for some reason she is bitchy towards him for not being there for her (he should be sorry for saving people) and when
he is close to her she starts with her unjustified violence and that happens even in serious scenes where ''comedy'' is not required and i even thought she improved because of one particular ep. and therefore starting to understand Sousuke but when she reappears after what was a mature story with Sousuke as the protagonist, she blew my enjoyment, that enjoyment that could gave the anime a higher score, that enjoymen that i was having with an improved story, i was thinking that the story was much better without Chidori and just focused on Sousuke and the Mecha drama, it was a much better setting, what was the best is that Sousuke was finally asking himself what was he doing with his life? is that what he wants to keep doing? does he want to keep following orders even if he by following them couldn't protect Chidori? and i knew the story was more mature in the manga because i was spoiled that scene of what he did with that Chinese woman, it only surprised me that it wasn't adapted like it was in the manga, the thing is that Chidori ruined the story with her uncalled violence, but the story is good even with all that mess.
Art & Animation
The animation improved a lot, more smooth and much better in general, nothing to complain about it but yeah is very good considering it was from 2005.
Better music and it has the same VA but more concentrated to make a great job at doing the voices; The OP is kind of like in the first season skippable and the ED was odd, it has something that made me think it was sad for some reason, it's crazy considering the clip is Sousuke and Chidori walking but with a maybe normal ED song, i don't know just that in general it's very good.
A more improved cast of good characters but is not enough to consider the characters the strong point of the anime because if it has a particular character improvement like Sousuke then we are presented with Chidori and her same attitude, for some reason they act different, what happened in the gap time of two months from first season and second raid because is not explained why Chidori has Alzheimer with Sousuke and what he does in his daily life and why Sousuke acts like a douche with Tessa and Tessa's character was another problem, she was one of the few that i liked in the first season and now she is like almost not there and why would Sousuke say she's important to him but he doesn't show it, it's a mess, i liked that Chidori was missing Sousuke and acting like him when he was not around in one particular ep. and i thought that she was finally going to understand him and his protective persona and at that point for some reason i didn't hated her but when she finally reunites with him like i pointed before she blew it with her stupidity again, i was trying to find the reason on why she used violence with him, i can't even... The Xia twins were interesting but it wasn't enough, i wanted more of them and it was obvious who their master was when that Gates guy mocked their master and of course Melissa and Kurz are the same.
Like i stated the enjoyment is good and even more if people don't mind a character like Chidori, not her character as the whole problem but her attitude, i can't stand that kind of character with unjustified violence and not that i don't like Tsunderes because i do but that is one of those cases that are annoying and not enjoyable at all because that ''comedy'' is not comedy for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 28, 2015
Full Metal Panic!
Another anime that let me down, i had high expectations towards this anime because how well praised is, and from the beginning to the end this was just fine but not what they say it is.
The setting of the anime is kinda interesting, the problem is that is not well developed and not to mention that the bland characters didn't help at all, with an annoying MC Chidori Kaname who has constant angry problems that comes out of nowhere, and her mood doesn't make sense, why bitch to the person is trying to protect you, and she acts like if he doesn't have
a military job, poor Sousuke, he's sent to protect her because she is somehow special she's a ''Whispered'' and they explain a little what they are, but not what we want to know and they didn't explain how and why they exist, a lot of unexplained topics and the problem of the why wasn't explained is that there are a lot of filler boring eps, a lot of inconsistencies are found in this anime and again Kaname is really annoying, i hate that kind of characters, i like tsunderes but to the extent of being stupids, no thanks; There's a guy also, Gaul (whose reason of being a bad guys isn't explained) he's hard to kill even when he explodes, it's stupid how he always survive without any hint on to how he did it, i don't know why people are saying this is romcom, i don't see the romance in here, an attempt, yes but i don't get why people say they liked that aspect of the anime, makes no sense. The story is ok but not well presented.
