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Feb 6, 2022
It hurts me because I love "Tensei Shitara" but this Spin-off is too sleepy for my taste.
Look that Rimuru's world is huge and since you have a range of excellent and very charismatic characters and being this world based on fantasy there were endless possibilities to make this adaptation something very good, but it really isn't achieved.
I am not asking that anything be related to what has to do with an advance to the story since for some reason it is an alternative story showing Rimuru's daily life as daily life, but they could have played it with some games or activities more likely than
....I don't know picking vegetables? make jokes with basic puns? It seemed to me a very conformist and wasted premise in the little that I saw it, but the truth is that it no longer makes me want to continue seeing how boring it is, it will only be necessary to wait for the 2nd part of the second season....
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Feb 6, 2022
I'm very sorry but I decide to step aside...
"Vivy....." is another one of those adaptations that is only "a pretty face", that you sell to the simplistic public today a cute waifu, many colors and some other action scenes with good movements and WOW! ! You got a "masterpiece" according to the criteria that govern several.
Meanwhile my position will always be the same, I prefer that they really abuse CGI or that the characters are literally 3 lines but that at the end of the day everything has a coherence that the characters and the story can highlight because they worked really well on the
script and be praised for leaving memorable characters.
This anime hardly achieves it, there is no premise to highlight a futuristic AI that is seen thousands of times in other adaptations and carried in a better way with much less poster, a tiny cast of characters that does not stand out if it were not for their colors, since the complexity of them is zero and the rest of the cast is just decorative.
Honestly, I already sensed it from the title when I saw its PV before it was released, but since it generated so much commotion, I wanted to make sure that my idea was not wrong and I really hit the nail on the head.
EN español
Lamento mucho pero decido dar un paso al costado...
"Vivy....." es otro de esas adaptaciones que solamente es "una cara bonita", que le vendes al publico simplista hoy en día una linda waifu, muchos colores y alguna que otra escena de accion con buenos movimientos y UALA!! Conseguiste una "obra maestra" según los criterios que rigen varios.
Mientras tanto mi postura siempre será la misma, prefiero que realmente abusen del CGI o que los personajes literalmente sean 3 líneas pero que al final del día todo tenga una coherencia que los personajes y la historia puedan resaltar por que se le trabajo verdaderamente bien en el guion y sea de alabanza por dejar personajes memorables.
Este anime difícilmente lo logra, no hay premisa a resaltar una IA futurista que sea visto miles de veces en otras adaptaciones y llevadas de mejor manera con mucho menos cartel, un elenco de personajes minúsculo que no resalta de no ser por sus colores, ya que la complejidad de los mismos es nula y el resto del elenco es un decorativo sin mas.
Sinceramente ya me lo presentía del titulo cuando vi su PV antes que se estrenara pero como se genero tanto revuelo quería cerciorarme que mi idea no era equivocada y efectivamente di en el clavo.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Feb 6, 2022
I feel that Odd Taxi tends to be a greedy bet mixing the theme of the animal kingdom as a design and has become fashionable in recent years in Beastars or BNA cases. While taking into account the theme of the plot and the way of narrating the story as great anime milestones that remained in history, in the case of Durarara or Baccano, he tends to want to "deceive" the viewer in a good way and trap him with his mystery.
However, in what I have been seeing of this show in the last 3 chapters, it has not worked for me at all. The
history of the crime and cases of guilty and implicated is the same as any other route of police action and mystery that you know where the hand will end. At the same time, the characters have a great variety, but I feel that the cast does not take advantage of it either, being that most of them are monotonous and with 0 iota of charisma to transmit to the viewer.
In general it seems to me a very bland anime and I don't understand how so many people praise this work, maybe it's just me but it's hard to find virtues in the series outside of the gloomy atmosphere that it transmits at times.
Siento que Odd Taxi tiende a ser una apuesta avariciosa mezclando la temática del reino animal como diseño y sea puesto de moda en los últimos años en casos Beastars o BNA. Mientras teniendo en cuenta la temática de la trama y forma de narrar la historia como grandes hitos de animes que quedaron en la historia caso Durarara o Baccano, Tiende a querer "engañar" en el buen sentido al espectador y atraparlo con su misterio.
