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Nov 12, 2017
I mean this is a damn good anime to watch dubbed while doing other things. It is just funny. I know other reviewers might say anyone could write at this level and sure they might be true on some level but it is funny. I have personally never seen anything like this and I watch a lot of anime. Sure it is a comedy harem with an overpowered main character but they make the cast of characters act differently than you are used to which I found refreshing. I laughed more watching this than anything in a while. Certainly
not a lets sit down and watch this but it is dubbed so you do not need to.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 10, 2017
Story was well written and from the females point of view. Very well done, I am giving this a 9 though I feel like it should maybe be a 10. The reason for this is most everything is perfect except the art at the very beginning. At the start is is very poorly done I thought and they did a lot of silly drawn skits and faces. I did not like this so much after first episode or two I dropped it first time I tried to watch this a couple years ago. This time around watched it with someone
and it was very good after the first couple episodes as art can be silly at times but not nearly as constant. I would watch until the fifth or sixth episode if you like the those or the later parts of those you will love the anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 30, 2017
What can I say beyond it is kind of perverted if your into that thing, I probably would have given this a 7, but I liked dubbed anime's so I can listen in the background in some parts when I am working on something else. Needless to say starts off pretty shit if you ask me but then gets better and better. At first I was like what are these fight scenes, plot and all the rest. Eventually it kind of grew on me and I could see the humor in it. I would probably never watch this again but
it was not the worst for something to chuckle at in the background as I focus on other things.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 5, 2017
I am going to go out on a limb here ans say masterpiece. I have not finished it by chance and I do not wish to compare my experience to other reviewers but as my experience does not reflect an existing one let me share my review.
First and only major Con, the start was really not boring per say but man did I almost drop it. It uses a lot of troops from a lot of other books. When I started I kept thinking wow is this original at all?
Well turns out I did not care, all the troops meld into the
background and are assumed by readers. This means there is a lot happening but you are not told everything. Though nothing is like ow wow how did that happen?
I have enjoyed every chapter of the book, I have yet to finish though I am through volume 10 around chapter 100. I hope you will value my review over some of the other reviews that are lower scored. This is because I truly think of this as a masterpiece.
What makes this so good is the style of the book itself. It utilizes so many troops from so many other books at first you will as I stated above be put off by it but then you will soon realize he pushes them into the background as something the reader is expected to assume. Which I loved so much, as it kept the pace moving quickly. This of course could be bad for some, but I thought his pacing of acquiring new skills and expecting his readers to assume how they were being used in some vague instances was well done. I do not need to know every time he gains the smallest amount of power.
To in no way spoil the story, let me just say this the harem in this book has been refreshing so far. As the main character is not dense he just denies everyone in respect of his true love.
What makes this book a masterpiece is just how his personality evolve by acquiring new powers, meeting new people, and the dialog between his party.
I can say you should read this, if you get a bit past the KILL KILL KILL part and are not liking it you will not like this book. If you read the KILL KILL KILL part of this book and go wow this is psyched me UP! Then you will love it, because that is the emotional roller coaster you are on.
It is not actually until after the first book does some of his better writing styles come out as you need to build up to them. Though when they did I was shocked how fast the plot kept rolling because I was so afraid due to all the troops it was going to be way to bogged down. Pleasantly surprised he trimmed it up to keep the interesting plot going.
Last con, unless you are like myself and read like 10+ volumes in a weekend you may forget things as it is super long. Also there was information in volume 2 that came back up in volume... 9... that still has not had anything done to it yet. Like it was just brought back up as a ow ya I never forgot this plot hook, and to remind reader.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 31, 2017
The reason you should read this is for how realistic it all feel. You actually can feel who they are and how they grow through their experiences. Beyond that I cannot say anything I am horrible with spoilers but trust me if you are ever like I wish these dungeon crawler books felt more gritty and realistic this is for you. Even the main character has a couple spot light moments. But most of the times he is just as useless as everyone else. Even when he has his moments it is more out of sheer luck and not because he
is super strong. Though that kind of comes with the class he follows. So it does not feel like he pulls out a win for no reason. Beyond this it is very well written but as someone bad with names the beginning was a bit much for me. The last thing was the books seem to follow a style that cycle the ups and downs depending on the page in each book. So you can almost tell if something good or bad is going to happen based on your position in the book. Though only read the first couple books.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 19, 2017
Due to the fact I read nearly constantly I can be a bit of a harsh reviewer when it comes to books. Much more than shows.
This being said I can only read in english so many things were lost in translation but it was just boring. I only read the first book and I must say I thought it would be an interesting concept. Kind of like Re:Monster. A man reincarnated into a creature with limitless power potential.
That being said the details in comparison just seem uninteresting. The fight scenes in other books are grand and
detailed this one is more like "I attacked and they died" The reason behind this would be the fact that the main protagonist unlike in other books seems to have no threats anywhere near the start of this series. He comes out the gate being able to one shot B rank monsters making it odd.
Most of these kinds of books are written so the main character is always on a power struggle to advance and because of their limitless potential they somehow always narrowly escape. That did not seem to be the case in this book and after dragging through the first volume where he pretty much one shots everything I highly doubt I will continue on.