Art & Animation
The animation sometimes can be good, but it has something that i didn't like, and i don't know what it is, the mouth and sound sync was weird, almost all of the time there were weird camara angles and unrelated shots for example when Sagara was fighting other AS mechas and all of a sudden shots of Chidori in the beach (?) but i think overall is ok.
The VA is good but sometimes sounds bad, maybe because of the animation of the mouths being looped to do the same movement, the OP is bad and skippable just like the ED and the background music wasn't fitting at the beginning but after 10 eps. it gets a little better and good and to mention that one song reminded me of an A-Team song, overall it was fine.
Most of the characters you don't care if they could be taken away from the anime and never appear again, because you won't miss them.
-Chidori Kaname is a meh character at the beginning but with her attitude becomes a bad one, she is useless and doesn't stop to be angry at Sousuke for some reason; She all of a sudden gets angry or gets angry at stupid reasons and even gets angry at him just because he's working on a mission where people die and that affects him but she doesn't ask him how he feels rather than that she gets mad at him, she doesn't have a background of any kind, what a bad character.
-Sousuke (Isegar) Sagara is a person that doesn't have social skills and that can be conflictive most of the times, but he's like that because he's a soldier since he was a kid, he has little background, just flashbacks; He's a good character but nothing amazing, i liked that he finally got angry at Chidori and somehow at the end he had more social skills.
-Tessa Testarossa is a sweet girl that wants to save everyone and she in fact is the captain of Mithril or was it just the Ship with the weird name? i don't remember, i liked her more than Chidori who in fact falls in love with Sousuke too and is more open than Chidori about it.
Then there's the rest of the cast that are meh, nothing special worth the mention, i thought the characters were ok jus for Sousuke and the Cap. Tessa.
There were good eps. that i enjoyed but the enjoyment was just fine for me, i wanted to finish the anime already, too much eps. and no explanations.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 7, 2015
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken
I'm new to Jojo, i haven't read the manga so i didn't knew what i was getting into, nor i was expecting more than one protagonist, i instantly thought it was similar to Hokuto no Ken with a Castlevania type of vampires, and that was great, i was really surprised at everything this anime had to offer.
The story has two parts, Part 1 is Phantom Blood and Part two is Battle Tendency; Part 1 starts with the story of two young boys that met in their youth, Jonathan Joestar (JoJo) a boy from a wealthy and respected family and with a
strong will and caring for people, and from the other side we have Dio Brando a boy from a poor family that arrived at the Joestar's mansion because Dio's father ''saved'' JoJo's father and owes him his life, so he takes Dio as his son, and since his arrival he is shown as a evil person, making Jojo's life miserable.
There's a mask that will tie their destiny, for the worst (this part was the serious one and the bloodiest one) and Jojo will learn a technique to fight back, and it's called Hamon, a power using his energy.
Part 2 starts 50 years later, more adventurous than part 1 and is focused on not only one mask but the creatures that created the masks, Cars, AC/DC, Wham and another creature Santana, fighting against them is Joseph Joestar, Jonathan's niece, alongside with other companions to his adventure. It has a lot of comedy than drama but with SpeedWagon in both parts everything gets more dramatic x10, it was funny even tho the scenes weren't funny, it was the exaggeration of him. I liked that they didn't put filler eps. with their training. The key of the story is the characters, the characters makes the story so amazing and enjoyable, filled with exaggeration and the vogue poses were hilarious, if you pay attention you will see a couple of background characters making poses, and how can i forget the crying machos full of testosterone, nothing manlier than a big muscular man crying for his Bro.
Art & Animation
The art style is something that i liked a lot instantly, it has a manga like art style, i really enjoyed seeing that kind of animation, and sometimes the colors changed in some dialogues, i can point out a lot more, but is as simple as that, the animation was outstanding.
