We have a couple of new polls up now which we have the Character and Team of the Month for February 2012 which you can vote for by visiting the following links.
To get this club up and more active again we are looking for members who are interested in helping us with different tasks in the club. If you have lots of spare time, are on MAL almost every day and interested in joining one of the staff openings please feel free to PM one of the admins on which tasks you’re interested in. Here’s some of the staff openings that are available now:
Newsletter Team – This is the area we need the most help. Job of being on the newsletter team is to send letters out to the members of the fan club. Were looking for at least 15 members or more to help us out with this task since sending letters to nearly 5000 members takes a long time for only one person alone.
Member Card Makers - If you have some graphic experience, we need your help with making Member ID Cards and sending them out to members that request for one.
Club Recruiters – Looking for a least a couple of members who are interested to help inviting members to the club that are interested in the Naruto series.
Again please PM me or one the other admins if you are interested in one of the positions above.
We just started a twitter account for the Naruto Club to send out news and updates as they come along. If you have twitter you can follow us by visting the following link:
Heeej <3 Z góry przepraszam, ale będę teraz perfidnie spamować ^^' Ze względu na panujący ostatnio niedobór miejsc, w których można normalnie porozmawiać o mandze, anime i Japonii ogólnie, powstało forum Kyuu.pl. Pomimo, że poziom rozmowy zależy bardziej od użytkowników niż od administracji, pozwolę sobie go zagwarantować i serdecznie Cię do nas zaproszę :3 Wierzę, że, jeśli zechcesz zostać z nami na dłużej, nie pożałujesz czasu spędzonego na Kyuu :D Zaglądnij, jak znajdziesz chwilkę ;) Z góry dziękuję i jeszcze raz przepraszam za spam >.< Pozdrawiam <3
Hello, pudding, or little pudding, or whatever, Its nice to meet a fellow naruto fan, but with how active you are on the manga discusion I cant beleive I have only the 4th comment. feel free to friend me.
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Czy ty też uczyłeś się japońskiego i co najbardziej podoba ci się w Ghost in the Shell?
January 2012 Edition
If you love Gintoki,please join my Lord Gintoki FC:
See you there :D
Too bad it's not really popular in my country yet :(
Happy Halloween XD
Don't forget to save it to your own Image host.. :3
Here's your ID Card that you requested from the Naruto Fan Club. =3