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Feb 9, 2022
I fail to see why it matters that he's the 'hanako of the toilet'. Most of the scene don't even have anything to do with the toilet. He could be the Bethoven of the music room or Ninomiya Kinjiro statue for F sake it still do not affect the story whatsoever. His weapon of choice don't even related to toilet. Just imagine a boy in bethoven clothing wielding a knive fighting evil spirit, the story do not change much even if you change hanako with bethoven. Even when his past is revealed, there's really no strong connection of him being hanako. Considering he want to
be a teacher, making him become a kinjiro statue would make a lot more sense IMO. This setting is really pointless.
The messy art do not help with the storytelling as it convey more comedic (ironically most of the jokes are not even funny) and romance tone than horror ambience. I enjoy seven school mysteries tropes since I was in grade school, the horror in part is always the main appeal even when it appeared in action or adventure manga. IMO, this series is a proof that using romance in seven school mysteries setting is a huge fail.
I just can no longer justify myself to read this any further after 3 volume. To put it simply it's just not for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Sep 26, 2021
Just a reminder, the title might resemble isekai genre but in reality it's more of a creature hunting/adventure. Treating this as" oh kool, a 'different' isekai, let's gib it a ten" is misleading. This is completely different genre and it's actually a pretty bad one.
Story: 3
It starts decent, then getting my hopes up to the moon with that elevator urban legend, but unfortunately it's going downhill from this point onward. Most of the exploring have nothing to do any urban legend, the adventure is just about hopping from one abandoned place to another by crossing grassy plains with 'wriggler' popping here and there, feels really
static. The urban legend feels skin deep, there's no build up that lead me to guess what other urban legend creature would comes next.
Art: 5
Generally decent but lacking expressiveness in creating the mood. Let's get real, seeing a eight feet lady that shorter than a windows already destroy my sense to perceive her as eight foot tall. There's a dire need to learn about scale. Not to mention the awfully bright windows makes it hard to distinguish between' a summer lady with wide hat' and 'eight foot lady'. This is manga, a VISUAL medium. Use the visual to explain, don't heavily rely on the text alone. I need to go back and checking the scene AFTER I read the text about her being very tall cause she really don't looked like the eight foot tall lady from the real urban legend. You know, an h manga could draw her hugeness better by making her hunching and bending her body, why couldn't mainstream manga doing something similar. At least make her staring at structural beam instead of toward awfully tall windows. For god's sake. Why do I even give this a 5.
Character: 2
The glasses girl is practically a blank slate like what you see for people to insert themself in. Not fantastic but I can see why she's there.
The blonde girl is cringey and embarrassing to read,with all her touchy gesture and flirty cringey speech like what you see on womanizer character from 90's shoujo manga. She already knows the world well, shoot like a trained gunslinger, yet have completely no knowledge of some of the world's mechanic that make me question how could she survived that long to be that knowledgeable while she didn't know the traps/glitch mechanics that could KO her with one wrong move. So stupid. Also her find a frind back story is so cliche. Talking about overused trope.
The 'dealer' girl made the blonde girl worse. She's practically her money dispenser. Tired of overpowered character? Then don't bring this kind of money-is-growing-from-the-tree kind of character. Also another know-it-all character.
The old dude is another badly designed character. Another know-it-all type that stupidly obsessive with his wife (not to mention his godawful backstory), and the hell with him being fully geared with assault rifle. Is firearm that easily obtainable? They probably should take an extra mile and change the setting fom Japan to the US.
Enjoyment: 1
I'm tired reading this series, loopholes here and there, cringey moments, clunky world setting, cosmetic urban legend....Enough.
Overall: 3
Can't give this any higher than this, the series direction is all over the place.
Urban legend adventure.... kinda
Unknown creature hunting... kinda
Finding lost 'friend'(that already mentioned but not even sensed by reader... kinda
Doing everything half-baked makes it hard to get into this series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Nov 13, 2020
Reading black clover got some potential but as the story goes it feels like it often seek an easy way out on the storytelling.
Story: 4
Nothing out of ordinary, blank slate got some unusual power yadda yadda. You could find it anywhere so it's not particularly unique. World building is quite good but the story flow feels a bit of a mess. Powerup here and there (where have I read that? Oh.... right...) to make the story progress is a bad idea, already proven. Some got unlimited powerloop which makes me questioning whether the power is made just so the background characters won't take fatal
colateral damage from the main char's sugoi battle. The awakening of past life is also feels clunky and inconsistent.
Not exactly the worst. Just lack originality and creativity.
