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Aug 6, 2023
One of the best revenge manga I read
I think this manga does a really good job of portraying bullying, how it can start because of trivial things, how it has devastating consequences on various people and how schools usually care little about it as long as their reputation is not tarnished. Even though Aizawa is the MC, I consider Shiori to be the true star of this manga. You can't help but feel sorry for this kind girl who suffers a lot of hardships because of other people's mistakes. As it often happens for the innocent to be collateral damage for the sins of
What I really like is that revenge is not executed in some over the top, gruesome way. It remains grounded in reality and it is extremely satisfying to read. The bullies are also not just some crazy sadists who enjoy doing bad things for the sake of being bad. Here, even though their actions are irredeemable, they have a personality, reasons for why the do those despicable things. Another engaging aspect was how we were kept in the dark about Aizawa's true intentions. His questionable decisions and way of doing things makes us wonder if we should even root for him in the first place.
This work tries to convey a very powerful message about bullying, how it's very serious problem that we should aspire to prevent at all costs, and it thinks it succeeds in its intention
Thanks for reading this review :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 7, 2023
Well, since there are no reviews for this manga yet, I thought I might try writing one. Death game have always been my guilty pleasure and I, most of the time, have fun reading them, even if they are not very good. This is one of those cases.
Story - 4
Pretty much your average Saw scenario. A couple of strangers suddenly wake up in a room and they have to play various games in order to escape. Usually in this setting, we later learn that characters are all connected somehow. Strangely, that is not the case here. Characters are not connected in any way except the
fact that they are all high school students. What I don't like is that games are quite chaotic and it seems like characters don't have any almost any chance of surviving. If the game master doesn't want them to clear the game and survive, why force them to play in the first place instead of just killing them?
Art - 6
I thought it was decent. This kind of story doesn't really require some amazing art work anyway
Characters - 3
MC - starts off as very annoying, but he improves over the course of time
Mitsuya - definitely the best character, brave and cool headed leader, he did most of the heavy lifting for the group
Usui - girl MC has a crush on, not much to say about her, she is nice, has some backstory and ambition and that's about it
Delinquent - most despicable character by far, guy literally did nothing the entire time but acted like he was so smart and strong. He pretty much just sits back during every game and comments how they'll all die and enjoys their suffering.
Game master - this girl tries to be Jigsaw so hard but fails miserably. Her whole characters is that her face is burnt after some accident so now she can't enjoy life and therefore despises people who can't appreciate life. She wants to teach the participants of her game to value life more and yet, she clearly has no intention of letting them live and what's even worse is that the people she kidnapped are not even the characters she, by her logic, should despise. All characters are pretty much just your average highschoolers and nothing about them tells us that they don't appreciate life. In the end, she juts comes off as a rich, spoiled psychopath
Others are mostly forgettable, at least they were acceptable and tried working as a team
Enjoyment - 5
Games aren't particularly amusing but they are passable. Characters sometimes make dumb decisions but I have seen much worse so those decisions didn't bother me that much. From the start, it seemed like MC's crush would turn out to be game master. Which later proved to be false and I am glad the author didn't go with that route. Delinquent is unnecessary and story works better without him. I guess the ending is fine, I neither liked nor disliked it. A good portion of the story is predictable but at least some things were a bit unexpected
Conclusion: I think this manga is a nice, fun short read if you are, like me, a fan of this genre and if you go in with the right mindset, without high expectations. Thanks for reading :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 5, 2023
Well, this manga is definitely very sad. It is a short but interesting story with a lot of positive aspects. Art was nice. Most focus was given to eyes of the characters because they play an important role in the story and it really shows. Characters are likeable. Although many of them appear briefly, the author does a good job of making us relate and care about them. Although the ending was sad, I think it sends us a beautiful massage how, despite living in a very harsh world, there are always beams of light in everyone's life and the most important thing is that
you remain kind to others and absolutely never give up. My favorite scenes were ones with Pao and the homeless woman.
However, even though this manga has its good sides, there are two reasons why it doesn't deserve a higher score in my opinion:
1) It tried to be heartbreaking way too hard. A lot of times bad events felt very forced and weird. If something can go bad, have no doubt that it will go bad and even much worse. Even if something good happens to a character we care about, it will soon be followed by a tragedy. Homeless woman gets hit by a random car. Parents commit suicide with their daughters (this one still doesn't make sense to me). Pao gets kicked a 1000 times. Pretty much everyone dies. I know this manga tries to tell a story about the cruel world we live in (even more cruel if you're an animal) but I think it went a bit overboard with the tragedy
2) Second reason is something that I don't think a lot of people had trouble with, but it personally bothers me. I don't really like the way Pao (and all other animals actually but primarily Pao) is portrayed in the story. Pao is WAY TOO intelligent for a dog. Now, don't get me wrong, I love dogs and they are far from stupid but unfortunately they are not nearly as intelligent as Pao, especially if they're puppies. Pao understands humans perfectly, he knows exactly where to go and what to do without even being told to. He is basically a human in a dogs body, the only thing he lacks is being able to actually talk to human characters. I personally consider this to be kind off a "lazy writing" because, in my opinion, it is much harder to convey dogs emotions and actions without having them talk and just straight up tell us about what they think or feel
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 24, 2022
Like many others, once i saw that Platinum End was created by the same person who created Death Note, i had to check it out. And even though it is definitely not nearly as good as Death Note, i don't think its that bad either.
