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Dec 12, 2018
I were not the biggest euphonium fan out there, honestly i watched the series for Kumiko's sake. I enjoyed it (i rate it 7/10) but melodrama isnt my favorite theme and i really couldn't relate to its drama in the point that i find it useless and annoying. But the other things that explored were very interesting and many interactions were beautiful made. The only reason that i finally decide to watch Liz to Aoi Tori was the visuals. Im far from dissapointed to that and from the first momment amazing Kyoani animation draw my attention. I expected that movie's sound design was great but
the first time that i hear the sound from their footsteps left me speechless. Great work to the music as well and in every detail like everytime that they touch/fix their intrumentals.
The Liz to Aoi Tori story was by far the most significant and huge theme in the movie, color's palette was outstanding, the scenery has a fresh feeling and in generally that is how a great 2018 anime should be like. Every detail was perfect illustrated, and the animation was at its peak. Μy only objection is that i want to give more screen time in this part. The feeling that those two lovely girls give me is one of the best momment in 2018 so far.
In other hand the main movie's theme which was the story of the 2 main characters were not able to follow the perfect flow of thebook's story. Special techniques have been used in the area of the animation and the result was almost 100% flawless, except that one scene, the most intense scene, where blur annoying me a bit. Like i said melodrama isnt my favorite gerne so i couldnt enjoy the movie the way i want but fortunately the lovely momments and the interaction of the two mc's when they were closer to each other were enough to love the movie.
I hope Kyoto Animation to work in simular stuff indeed, especially in the style like the blue bird's story has and stop the yuri bait, please make it canon :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 7, 2018
Probably the most significant anime of 2018. A netflix original project with the direction of Masaaki Yuasa and created by his studio "Science SARU". Another one adaptation of the famous early '70s manga "Devilman". The former Devilman anime titles were great, including 3 movies "Devilman: Tanjou-hen", "Devilman: Yochou Sirene-hen" and "Amon: Devilman Mokushiroku" which is an alternative version of the story and an adaptation of the homonymous manga. That makes Yuasa work more difficult cause he should create something similarly terrifying and disgusting but if the series wasnt something special it woundnt have any value. He guided the anime with his signature and present a
well done ova with a different prespective but still with the vibes that someone who love the original story or the genre wants.
From the first episode becames clear that it was a series full of gore and without sexual or any other taboos. Sex, alcohol, drugs, weapons and other illegal activities taking place in the series building the best conditions το highlight the story. All the pieces works properly together, animation, colors, designs, aesthetic in general, music, characters and plot. The theme is hardcore and all characteristics of the series follows that. Music composition especially is one of my favorite element in Devilman: Crybaby, raps were well writing, seems it was a professional work and operate with the series perfectly either presenting part of the plot with a very interesting way or for hype and feels with the butterfly rap scene. OSTs were on point too, trance beats gives a powerfull disturbing feeling that the series needs.
The only problem i have with Devilman is that the series needed 2 more episodes to connect the last parts of the story, the transition was steep and doesnt help the story to present the important momments as good as they need to be presented. Maybe it probably needs a better work in some details visually cause in momments designs and the scenery seems kind of poor made but the general image fits the theme almost perfect so that wasnt an important issue at all.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 26, 2018
Asagao-kase san probably is the most satisfying and wholesome movie i have ever seen. The two main characters shining in every scene they meet each other, their bond is strong and the feelings that they share are about the same, feelings of love, of care, affection and all these stuff that melt my heart. Yui's pure intentions but with great anguish to discover and gain new experience and Kase's dynamic with feelings of admiration and allready erotic disposal create a woderful picture of a fantastic romance story. Even if they didnt succed to take their relationship on step futher the excitement when they meet was
all over the place.
It is a well made movie with beautiful colors, great scenography and with an experienced direction alongside with a wholesome romance and loveable characters, more than i need to absolutely love a movie.
I enjoy every minute to the fullest and every momment had impact to me, from the scene at the bus station to the scene in Yui's house and from the scene at the aeroplane to the scene at the train. Their interaction was outstanding, every kiss share so much pathos and the very last hug when Yui jump on the train was enough to make me cry both of the times that i have seen the movie.
I shared 2 emotions about the end of the movie, sorrow and excitement. Sorrow cause i'll god damn miss those two and excitement cause i finally saw a beautiful romance. More yuri romance plz <3.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 17, 2018
The famous Lupin's gang, 50years now, after 3 years came back with a new series. The first introduction story presents a new character and probably the most infurious hunting of the most famous thief in the world, Lupin III. Τechnology seems to be one of the most dangerous enemies. Lupin follows italian fashion and wears the blue jacket one more time. Part 5 doesnt have the same story line as the previous part in Italy, arcs with 5 or 6 episodes, flashbacks and from the first moment give us the feeling that going to be more emotional than ever.