Not to say that this is a bad style of writing but to me if you are going to spend forever explaining the combat skills I at least want them used instead of "Ya I would rather not see anyone suffer that so I will seal that away" or learn a bunch of things to one shot the boss with a single skill leaving other things never used as minions stop attacking.
For me it seems off to be detailed in this fashion, where I get a bunch of pointless background details but when it comes to talking and especially action everything is over so quickly with no substance. The reason for a 6 is finally towards the end of the first book it seemed to be getting interesting. So there is potential but it certainly did not hook me from the start.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 1, 2017
I would agree with others this is just average, to a bit above average. I cannot go into much detail as to not spoil anything and some may consider this so just note I would give it a 6. If you read the maybe spoiler and are okay with it then I would give it at least a 7, as it did mix things up and I did not see certain things coming. I read a lot so most things I see coming as they were already done by someone else.
*Maybe considered spoiler* The ending is not closed
right. In fact it is left open ended. This ruined it for me to end with the same problems the world started with. If there was nothing that could be done then it is fine but that is not true. At the end of the book series all the knowledge on how to stop their issues is acquired by our main hero, and within there abilities even if it was over time. Even though there will not be another book written this one was not closed out even with such a good available. I problem solve for a living so I ruin books like this for myself a lot but this one was super easy to see the solution to.
Which was sad because it did do a lot of things differently and mixed it up so much even sometimes I was ow man this is going weird places and I do not know if I like it but in the end it was different and I did enjoy the writing style
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 30, 2017
Watch it 10/10 my favorite anime since its launch. Watched it many times over. The only thing is I like the music but I wish it was a lot mor intense like Aldnoah.Zero's music. However it suits it well. If you like a main character that outwits his opposite in cleaver ways and never actual stupid decisions you will like this anime. I know, everyone acts like certain anime's like Death note or Code Geass have super smart main characters but I do not think so. They think to much in the box for having those kinds of power
but in Heavy Object he does not have powers all he has his in knowledge on the Heavy Objects. Due to this I am never like what are you doing, your a genius just do this it is within the rules of your magic powers. Beyond that the only other thing is and it is not a complain but it does have a weird shift in some of the arcs later where they get a bit darker. Do not want to spoil anything but normally shows tend to keep a standard of we show everyone die like in attack on titan, or we only show enemies death, to the no one dies. Still would rate this a 10 because I just love it that much that I have watched it a couple times now. I just wanted to mention these couple issues in case others are very dependent on movies or are okay with the start of the violence but would not be okay with it furthering beyond that. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. The main audience though is people that would enjoy watching smart people solve problems while watching that person also panic in distressful situations he should not really be in.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 28, 2017
A year or so ago if I recall I tried reading this story, and failed to get through the second of the 5 books. That being said I came back and finished all of it, and I am happy I did. Light novels come and go for me as I read different content as I feel like it, so my opinion should not be highly valued. That being said I thought it was better the second time around.
My major issue the first time is I found it so boring the second book through that I started skipping around and it
all self destructed and this is because all 5 books follow the exact same ark style. So I found myself know exactly when things were going to happen and because of that everything was easy to predict. In fact beyond that my only other complaint was it was a Harem which I am fine with. The issue is.. the characters beyond the first book have like no value and are just there to waste your time.
First book introduces Rushella, Mei and Eruru and those are the only ones you will care about. Later a witch and a ghost kind of join in with a bit of a human.. and the whole time you will be like why are they even here. The ghost helps out in one instant which is cool but could have been just as cool written differently. The witch on the other hand.. makes sun block..? Needless to say the acquisition of each of these ladies takes a book each so 2 of the 5 books are about acquiring people I could care less about.
On a final note I think an eight suits this book well because even though it is no masterpiece and the plot is very easy to follow it made me laugh a lot. Though be mindful because I failed to finish it the first time I defiantly read this drunk to help make sure I got through it. Though I must admit you could just read the first and last book and be fine. Maybe the fourth book to get a bit of backstory but as stated the second and third books just bring in people, and after I did not like those as they were not fleshed out as much it became hard to finish. That being said if you cannot finish the second or third book just move on and accept the new cast by reading the chapters you skipped because they tell you which may be to much foreshadowing if you ask me. The ending is worth it for the boring parts though.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 16, 2017
One of the few anime I will watch again ever couple years it seems. The emotional roller coaster this anime provides is quite unique. A lot of anime provide hardship to tug at heart strings but few actually make us care enough to be low ow god no! I watched again in preparation of Season 2 which I will not spoil but curious how they will handle that. Must say with enough time it was still very enjoyable. Though like the first time I had a hard time putting down the show once I started. Gives such a good
mix of ups and downs which is very nice. Some shows just make the good guy so powerful there is no mystery in what will happen. You know nothing bad will happen, and they will win. Then you have others where it is more of just a tragedy series where you know they will barely win but many people will die. This on the other hand was very balanced where you figured in some instances they might lose something but not every time. Then when they did it was something of value but not everything. I enjoyed the flow and that is why I can recommend it in good faith but I am not one who looks for plot holes which I am sure this had. I just enjoy the ride.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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