Sin embargo en lo que llevo viendo de este espectáculo en los últimos 3 capítulos no me ah funcionado para nada. La historia del crimen y casos de culpables e implicados es igual que cualquier otra ruta de acción policial y misterio que sabes por donde acabara la mano. A la vez los personajes tienen una gran variedad el elenco pero siento que tampoco se aprovecha de ello siendo que en si la mayoría son monótonos y con 0 ápice de carisma para transmitir al espectador.
En general me parece un anime muy soso y no entiendo como tanta gente lo enaltece a esta obra, tal vez sea solo yo pero cuesta horrores encontrarle virtudes a la serie fuera del ambiente sombrío que transmite por momentos.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Feb 5, 2022
Personally, I consumed this program disinterestedly but in a good way and it was the best option to be of this bearable title, jokes about bullying and others should never be taken as a joke when many people really had a bad time (yes, including me). Now I don't want to fall back on the ethics or not of the anime, since I don't think it deserves it.
The reality is that the show is fun and funny the first 2 or 3 episodes and then it becomes a constant "rinse and reuse" recycling where it always ends up 1 or 2 the embarrassed ones. The
constructions of the chapters seemed quite vague to me and the development of the characters alike. It was as if the anime simply needed "romance" to go to a certain place so as not to become a tragic and dramatic work. I never felt that they really worked so that all the dialogues and scenes concluded with a certain meaning except for the last 3 chapters.
For the rest, excellent animation and an acceptable OST, little else to highlight from it.
An adaptation without transcendence beyond puberty public with its fan-service.
Personalmente consumi este programa de forma desinteresada pero de buena manera y fue la mejor oopcion para ser de este titulo llevadero, las bromas sobre el bullying y demas nunca deben tomarse como una broma cuando muchas personas verdaderamente la pasamos (si y mi incluyo) mal. Ahora no quiero recaer sobre la etica o no del anime, ya que no creo lo amerite.
La realidad es que el programa es divertido y gracioso los primero 2 o 3 capitulos y luego se vuelve una reciclaje "de enjuage y vuelve a usar" constante donde siempre termina 1 o 2 los avergonzados. Las construcciones de los capitulos me parecieron bastante vagas y el desarrollo de los personajes por igual. era como si simplemente el anime necesitara que fuera por cierto lugar "romance" para no pasar a ser esta una obra tragica y dramatica. Nunca senti que verdaderamente se trabajara para que todo los dialogos y escenas concluyeran con cierto sentid a excepcion de los ultimos 3 capitulos.
Por lo demas animacion excelente y un OST aceptable poco mas que resaltar del mismo.
Una adaptacion sin trascendencia mas alla de publico puber con su fan-service.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 9, 2021
Overall: 5.9 / 10
This is a series that had expectations but wanted to be prudent from minute 1 and at first it was quite solid with the bases of its "creation of the world" and the policies that governed its beliefs, the ways of demonstrating the discrimination they received all 86.
However, everything related to these characters was very poor, most of us even remember their names and most of them died without pain or glory in the program or know anything relevant about them, not even with their last men who seemed the most important were taken the hassle of explaining their pasts or working
on them, they were simply dismissed as if nothing had happened. In addition, the program wasted a lot of time in meaningless scenes such as "fan-service" scenes or repeating pre-established dialogues without a necessary meaning and even changing the atmosphere that was always eating cake or having a coffee. When the anime finally chose to become more crude and focus on the war at 3/4 of the end it was too late, everything felt bitter if we knew where the protagonists were going but without an emotional load for them due to the bad work of directing that was used in the rhythm of the plot.
Honestly, if they knew that it would have a second season, they could have used to recreate this ending in the second season and it would have a greater significance if they work better.
In short, I rescue the visual section and the OST of Sawano that never fails and some of the story as I said in the beginning but little more and I have no desire for a sequel seeing how badly they took this one.