Art: 6
The art is probably the best point of this manga. Characters are easily distinguishable from each other.... just.... some got a really weird hairstyle which turn me off a lot of time. The battle is also feels static for some characters that don't even need to lift a finger to cast their attack.
Characters: 6
The characters got positive attitude and generally likeable but after the story progress they just become forgettable. Characters that get a highlight of that battle got ppwer reveal, past reveal or whatever then after that, just spamming that powerup in the background. Kind of a waste of potential.
Enjoyment: 4
Do I enjoy it? A little bit, but I got bored after a while. Loopholes makes me experience WTF moments from time to time that makes it tiring to read.
All in all it feels like any other run of the mill battle shounen: PAINFULLY AVERAGE. If you already here for a long time then there's really nothing new here.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Apr 9, 2020
This series is a disappointment. Despite being a fantasy comedy which I usually like the narrow concept of sleeping lead the story toward forced and awkward conditions. The repetitive pattern of sleeping gear(which is not much, thus forced 'sleeping gear'), sleeping disturbance, and some unrelated-to-sleep-theme makes the series boring and losing focus.
The overly egoistical princess do not help making the series a better comedy. The relationship between the princess and the other characters (yes monsters and even the hero) is one dimensional. The moment a new character appear, that is the aha moment when you think "this is another victim for the princess". Yes new
character = new victim for the princess mischievous deed; you don't even need to read the story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Feb 16, 2020
I have a really hard time buying into the premise: falling in love very very very deeply with 3 girls (actually it's more than 3, you know it yourself if you read it) in such a short amount of time.
The main point of the story is a folk tradition that forced the MC to have a certain relationship with the heroines. I find this setting to be very clunky, considering that the MC HAVE to choose someone for the sake of ritual. The progress is also boring: encounter-rejection-acceptance-wobbawobba-final date; times three since the flow is all the same for each heroine.
Not a fan, just
not a fan. The proportion sometimes warped and there's 3 characters that looked too similar to each other. Shizuku, Soyogi, Rinne; sometimes I confused between shizuku and soyogi when she do not wear her glasses. When it comes to Rinne I sometimes confused whether it's a flashback into younger Shizuku or it' s just Rinne.
The premise is so focused on the ritual which is tied to the 4 main casts. This makes another characters only functioning as an extra, with exception of the sensei, girl number 4 and girl number 5. And you know what, number 4 and 5 is already out of the loop since they obviously do not have relation to the ritual. Makes me wonder why they even there aside from forcing age diversity. Among the 4 main casts the three heroines are terribly inconsistent. Maybe, the concept is that "the girl change after falling in love with the MC", but the change is too obvious to the point that they feels like a different character. The drastic emotional change from hate-neutral-'terribly fall in love' in such a short timeline also... do not help with their character building.
The three heroines have similar template in character building and story flow, which makes reading this whole series once feels like already three repeat of the same story. Not an enjoyable experience to be honest. And the ending... My god... It's one level below bad harem manga.
If you're familiar with generic visual novel storyline, that is what you'll get. Encounter-rejection-acceptance-competition-wobbawobba. Yes all that in that order times three. You see one heroine in rejection phase, then expect another two to repeat. One heroine in wobbawobba phase, expect another two to do the same. Very predictable and to cbe honest just boring.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 4, 2019
Kimetsu no Yaiba suffers from fast pacing on the story while leaving the world building in awfully slow pace. The training period over very quickly without much sense of progression.
Story: 5/10
It goes with promising start, a witty protagonist that struggle to face the opponent he just can't never beat. He then saved by a strong person from 'organization' which makes him realize that he need the power that regulated by that organization to be able to fight eye level with his opponent. Classic approach, but works to pick my interest.
But from this point the story head south. The training period feels really rushed with
obvious milestone that not really convince me about his progression. On the second volume he already a demon hunter that can hunt by himself, as if the only thing that needed to be the demon hunter is splitting a rock. Screams mediocrity and along with the art, it just not picking my interest anymore after the third volume.
Art: 3/10
The art is rather rough, which do not help the rushed pacing. The lack of tone makes it seemed to be losing tons of detail and the fighting scene fells dull, static and outdated.
Character: 4/10
The main character is your typical good guy protagonist: naive and want to help anyone he met. Rather boring and mediocre.
His sister's position in the story is kinda awkward. She's the last surviving member of his family that infected and need to be cured; the goal which the protagonist try to chase. But she also act like a convenient tool in the story. Despite being infected she's able to control the power and even entering hibernation mode when necessary just too make her not consuming another human being. It's just like her personality is a blank slate. Being unable to communicate verbally worsen it.
