Barbarian didn't feel like anything new or special while the idea of the Platform was pretty cool, but going back on the Conjuring, I remember watching the Annabelle part of the universe with a group of friends and one of my friends in the party was consistently getting scared during Creation and said he was traumatized afterwards lol. Can't think of much other horror movies now that I think of it hmm.
I feel like I'm talking to a horror expert lol, I remember Hereditary though not much and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark I found to be more funny than scary. I feel like horror as a genre has kinda downgraded in recent years though there is The Platform and Barbarian that I remember of, have you seen these two?
I find that both scary and very funny but yeah can't blame them when fake blood is everywhere and there's a spawn from hell coming out of your fake stomach. Oohh, yeah that doesn't sound fun. Is there any other horrors that have caught your eye, I haven't seen much in a while now haha.
Xenomorphs give me the willies, they scare me so much haha. Especially having an alien baby just rip itself out of someones stomach, that does not make for pleasant dreams. I have not but I've heard a lot about it and that it's super scary! Well then again, having a poster that's completely covered in blood and red does make it look scary.
They have! I waass planning to watch it but I was far too lazy to actually go especially since the theater I used to go to closed so I had to go to a different one for a different movie haha, and I've heard a bit on War of the Worlds! It looks really interesing :o
Nice to meet ya! Oh and replying to your reply in your introduction thread about horror, the Conjuring scared me a lot when I was little lol. The Exorcist scared the hell (pun intended) out of me for a full day, have you seen it? :o
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