The music was almost perfect, you can enjoy the really amazing VA to both great OP and the great ED just like the sound effects and the almost outstanding background music, but there was something that i couldn't stand, the thing is i like Electronica and its ramifications except aggrotech and the awful dubstep, and this anime has dubstep in some fights and not because i hate that ''music'', i can't see dubstep fitting in an anime that has a lot of references of Rock, so it dropped the quality for me, but taking out that negative disgrace and put in everything else the sound in general was great.
The characters are really important in this anime, without the amazing characters everything else would drop in quality, the story wouldn't be the same if they weren't made like they actually are, so much character development and that's something important, i wouldn't thought this would made me shed tears, but it did, 3 times. It's important to point out that almost every characters has a name of a rock band or a rock band member, i spotted every single one and i laughed at how little time Page, Plant, Jones and Bonham were on screen.
-Jonathan Joestar is a great character, seeing how much he grew from a boy who couldn't fight and was beaten by Dio in everything until he snapped and made a killer combo on him, it was wow, and then to a very mature and kind person, too much kind for his own good, but he can't be blame, it was his nature.
-Dio Brando is one evil dude, that wanted to get rid of the Joestar's so he could take their fortune, he is one though hard to kill bastard who hates and respects Jonathan.
-Will Zeppelli is a great character, is a shame that he wasn't that much on screen.
-SpeedWagon is a unique character, he lived as a thug until he met Jonathan and his kindness, after that he followed him and considered him as a friend; But how can one character make everything more dramatic, the character that relates everything and explains attacks, happenings, he explains everything even the little details and the obvious things, if only he had a kid to pass that greatness.
-Joseph Joestar is more of a goof, always taunting at his enemies, and staying cool and having an Ace out of his sleeve everytime for any situation, he is much less serious than Jonathan but is a kind person like him in his own way.
-Ceasar Zeppeli is Will's niece, he is a casanova with a dark past to him, he has a competitive relation with JoJo, competing to outbest eachother and later on both developing a Bromance.
And then there are other great characters like Wham, Strotheim and a bunch more that are great, there are a lot of characters for me to write about them, but it would be too long, i only have to point out that the VA on everyone was really amazing, even the support characters have the same engage as the main characters, that's why the characters are outstanding.
What else can i write, with the combination of everything that i wrote already, you have an outstanding enjoyment.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 31, 2015
Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom
Deception is what describes this anime for me, i was so hooked since the first ep. and on ep. 13 or 14 i was thinking this was an 8 and before ep. 11 a 9 but in every ep. after 14 i felt that the quality of not only the story but everything was dropping and i ended feeling frustration because of the direction this was taking, also it reminded me of Noir and what i found out was that Bee Train was behind both animes, that's why Ein is really similar to Kirika, just like the lack of bullet holes,
big organizations behind things and ''winning'', and both endings are similar which is kinda nice.
I don't know how to make a review for this story without spoiling but i will do my best. A story about puppets, betrayal, and nonsense, a lot of nonsensical crap; At first it begins really strong, i was hooked even from the first 5 min, it was developing well with a serious tone and a very good story, everything alright until ep. 10 where things that couldn't make sense happens, plot holes happens, it was stupid that one person took a bullet to save someone that should obviously die and then reappear later as an ''enemy'' but turns out that this person is there to be with this other person because of the promise and that was really stupid, it would have been like that since the beginning if ''it'' didn't put in front of the bullet to save the bad dude, it makes no sense, and at the same time the story was a mess and it was more focused on destroying the good character development to what they were before, i don't understand why Zwei promised to avenge a random woman he didn't know and why would he bring flowers to the crime scene, he didn't knew her; And then in ep. 17 to 19 there was a scene that didn't match, please pay attention to those eps. the ending on 17 and the other side point of view of the same event in ep. 19 (like if it was an alternate happening, but is not, because it wouldn't make sense) this was one of the things that frustrated me the most and ep. 20 just killed the story, how come a girl almost 11 or 12 in two years becomes a biker model with big magumbos and bubble butt? it's ridiculous, that was really stupid, i wanted to drop this right there and i never drop an anime but i was glad it had 5 eps. left; It felt like Zwei was dumb, he could try to fully explain the things, but he never tried to talk to Drei, it doesn't hurt to try you know; Ep. 26 wasn't that bad, good action, the ending was bad tho and not because it wasn't happy because i have seen more tragic animes with dark, hopeless ending but because it was bad, the story was a mess filled with plot holes without explanation whatsoever plot holes and more to consider it good ending. The story was fine till ep. 17 i guess.