ART - 7
I am no expert when it comes to animation, but I liked the art. The outfits looked cool and the battle scenes were decent in my opinion. I liked the design of the angels. CGI was also present but I think it was tolerable.
Definitely the weakest point of this anime. The MC
is very naive and annoying, he is the "i won't kill you, evil person who killed thousands of people and will continue to do so because killing is bad" type of person. He pretty much stays the same until the end when he finally changes a bit and has the resolve to kill Yoneda, but this was too little character development and came too late. One admirable thing about him is that he stays loyal to this ideals to the very end, showing that he at least has a strong will. Saki is pretty much useless all the time besides being the cute girl and Mirai's love interest. She contributes very little to the plot (only being somewhat useful in the end) and one would wonder if her removal from the story would make any difference. Kanade, the first antagonist (who looked like Near's cousin) was an arrogant and sadistic person who looks down on others He was a very cliche villain made to be despicable with no redeeming qualities But at least he was the one who made the plot progress during the entire first half. The second antagonist is Yoneda, an associal atheist scientist willing to do whatever it takes to prove his theories right. He started out as an interesting Character (leastwise better than Kanade) but later became a bit tedious. Most of the side characters were uninteresting and forgettable. Still, 2 characters managed to stood out in my opinion. The first one is Mukaido, a devoted husband a and a caring father who didn't hesitate to get his hands dirty in order to protect his family. The other one is Nakauji, who i thought was a pretty credible portrayal of a suicidal person.
Pretty solid. The opening was great and I am glad they kept it (with some small changes in the second half) throughout the entire anime. I especially liked the first ending, I believe it fit the atmosphere of this anime really well. Voice acting was also satisfying.
The premise is simple. Thirteen people on the verge of suicide are chosen by angels to be the next god candidates. Similar to Death note the story here can also be divided into 2 parts. In the first half of the show, the main enemy is Metropoliman/Kanade and our heroes have to find and deal with him before he kills every other God candidate. Unlike the action packed first half, there is little to no action in the second one. This half can be described as "The next God election" where the remaining candidates have a debate with each one of them showing their way of thinking and then they discuss who should be the next God. This time, the antagonist turns out to be (as expected) Yoneda whose goal differentiates from the goals of other candidates
I like battle royale anime . I guess you can say there are my weak spot. The main problem with this anime is its weak main cast. The first part has action while the second part tends to be a lot more philosophical and is mainly dialogue which can get dull sometimes. The ending was anticlimactic and it surprised me a bit honestly though i neither liked it nor disliked really.
Platinum end can be enjoyable to an extent if you don't expect too much when you start watching it and you are willing to forgive some of its shortcomings
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 5, 2022
Honestly, i am not a big fan of the sci - fi genre. But this looked promising so i decided to give it a chance.
Even though i wasn't able to fully understand some things, i quite liked this manga and thought it was very unique. What i admired is the fact that there is really not much dialogue between the characters. The author lets the battle scenes and detailed pictures of this futuristic dystopian world tell the story to the reader. When i started reading it, my biggest problem was the art style. I don't consider it is bad but it is certainly way different
than any other art style i have come across so far. But i soon adjusted to it and it got better as the time passed. The giant and seemingly endless space with thousands of holes and passages woke up a feeling of fear and loneliness in me. Living in this world is very hard and dangerous. When it comes to the characters, they were mysterious in their own way. As the introduction says, Killy is a man of few words. He has a mission he need to fulfill and he doesn't let anything distract him from his goal. If he finds himself in trouble, he won't think twice before using his GBE, one of the coolest weapons i have ever seen. Despite the fact that he is often emotionless and almost never laughs, he never hesitates to help someone. His faithful companion is named Cibo who is more talkative and friendlier than Killy. As i stated before, i didn't really enjoy design of the characters at first but it stopped bothering me as i continued reading. I especially liked the way guardians and silicon creatures look. As the time passed, we learn more about the characters and this world. Another really entrancing, and at the same time creepy, feature is that time behaves much different than in our reality.
There are definitely not many manga out there that can be described as similar to "Blame". Even if you are not a fan of this kind of story, it is a short manga and it is certainly, if nothing else, a very peculiar work.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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