I am quite generous with my ratings, I rate almost exclusively on the experience it provides, even if the series is shit, if I enjoy it score will be high.
10: Masterpiece, my favorites, it probably had an emotionally impact me to an extent
9: Not as much as 10, but amazing anime
8: Very enjoyable to watch with minor flaws
7: Nothing amazing but ideal for having a good time
6: Its decent but started to get boring or has some aspects i didn't liked
5: I forced myself to finish got very bored but still not that terrible, best of the worst
4 and 3: Very Bad I find these to be usually really boring and uninteresting or just piss me off since they're
Usually slow, more than just bad, I can barely enjoy any aspects of it unless it just looks really good or
has a good soundtrack. Most of these would be something I would say I hate except for shows that are
very short or the ones that i dropped.
2 and below: Awful I typically hate everything I give a 2. It's just so bad, so boring and so slow. Every
episodes feels like I'm watching 3 episodes of it. The only thing keeping it from a 1 is that it has one or
two small things that were ok. Also a 1 is for those special shows that are outright appealing.
Basically i recomend anything above 6 while 6 is a light recomendation
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Sanırım en son İmouto Sae ireba li den o tarz bir twist yemiştim ( ama fazla barizdi )
Gral Ngnl 9 basmış sikmişim Re:Zero yu :D
Ben de 3 yıl önce okuyordum durduk yere aklıma geldi
Ama ana karakterler ve yaşantıları bir tık alakasız olsa da Nhk ye en benzer serilerden biridir sebebi muhtemelen Hikikomori olmaya meyilli insanların Ortaokul / Lise hayatını ( evden okula okuldan eve ) anlatıyor bir de ana karakter girişken olmaya çalıştığı için izlerken onun yerine utanıyorsun.