Art & Animation
The best asset from the anime, the animation, it was very good for the year it was released but it could be better, sometimes it wasn't smooth, i don't have complaints about the animation other than the lack of bullet holes on the enemies and only appeared on important enemies and that takes away my enjoyment, not seeing more ''realistic'' deaths was bothering, just like with Noir.
It was good, sometimes repetitive and not fitting and some other sounds were absurd, like the sex moaning track and others alike, the first OP is great, the second one is awful, really bad, just why? and both EDs were very good with interesting videoclips. VA was good.
The characters were doing great until everything went backwards in the 2nd arc, Zwei was growing to be my fav. on this anime but he was going downhill for what i stated, and i didn't care what happened to him from there on, i was disappointed how well the characters developed after the events despite the plot holes of ep. 10, i'm not going to go deep on the characters because i feel too disappointed to do it, the thing is that at the end the characters suffered from the poor story writing.
I was having a big time at the beginning but i was getting bored and pissed with the story decision, the bad directing, the plot holes, the disappointment with this anime is big, i don't know but from a 9 to a 6 just shows that my disappointment was measurable and my enjoyment ruined.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 24, 2015
Ergo Proxy
An anime that makes sense but at the same time it doesn't, even when answers are given in the last three eps. i was thinking of the things that are not answered and there are supernatural elements, a lot and Deus Ex explanations but still manages to be entertaining.
This anime has a very good story, since the beginning the story is thrown for ten episodes straight, fast paced with complexity, until when it takes a break to put filler episodes which were really good and had little pieces of the plot, especially the ''who wants to be a proxy'' episode where i was constantly
interacting saying the answers just like Vincent, but how did they get there in the first place? ; The ''Disney World'' episode is another example, it was a filler but a really touching one, Pino became my favorite character of the anime with that episode, (dethroning Vincent from the first place) she is a hero; Every episode has a jump time, and with an annoying Re-i (really, she was bitchy) you never know how they reached some locations, like in ep. 21 where all of a sudden they are back, what, is this a dream?, i thought it was, because the anime in those filler eps. is constantly playing between reality and dreams, is cool because i was fooled on this ep. thinking ''plot twist, is a dream'' but no. There is lack of coherent explanation as to why this gaps between eps. or how some events happened. The ending is good but unsatisfaying for some reason, it has a conclusion but at the same time open for another story, i have a lot of thing to complain storywise but this is not a complaint thread, at the end Pino still is a Hero and she is an AuotoReiv with more emotions than Re-i.
Art & Animation
I was expecting something darker for this kind of setting, a much dense atmosphere, that way would be better for me, but for what we got is very good, sometimes feels lazy with some shots at the faces and lookig at how they suffer from strabismus, it was hilarious, almost always with Re-i, i don't like the constant changing on the faces while moving from one angle to another and i'm saying every 1 cm move is a different face, despite this inconveniences it was very good for that year.
Maybe the best element from the anime, the music is great when is played after the silent parts, it sets a great atmosphere, it fits the theme, the OP is really great, the video clip reminded me of the 90's movies and TV series (like Buffy, Angel and specially to Charmed and the song a lot to Smallville) it was great, better than those series too, more emotion in just four words ''Come and save me'' while Vincent is screamig, just great and the ED is ok i guess, Radiohead, you get it. The VA is great as well, really enjoyable even when Re-i acted like a spoiled Brat, that voice was fitting, so good portraying that personality.