Characters' relationships are strong, often recollect
moments from the past, joking about their age and in addition to their struggle they have with texhnology recall ages when their life wasn't that hard. Ami was a fresh addition and strengthen the sentimental atmposhere with many intense moments. Νevertheless, the strong point of the cage is the interaction Lupin has with Fujiko. Their relationship is more fragile as ever, Fujiko on surface is cynical but romantism overflows everywhere and their feelings are stronger than ever.
Some stories were great some not that much, aesthetic was on the point with a great effort also considering the small budget studio has but when the final story came out nothing else matters. Needed e few minutes to make the series one of the most important things to me, Lupin-Jigen dialogue, impact of the feelings right there gives me goosebumps every time when i think about it. Goemon and Zenigata have their moments too, with a fantastic episode when Zenigata-Lupin role is reversed and times when Goemon-Lupin relationship becomes sensible and ready to break.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 16, 2018
Favorite Monogatari season by far. Deep and complex character interactions(Kaiki-Senjougahara, Nadeko-Kaiki, Hachikuji-Araragi etc),most interesting stories, strong feelings and heartwarming momments. Nekomonogatari white, second and final part of nekomonogatari completes Hanekawa's arc in the best way. I find Hanekawa's personality kind of annoying and her gimmick doesnt help her so much but in this story she presented another aspect of her essence and i find it pretty interesting and loveable. In other hand her co-competitor, Senjougahara remains a character with a difficult personality who doesnt know how to comunicate and all her act seems fake
if we consider her age but one boy can fix
that easily.
Next we have Hachikuji's story. Araragi and Shinobu try to rescue Hachikuji from her fate with the most enjoyable and loveable time-travel story ever made. Their interaction is amazing and with momments like when they meet loli class prez, when they ask informations for a lost unknown to them 10yo old girl in the police office and the "first" meeting with Hachikuji put the show in a shiny way.
Also leading role in this season has the snake girl. Its true that i love her design but i didnt except to love her personality too. Absolutely love the fact that she is obsessed with araraki and tried to do anything to take him with her. On the surface she is just a girl who doesnt like to be called "cute" cause some self-esteem or maybe more complicated problems. Ηer problem finally broke with an exaggeration way but in the end an adult advice was enough to solve that. Kaiki conquer Nadeko's heart but not only her, he was the absolutely mvp of the season.
In the end of my review i want to write some words for my favorite part of the season and those 2 momments that i couldnt ever forget. When Shaft chooses to direct the monogatari series with a specific way(with lack of mobility) knew well that the details are those that going to make the show a success. An example was the kissing scene with the blonde vampire, her body moves speak of their own, the cuts were so much intense that didnt need words to discribe the scene. Shinobu and Araragi connection is the strongest one and they prove it every time. One more scene that left me speechless was samurai's story narration. Sakamoto Maaya(Shinobu seiyuu) skills and a well down writing scenario were enough to create one of the best momments in series.
I couldnt possible forgot the purest creature on earth, Mayoi Hachikuji, but i want to keep my thoughts on me cause i dont want to destroy that amazing scene, i cant review that, picture had so much power there that words doesnt matter at all. To close, Kaiki-Senjougahara relationship was so powerfull too, when Senjou breaks her character is a lovable creature and Kaiki help her so much with that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 15, 2018
The best way to finish a story. It was an extended version of 2 final episodes of the series with a slightly different approach and more intense feelings. The movie gave some of the most iconic scenes in anime history and a woderful song. The scene with ''Komm Süsser Tod'' every time that i rewatch the movie is a unique experience, i feel it to the maximum more and more.
One momment that i felt very strong recently when i watch the movie one more time was the fighting scene with Asuka and Eva Series. The feeling it gave me it was that in every
movement the units and their weapons weighed tons, every hit, every frame was that well animated/directed that creates the picture of the battle in an amazing realistic way, the unites lost their balance, moving the weapons at 90 degrees was as difficult as it should be.
First scene with Asuka and Shinji in the hospital, Misato-Shinji scene with the kiss, last scene with Shinji and Asuka. Τhe entire length of the film was covered with such images, images with strong value in the general aesthetics of the series. A beautifully well made movie following the unique close up of the series. It came to enhancing it with the best possible way.
Emotional struggles, dillemas, great character presentation, iconic scenes, the perfect aesthetic combination. I cant image how something new will make me more excited than this movie.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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