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Ayato-Hiragi Jan 7, 2021 4:24 PM
Happy birthday!
NerdiiiHahah Apr 18, 2020 6:12 PM
Beautiful Top *-*
ChaximelOld Jan 2, 2020 5:08 PM
Madvillain_21 Nov 5, 2019 9:27 PM
Στις φυλακές στο Γκουαντάναμο περα απο waterboarding τους βαζουν με το ζόρι να δουν το πρωτο επεισόδιο του Τexhnolyze για βασανιστήριο (δεν αντέχουν ουτε 5 λεπτά).
Galdino Jan 18, 2019 1:48 PM
Yea it's pretty absurd how much overlap we have.

For the Code Geass question, while 1 wasn't always brilliant, it usually had something different enough going on in the scenarios to keep it entertaining. It wasn't great, but I felt engaged. R2 on the other hand gives more screen time to some of the least interesting characters in the series and most of the little story arcs amount to beam spam matches. And then of course what you said, it was rife with even sillier and cornier plot twists than season 1 was. It's been a long while since I've seen either, so it's hard for me to be any more specific than that. To put it simply, watching Code Geass R2 was the most bored I have ever been watching anime.

And yes, College Dropout is great.
bmoore07 Jan 16, 2019 9:36 PM
Apologies for the late reply. Had a lot going on.

As far as DW9's concerned, I've sorted through a lot of those negative reviews and I don't think they hold any real value. Most of them are just surface-level complaints that DW9 wasn't like the previous games (and what makes it worse is that these complaints were made by people that were just too lazy to play it all the way through). I've almost completed DW9 (it's split into 13 "chapters" and I'm on chapter 11) and I'm really looking forward to sharing my opinion on the game when I'm done.

DW4 was something I loved from start to finish (this was the game where Koei really started trying to take itself seriously) but I never had the chance to play DW3 or 5. Out of all the games released so far, DW7 has to be my personal favorite; sure, there are some flaws with it, like ruining SSX's personality, but overall it has everything I could ask for (a well-written story, a classic soundtrack, top-tier acting) and on top of that, it also has the excellent Conquest Mode.

Yeah... Kessen II. I've heard quite a few interesting things about that game. Isn't this the one where Liu Bei and Cao Cao were revealed to be long-lost brothers or something weird like that? I'm glad to see you enjoyed Kessen II but I probably won't play it. Doesn't seem like my kind of thing. You're into Samurai Warriors? I've always wanted to get involved with that series but I never figured out where to start. Which SW game(s) would you recommend?

You.. you really want to hear about Yuan Shao and why I love him? Well, I must warn you in advance that this will pretty much be me going on a long-winded fanboy rant. Here we go...

When I first got into Dynasty Warriors, I didn't really think much about Yuan Shao. He never really had much of an impact on the overall story; sure, he was involved at Hu Lao Gate and he was the boss you had to take down at Guan Du but, other than that, he wasn't anybody important. Having a minor role was bad enough. What made it worse was Yuan Shao's personality. It didn't matter what game he was in; he would always find some way to make everything about himself. It didn't matter what battle he was apart of; Yuan Shao would always ramble on and on about what a great guy he was. It was as if he never talked about anything else beyond his money, his family's good name, and his accomplishments. That's to say nothing of how Yuan Shao treated his underlings.

Koei never really cared about developing his character beyond what I just described. As a result, I could never take Yuan Shao seriously. I'm not sure anybody did. It wasn't just that he was self-absorbed; it was that he was completely delusional. Yuan Shao was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and this made him think the world revolved around him when that wasn't the case. He was a buffoon. He was a walking punchline. He was a joke.

(I think this scene right here sums up what I said about Yuan Shao so far:

Dynasty Warriors 9 changed everything. What makes this game special is that it has 90 characters and it gives all of them their own personal story. Over the years, there have been quite a few unnoticed characters that have finally gotten chances to develop (like Dong Zhuo, Han Dang, my beloved Sun Shang Xiang, and many others). However, nobody else benefited from this decision more than Yuan Shao. Sure, there were games in the past that tried featuring him in his own story but, at best, it was nothing more than a handful of stages. With DW9, Yuan Shao finally has a full-blown arc and it. is. glorious.

DW9 gave his character a purpose. Whereas before you never really understood what Yuan Shao was all about, now he has something to stand for. Early on in his story, we learn what it is he's fighting for. You see, as someone that comes from a famous family, Yuan Shao appreciates what his ancestors have done and he wants to honor the family name by setting a good example for the people. He sees how other wealthy families hoard all of their money and spend it on worthless things and he hates this. What Yuan Shao wants to do is use his wealth and influence to benefit those in need; this is what his ancestors have done and he wants to follow in their footsteps. Doing anything outside of this would dishonor his family's good name. For Yuan Shao, pride and honor are very important values.