The characters were pretty entertaining with the combination of really great voice acting, personalities and back stories for the characters, Re-i is the exception, she needed more background to get to know her more but she was ok.
-Vincent Law is great, he suffers a transition from a nerdy looking shy guy who likes Re-i to a good-normal looking shy guy looking for his identity who still likes Re-i and cares and protects for Pino, he is a badass too, you'll see.
-Re-I, Lilu or Real is a gal who can be emotionless at times, she acts like a brat later, really spoiled and that's because her AutoReiv does almost everything for her (love the part where he was ''arguing'' with her in the snow, the truth was spoken) but she kind of grows and even feels something for Vincent, she gets better, but not enough.
-Pino is the best character, she's simple the best, the one that makes you laugh in every situation, she is adorable, naive, she even has more emotions than Re-i or every human and is impressive because she's an AutoReiv, she is a hero, she saves people believe it or not, the best character, i was thinking if something bad happened to her (in those eps. that could go bad) i was going to give this a bad score just because of that, wouldn't be the same without her.
The support characters are great too, Raul, Daedalus, Iggy, they all are great, there are a lot more that are interesting too. In general the characters were great.
I really had a very good enjoyment from this anime, i was expecting more tho, after everyone saying Ergo Proxy was better than Texhnolyzed, i was expecting something more darker and heavier, but i didn't felt that, maybe a little dense just at the last three eps. but i see that this has better art style and character development and has a ''happy'' ending while Tex. has a tragic one and has no filler eps. and is more slow paced but for me both are equally entertaining, both are must watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 17, 2015
First of this anime is not for everyone, it has a slow pace which i don't mind myself but other people won't; With a complex thoughtful provoking story and a heavy ending, which is not suitable for those who expect a happy ending but keep in mind that the anime itself makes you see this is not happy at all, this anime is Nihilist, that means everything is lost, negativity at is best.
Story *May contain spoilers that could explain things that you could miss*
A complex story, really difficult to keep with, i really had to pay attention to it but when i did catch up,
i got questions to make and no one to answer, not because i got confused but some things didn't make sense. Texhnolyze is not just about making people into have a robotic part, but more about the research of Eriko ''Doc'' into creating the perfect human/texhnolyzed (Ichise which make sense when is explained and she even falls for his ''creation'') by using this flowers called Laffia that only appears in the city of Lux, and that was the intention from the people of Class the city above Lux but is useless because people above lost hope of keep living and this was one of the things that didn't make sense is a sci-fi not a supernatural anime and what i mean is what happened to them, don't want to spoil but didn't make sense for a sci-fi; That research is used in a different way by Kanno who to me, acted like a kid would act, meaning he wanted everyone to lose what he didn't have in the first place meanwhile there is a war between almost everyone caused because no reason explained by this guy Yoshi (another thing that didn't make sense) who at the beginning met this girl in Gabe (a city below Class) Ran the prophet who saw the future, which was this old man Sage dying, Sage then explains to Yoshi that Ran can see a POSSIBLE future (and she has another role too) and he was right because what she saw didn't happened because it was changed and that's another thing that didn't make sense, in the whole anime Ran says that the future can't be changed but that's not true seeing that Yoshi changed the future before but now it can't be changed just because no reason, when it clearly could be changed, i call that BS. Another thing that didn't make sense was Shinji, when he was headed to shoot everyone in that one place and suddenly he has a human index finger on his texhnolyzed finger and can use it to shoot, that makes no sense, there are a few more examples of nonesensical BS but better mention the story is imperfect and some episodes were there to make it more slower, and not everything is explained or they are explained badly.
I felt sad watching the fate of Ran and i just cried because of the song played at that last scene, i was expecting a sad ending obviously but that ending was too heavy, maybe if i was new to anime and saw this first i would feel depressed and empty and be Nihilist, but for some reason i didn't felt anything of that, is true i cried a little because of the song and felt shocked with the heavy ending but after it ended i felt normal, not everyone reacts the same but i understood the shock this caused, the hopeless ending. I'm splitted between liking and hating the ending, i'm in the middle. Despite all that for some reason i found the story very good but by a little.