General: 5.9 / 10
Esta es una serie que le tenia expectativas pero queria ser prudente desde el minuto 1 y en un principio fue bastante solida con las bases de su "creacion de mundo" y las politicas que regían e sus creencias, las formas de demostrar la discrimacion que recibian los 86.
Sin embargo todo lo referidos a estos caracteres fue muy pobre, la mayoria siquiera recordamos sus nombre y la mayoria murieron sin pena ni gloria en el programa o saber nada relevante de los mismos, ni siquiera con sus ultimos hombre que parecian los mas importante se tomaron la molestia de explicar sus pasados o trabajar en base a ellos, simplemente los descartaban como si nada. Ademas el programa perdio mucho tiempo en escenas sin sentido como escenas de "fan-service" o repetir dialogos ya preestablecidos sin un sentido necesario y hasta siquiera cambiar el ambiente que siempre era comiendo pastel o tomando un cafe. Cuando finalmente el anime opto por tornarse con mas crudeza y enfoque en la guerra a 3/4 del final fue demasiado tarde, todo se sentia amargo si sabiamos a donde se dirigian los protagonistas pero sin una carga emocional para ellos por el mal trabajo de direccion que se empleo en el ritmo de la trama.
Sinceramente si sabian que tendria una segunda temporada pudieron haber empleado en recrear este final en la segunda temporada y tendria una mayor trascendencia si se trabaja mejor.
En fin rescato el apartado visual y el OST de Sawano que nunca falla y algo de la historia como dije en un principio pero poco mas y no se me quedan deseos de una secuela viendo lo mal que llevaron esta.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 8, 2021
A dream come true...
After 20 years, Fruits Basket decided to return to the big screen the animation and once again emphasize why it was an icon of the 00 ', with a full-fledged remake to the letter and not only that, but we finally got the end that we long for with a flourish closure. And apart from any emotion of nostalgia and fanaticism towards it, being 100% it is difficult for me to find even a defect in it. The animation and sound at the bottom of what this type of romance / drama show needs, a development that really took the time to
give each character their personalities and their plot to be able to function in the show to the point of not getting heavy. .
Perhaps some negative could say that it is a basic anime and at some point it may or may not be right but the unobjectionable thing is that the execution is divine, with a divine work direction.
Un sueño hecho realidad...
Luego de 20 años Fruits Basket decidio volver a la pantalla grande la animacion y vuelve a remarcar por que fue un icono de los 00', con un remake hecho y derecho al pie de la letra y no solo eso, sino que finalmente obtuvimos el final que tanto anhelamos con cierre de broche de oro. Y fuera de cualquier emocion de nostalgia y fanatismo hacia el mismo, siendo 100% me cuesta encontrarle si quiera un defecto. La animacion y sonido al pie de lo que necesita este tipo de programa de romance/drama, un desarrollo que verdaderamete se tomaron el tiempo para dar a cada personaje sus personalidad y su trama para poder desenvolverse en el programa al punto justo de no volverse pesado.
Tal vez algun negativo podria decir que es un anime basico y en algun punto podra tener razon o no pero lo inobjetable es que la ejecucion es divina, con una direccion de trabajo de divina.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 8, 2021
I simply did not like this second part of the anime, I feel that it had little to do compared to the first, It is as if they were the sun and the moon.
During the first adaptation, this product of only 11 chapters was very good, since it had everything you need to hook you with interesting characters, well-crafted murder cases, a prudent pace to have a good development, etc.
Now let's look at this "part 2" and see how much has changed about it, basically all of the above mentioned taken to the worse. Really the only points that I rescue here are the OST
and Animation that continue to maintain the correct line of it. As for everything else, it is tedious and tiresome, starting with wanting to take the plot of the program on the strictly political side when it had never been used before and if we add to this that the characters on duty have been truly tiresome, Few wishes stop you from wanting to continue with it, the only character that is saved is Irene Adler and with very little.