What makes DW9's Yuan Shao special is in how these values fit into his story. The most obvious example is in his relationship with Cao Cao. With other games, we are told that Yuan Shao and Cao Cao are good friends but it's never really shown. In DW9, we get to see, in detail, how the two interact with each other. They're the ones in charge of the Hu Lao Gate campaign and, there, we get to see the differences in their leadership styles. As I said earlier, Yuan Shao really cares about old-fashioned stuff like chivalry and honor so he has an issue with Cao Cao's cutthroat, "anything-it-takes-to-win" style. To him, there's something dishonorable about it but, because he's friends with Cao Cao (and because he appreciates the result this style brings), he's not going to make a big deal about it. Later on in his story, things change. After Hu Lao Gate, Yuan Shao's army tags along with Cao Cao's forces on random missions and the differences between them begins to become more and more of a problem.

Things come to a head after the Battle of Shouchun. After Yuan Shao's cousin (Yuan Shu) names himself Emperor and makes plans to take over China, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao team up to stop him. They defeat Yuan Shu's army and send him running. However, Yuan Shao wants to finish him off for good. For him, this fight is personal. Because his cousin tried to chase after glory instead of helping the people, he feels as though Yuan Shu dishonored the family name and that he deserves the ultimate punishment for this. However, Cao Cao tells Yuan Shao to let him escape (in a clever twist, the two ended up switching approaches here, with Cao Cao being honorable and Yuan Shao as the cutthroat one). For Yuan Shao, this was the last straw. He tolerated Cao Cao's ruthless dealings because he thought that Cao Cao understood his purpose (and because they were friends), only to be proven wrong when it mattered most. In DW9, Shouchun is where their friendship falls apart for good and this is what makes their big showdown at Guan Du twice as awesome.

With Yuan Shao, there's more to talk about but, for now, I'll stop here. I have a lot of cleaning and organizing to do tomorrow so I don't want to rant on for too long. If I didn't bore you with my rant, I'd be happy to talk some more about Yuan Shao.

Happy belated birthday, by the way!
orangesfusion Jan 8, 2019 9:41 AM
Happy birthday!!
giannis85 Jan 7, 2019 11:03 PM
Χρόνια Πολλά!!!
bmoore07 Jan 2, 2019 1:38 PM
The first game I played in the franchise was Dynasty Warriors: Advance (it was basically a handheld version of DW4) and I was hooked ever since. You should really play Dynasty Warriors 9 when you get the chance; it's my 2nd favorite game in the series. Also, I've never really gotten into the Three Kingdoms strategy games but I've heard a lot of good things about them.

For the longest time, my favorite Dynasty Warriors character was Sun ShangXiang. In real life, of course, she didn't really do much but in the games, SSX was an absolute badass. She was fierce and determined (also, her bow and arrow moveset in DW6 was broken as hell) but she also had a rational and understanding side to her too. There were quite a few battles early on where ShangXiang was in charge of, and I really enjoyed that. Then, DW7 and DW8 took away everything that made her special and (even though DW9 made a lot of improvements to ShangXiang's character) she hasn't been the same since.

This is why I've been leaning towards Yuan Shao recently, when it comes to my favorite character. I'm pretty sure you're probably surprised by that pick but DW9 turned Yuan Shao into a legend. As a character, he's far more developed than he was in previous games. Of course, I'd be up for explaining why I love Yuan Shao so much if you want, but I have to warn you it would be a really long essay.

Outside of Dynasty Warriors, I finished reading Romance of the Three Kingdoms not too long ago. Also, I've been watching Sanguo 2010 and it's my favorite TV show of all time. I'd highly recommend checking it out if you haven't done so already.

Dota_Sargeras Jan 1, 2019 12:45 PM
Happy early birthday
giannis85 Jan 1, 2019 2:55 AM
Καλή Χρονιά!!!
bmoore07 Dec 15, 2018 11:57 AM
You're into Dynasty Warriors? That's awesome! For me, it was a gateway to learn more about the events that happened IRL, as well as the people who were around at the time.

I've been looking into the official biographies of various 3k figures and, while reading Guan Yu's, I found an anecdote that I think you'd enjoy:

"Guan Yu was once hit by a stray arrow on his left arm and although the wound had healed, the bone would still hurt badly especially during a rainy day. The doctor told him that, “The arrow tip had poison on it, and the poison had entered the bone. The remedy would be to open the arm and scrape away the poison, lest it becomes too problematic in the future”. Guan Yu promptly stretched out his arm and bid the doctor to cure his arm. During the surgery, Guan Yu was eating and drinking with his fellow officers whilst the blood flowed from his arm into a basin below. Throughout the process of treatment, Guan Yu drank wine and conversed and laughed as usual."

C'mon; is that badass or what?

If you want to read Guan Yu's entire biography, here's the link:
bmoore07 Dec 7, 2018 3:56 PM
Also, thanks for the friend request!
bmoore07 Dec 7, 2018 6:02 AM

I happen to be a pretty huge nerd when it comes to the Three Kingdoms so your username really stuck out to me. I'm not exactly a fan of the attention Shu's gotten over the years (I'm more of a Wu guy myself) but there are a few people in that faction I respect, like Liu Bei and Jian Yong. However, I've never been able to understand the appeal that Guan Yu has.

If you don't mind, I'm interested in knowing what it is about him that you like.
Dota_Sargeras Nov 22, 2018 2:13 PM
tnx for the friend request
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