Art & Animation
I think is not my kind of style, where everything had greyish white/black tones, it has colors but they are not vivid, it was more the intention to make it that way to create a dark atmosphere, which i sensed but i wasn't affected by it, but because of that style, it got me thinking that this was not going to have a happy ending, and i appreciated the heads up, and i get this was intentional, the thing is that i found flaws and i didn't felt what the style was meant to make me feel, tho in one part i felt creeped by the shapes at the end. Overall was good.
The voice acting did a very good job, sometimes i felt that it could be better and they should portray emotions more intense, for example with Ichise, he sounded creepy whenever he screamed of rage and it was good 'cause he scared people but the voice actor seemed had a problem in his throat, because he couldn't scream Ran with despair of not reaching her, almost felt like just by saying Ran was a problem for him to speak. The music is almost little, but the backround songs that are there, are pretty good for the theme, not to mention the great OP and a great ED song that has a melancholic melody but with lyrics that shows hope. Overall was very good.
I wasn't attached to the characters, i felt they were dull half of the time.
-Ichise since the beginning is an emotionless character, even before losing his limbs, he was hopeless full of rage and rarely speaked, he suffered a lot, but he develops some feelings and hope because he meets Ran and feels he's her guardian angel and feels he's in debt with Onishi and ''Doc'', he's still emotionless and is hard to get attached to him but you want him to have success.
-Onishi was really interesting, i liked his character, he always wanted to make everything change for the better, one of the few good people and one of the best characters.
-Shinji was cool too but he was a little crazy, he's obsessed of being the best, wants to be like Onishi or outbest him, and he was a little dumb at the end.
-Eriko the sexy beautiful ''Doc'', i was really interested in her, i wanted Ichise to have some feelings for her just like she did for him and i didn't like to see her depressed, if only Ichise wasn't emotionless and said something to cheer her, it would be another story for her, she just wanted to feel loved, that prick.
-Ran was really dumb, she kept saying the future couldn't be changed, when in the beginning the future changed from what she saw, to be honest, everything is her fault, if only she told Ichise what really would happen, if only she accepted her fate to be the prophet in the first place... oh well.
There are other good interesting support characters like Yoshi or Touyama etc. but they are interesting and nothing more, they needed more development, good characters in general.
The anime pace reminds me of Shigurui but Texhnolyze is more complex and both are produced by Madhouse and if you have seen one and liked it, then you must watch the other. I wasn't bored but i was not feeling it until the ep. 15 where everything gets interesting, a shocking heavy ending that is not for everyone or the ones that expects a happy ending, very good enjoyment if you know what you're getting into, just like myself, i was always expecting something bad would happen because the anime makes you think that, a little shocking because it was more than what i expected, it reminded me of Wolf's Rain ending without the last 5 min. of ''happy'' ending.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 12, 2015
[Spoiler Warning]
Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail
The third part of Black Lagoon eps. 25 to 29 after three years 5 OVA, 1 eps. every 2 months and a half, i can't imagine how the people watching at that time felt waiting so long for this, and for this big of a story, it should have been longer and better developed for the time they had.