The truth is I am disappointed, I had the rod very set in this anime with its first arc and then it was deflated little by little until it only had a hasty ending and too conformist with very little
En español:
Sencillamente no me gusto esta segunda parte del anime, siento que poco tuvo que ver en comparación a la primera, Es como si fuesen el sol y la luna.
Durante la primera adaptación fue muy bueno este producto de tan solo 11 capítulos, ya que tenia todo lo necesario para engancharte con personajes interesante, casos de asesinatos bien elaborados, un ritmo prudente para tener un buen desarrollo,etc.
Ahora miremos esta "parte 2" y veamos cuanto a cambiado al respecto, básicamente todo lo anterior nombrado llevado a peor. Realmente lo únicos puntos que rescato aquí son el OST y Animacion que siguen manteniendo la linea correcta del mismo. YA en cuanto a todo lo demas es tedioso y cansino, comenzando por querer llevar la trama del programa por el lado estrictamente de la politca cuando nunca se lo habia utilizado antes y si a esto le sumamos que los personajes de turno han sido verdaderamente cansino, pocos deseos te dejan de querer continuar con el mismo, el unico personaje que se salva es el de Irene Adler y con muy poco.
La verdad me voy decepcionado, tenia la vara muy puesta en este anime con su primer arco y luego se fue desinflando poco a poco hasta llegar a tener solamente un final apresurado y demasido conformista con muy poco.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 18, 2021
The reality is that at the end of the broadcast and its epilogue the SSSS.Dynazenon program closes in a good way, with nothing practically open and thus being gratifying from where you look at it.
Now if you ask me if I enjoyed the anime before entering its last 3 chapters and I would say that it was much more regular with a repetitive idea of battles and situations that were a constant "copy paste" of the Kaiju of the week and although it was sought to substantiate and develop the main characters, I feel that they lack something else, not to mention secondary that their
minutes on screen were much reduced
In general, at the end of the day it is a pleasant series and even at times you can simply put it in the background you go / come back and you will not miss too much of it in terms of plot content. This is a program between mixed of daily life with wick, personally I prefer his previous adaptation of the Trigger study that was SSSS.Gridman, but Dynazenon has not been bad so I will leave a score of 7 to dry, considering that everything it was orchestrated in an "original" way and had no base to cling to.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 4, 2021
Koikimo is a romantic comedy at least curious, because of the way in which the relationship of the protagonists began and developed. Personally, I cannot say that I dislike the main focus, but I also do not allow myself to accept that ethically this is good, when at the beginning it was explicitly based on a harassment of the protagonist towards Ichika and that the reality was, that it is socially accepted by a theme of the Ryou's physical hegemony and charisma. Because if the MC had been a fat man with the smell of obo, they would all be founding the anime.
Already leaving the
"politically correct" anime is not a big deal either, the animation is even flashy, the designs are not too flashy even to have a shoujo demographic and the cast of characters is quite small and taking out the main couple is not they hint too much of them, even though they fulfill their role in the show.
In short, I consider Koikimo a work for fans of the romance genre and they would have already appreciated the most award-winning titles or simply look for a series of this type that in recent years were scarce but it is truly a regular / acceptable work that the most rewarding you will find it is that it has a beginning and an end that in this type of work often cannot be adapted.
Score 7/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 28, 2021
General: 7,4
The reality that I really liked this season of Hataraku Saibou "Black" and even more than its other alternative version, and although both are equally solid, I think a cast of characters is more entertaining in this title playing the "Gender bender" of his namesake and being able to empathize / support these characters more.
For the rest and little that I saw between its other version and this one, they change very little both in the structure of the program and the rhythm, to show problems that our organisms have and at the same time to show how the study of medicine is important
for the good Of the health. As for the Art and Sound, it is also very consistent with quite catchy openings and closings and a good animation or efficient enough for what this premise required.
I hate to relapse into the same thing but the reality is that in no way this adaptation of "Lidenfilms" should feel inferior to its other successful version adapted by "David Production." Without much more will be left to wait and be expectant if this that Black has enough sales to merit a 2nd season (in my opinion if) that they promoted it a lot with that curious epilogue.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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