Another side character... they just forgettable
Enjoyment: 3/10
The most horrible thing about this manga is the humor. I know the author trying to insert jokes here and there since they're pretty obvious, but they're just not anywhere near funny. For example, there's one character that keeps repeating joke over and over again: he's nice to the girl he like but absolutely rude to other people. repeat. Nice to the girl, rude to others. Repeat. HEY! I GET IT! HE LIKES THE GIRL! HE LIKES NO ONE ELSE BUT THE GIRL! I GET IT! JUST STOP! Another character: Proposing marriage to every girl he see. Repeat. HEY! I GET IT. HE REALLY DESPERATE TO GET A GIRL TO THE POINT HE PROPOSE MARRIAGE AT THE FIRST MET. NO NEED TO KEEP REPEATING THAT! JUST STOP IT!
Those repetitive jokes are filling one and a half volume, and this is the point where I sick of this and drop the series.
Overall: 5/10
Despite my incompatibility, I still see potential on the series. I just personally can't stand the art, pacing, awkward battle scene and humor. The first half of the volume one able to makes me think that the series would be a 7 or 8 but over this short suffocating trip... I still give 5 instead of my own personal subjective 4 since i understand that the non-orthodox shounen approach might appealing for some people, but for me.... its enough for now.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 21, 2018
What is an ultimate adventure? A journey toward a new world? An encounter with new companion? A battle to save a kingdom? Quite a typical theme for a fantasy adventure don't you think(not that I against it though)? Now consider this new dimension: An adventure won't be complete without taking on a whole new taste.
Dungeon Meshi is an unique fantasy adventure that able to bring that new dimension of adventure, which surprisingly resonates with the concept of adventure in real life. What differentiate this from other similar manga is the fact that this series try to appeal the reader's appetite not from the drawing, but
through the whole process of preparing food toward the table. The dishes is well planned (or should I say designed?) by considering the availability of the ingredient, the nutritional balance, and at some point: moral value.
However, the whole story goal are not exactly to collect ingredients or eating the best food. Food in this series is portrayed as daily necessity (and sometimes a reward) to continue their main quest, which quite humbled compared to typical fantasy adventure you'll commonly see. For me, this hit a balanced point that make this enjoyable both as fantasy adventure and cooking manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 24, 2015
Rather than Action, *ACTION* fits this manga better.
The story are quite generic. Simply put, it's a story about heroes battling against villains. Onepunchman add gimmick such as hero rank system, which shows how the heroes regulated by government. Nothing mindblowing but for an omnipotent hero like Saitama, this actually could build a sense of growth which I don't expect from one-hit-kill main char.
Yuusuke Murata providing a generous amount of action scene for this series. No really, when you see action it means real ACTION. 18-20 page for weekly release are just not enough to capturing the awesomeness that put other battle mangas to shame.
Arts, details, drawing techniques; IMO it's handsdown the best among manga, or (on some chapters) even comparable to high-end OVA.
The diversity of character in OPM is enormous. Major character are consist of heroes though since most monsters/villains are gonna be one-hit-Ko'ed anyway. The main char Saitama portrayed as somehow indifferent hero, neither openly shows hot-blooded sense of justice nor having no justice at all. This generates a pivot point for diverse kind of heroes that appears in the story.
I highly enjoy this series. Rather than push pull battle scene which showing U-turn win-lose-win pattern, it just show how the protagonists win the battle. If 1 hit is all we need to beat the opponent, why do we need to throw new fancy techniques each chapter just to be countered by the opponent on the next chapter? Even 1 hit kill could be interesting if it compensated in another department, on this case OPM leads huge margin by the detailed drawing of battle scenes.
An exemplary of what a battle manga could achieve. So smooth that you could breeze over the chapter in just a few seconds, but without reducing reader's interest to re-read again.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 10, 2011
Compared to other popular mystery manga, Q.E.D are much simpler and more fun to read. Anyone who loves math and science would exceptionally love this manga. The art looks average, but since it plays the main role in leading reader's perspective. I would like to give a high score in the art not for the style but for the author's ability to use picture as main mystery point. Anyway, for anyone who wants to enjoy both text and picture aspect of manga, this manga is highly recommended.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 19, 2010
I can't enjoy this series. Beatrice control the games and whatever he does, Battler always get an dead-end, and in illogical way! Wha's wrong with this anime? don't make sense. So much handicap for Beatrice, disgusting.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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