Just a little better than the previous parts, focused on one single story rather than in three, a story with flaws but entertaining in some way, bloody and dark, sad and disgusting at times, this time focused more in Rock and
his little change to orchestrate a plan, a plan that i undestood completely in ep. 28 and i knew he wasn't transforming in the likes of Chang or Balalaika, it was a great plan that upsetted the ones involved, but it was the only way and i knew Revy admired and was attracted to Rock, when she gets an explanation from Rock himself about the plan, she got mad because she wants him to save her, just like Fabiola said, she knows he's not like them but he's starting to adapt to Roanapour and she doesn't want that to happen, but like Fabiola said, she's afraid to get closer to Rock because she doesn't want to lose her hope for him; (Eda asks again if they banged earlier in the anime, and she as before changes the subject because she is atrracted to him but part of her reaction is because of what happened in her past) The thing is that he saved people with that plan, something that Fabiola didn't understood or Revy, he planned the outcome of Roberta's outburst to a crazy full of drugs in her system Robot like, immortal (?) Roberta; Rock saved the day and he wanted to clean Roanapour too, happy ending for everyone, but it ended like a normal ep. just like previous parts for a path to a new season/part 4, very good story and Eda's identity and half of her goal is revealed, something that i claimed an answer in Second Barrage. This was a very good story.
Art & Animation
3 years has passed, but little changes been made, almost the same very good animation, but they could made something a little better, but i didn't care that much, more bloody and gorier than before.
Just like with the animation, still it's very good, great VA, great sound effects, the same OP song with a remix, it sounds amazing with a different video clip, great like before but i was expecting to pause at sec. 36 like in the previous ''seasons'' i couldn't see my cute Revy... oh and a different ED song, just normal, the sound in general is great.
Just like in every ''season'' some characters are missused but still, the ones that are there are interesting, like the comback of the kid Garcia and her new maid Fabiola is interesting and a smartass towards Revy and almost skillful as Roberta but obviosly not like her.
-Roberta comes back, the story is about chasing her to stop the revenge that Garcia never wanted, while we get her perspective too, my mind was changing towards her, because i liked her a lot in the first ''season'' and i wanted them to save her, but then i changed my mind, it was her own fault looking for a revenge that Garcia never wanted and what she was doing was too much, so i didn't care if she was killed later on, but because of Rock i still had hope for her to recover.
-Rock has a bigger role this time, he had to come with a plan that prevented a war requested by Mr. Chang because they don't want U.S. to find out about how things are in Roanapour, but that wasn't his only plan and because of that Rock had to use a different plan, he wanted the opposite of what Chang wanted, it worked but didn't have an effect at the end (that part of the plan at least).
-Revy has a minor role than before, but is there to be with Rock and help him, we even see one of her bewbs while she showers while Rock convinces her to help him, and Fabiola confronts her about stopping Rock's crazy ideas and starts sayig things that Revy doesn't deny but that makes her mad because it's true and then we get to see something that really made me a little mad, it was her flashback that appeared in ''season'' 1 and 2 about her like a kid, this time was complete, i felt more empathy with her and disgusted to see that scene, i was mad, poor Revy, she didn't do anything wrong or bad, that's why she always change subject ot gets mad at Eda when she asks if she and Rock banged (maybe not a big part of the reason) but i didn't wanted to know tho, since the beginning i knew it was a bad childhood, but this one, i wish i didn't saw that part, in other animes it bugs me not to know characters past, but i knew i didn't wanted to know Revy's past, now i hope not to associate that image with Revy.
-Eda is like a double agent, it was a little complicated to know where side she was more related with, but she is a great character now.
There are characters that comes back like that Lotton guy, who is in the wrong bussiness and lives together with the sexy Shenhua and the emotional Sawyer after saving them, they appear again to find Roberta, Mr. Chang is a bastard whose ideals were like Rock's ideals but now he's a bastard and we get to see why Balalaika is in debt with Black Lagoon, the thing is that they don't appear much, because there are little eps. to develop them more but for the ones that are there it was very good.
I enjoyed a little less this one but still i got a very good enjoyment from it, and this time more because of the story, i just wish it wasn't Madhouse the one distributing the anime, they tend to release only one season in a lot of cases and milk them releasing specials or OVA while people request second seasons, just like the animes that i have seen from them with endings without conclusion and screaming for second season, like Shigurui as a big example, for me that didn't have an ending just like with every ''season'' of Black Lagoon but that's a discussion for other forums.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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