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Love the art, the fast movement, the battles and epic soundtracks, and the moral of the story, humans are not clothes, the bonds with our families and friends are what really matter :)
Ooooh good pic! I dunno I like so many, but I would say the battle at Marineford would probably have to be my favorite. Everything came to a head at once, and those battles and the outcome, so memorable. :)
I havn't watched Bleach but Fullmetal is a masterpiece. The fights are not the best point by far so it's a bit different from those other ones. But I guarantee you'll love it xD Everyone does!
You seem to enjoy your shounens. WHY THE HELL HAVN'T YOU WATCHED HUNTER x HUNTER :P. It seriously puts all the other to shame.
You should try it out haha
All Comments (48) Comments
Vem conviver e apresentar-te à família fusanime, prometemos que serás com certeza recebido/a de braços abertos na nossa comunidade! Temos também grupos de skype, discord e uma página do facebook onde poderás comunicar com todos nós e quem sabe fazer novas amizades :)
I have some shorts and movies too.
I even started to watch OP, Naruto and Bleach.. but I drop them eventually to follow the manga... but yeah it can explain some of the difference =)
Love the art, the fast movement, the battles and epic soundtracks, and the moral of the story, humans are not clothes, the bonds with our families and friends are what really matter :)
I promise i will be back here soon!
Thanks for the friend request :D
You seem to enjoy your shounens. WHY THE HELL HAVN'T YOU WATCHED HUNTER x HUNTER :P. It seriously puts all the other to shame.
You should try it out haha
FT is just so awesum, so are its fans :D
Anyway, thank your for the friend request :D