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> i don't watch a*ime anymore, and i stopped using this website, however, i came back [for a short moment] only for the people! (stopped watching a*ime on 2/23/2022) 0:00:00:00 remain (out of 5 days (since 3/27/2022)) (bye) i want you all, whoever is reading this message, to name one a*ime that doesn't include or have a child within it. (only full-fledged animes count) dot. checkmate, anime fans. after months of having this question in my profile, i never expected someone to answer it that corectly the answer is: demon slayer the honor goes to G1llette :handshake: :high-five: (applause, i forgot the emoji (:clap:)) As you all do not know and are not aware of, to access my about me and to send a message on my profile, you must be aware of the regulations that i've placed (you don't really need to read it since you can avoid it just by being xd, anyways.), those who do not abide by the rules will uhhh, have their comments deleted! (omg) Greetings, commoners, peasants, nobles, and royals (depends on what i think of you as). For what purpose are you here? Regardless, you can stay here if you comply with the order. Else, you're to be banished or exiled to Vozrozhrodeniya Island! 1. Those who I deem unnecessary to have. [Punishment: Unfriended; messages deleted] People who have a ##### non-xd (#####, close to nsfw...etc) avatar (profile picture). People who sent a friend request without replying or sending a message. People who I've barely chatted with, or have communicated [with me or other people] in a ##### (non-xd) way for no reason. ...etc 2. Use of the forbidden words. [Punishment: Message deleted, can lead to unfriending; if excessively done] (there isn't really any limit to the forbidden words) All swear and curse words (bad words in general); hashtag them, else, they'd be deleted. (Death threats are subject to this). Every laugh except "XD" and "haha". Unfunny and haram terms of the last generation like "B*sed, Ch*d...etc". Improper words and phrases (e.g. words that relate to private body parts; nsfw generally.). Words and phrases that can lead to haram things, or ones that retain hidden motives. Referring to me as your beloved or chatting with me in a rather eye-raising manner; only Controversy is allowed to do so! Typing "ok" in any other form or way (e.g. ok without the o; and the capitalization of any letter in ok, or dragging the ok on with an additional "i" or "ay"...etc at the end). ...etc 3. ###### opinions, views, or beliefs. [Punishment: Banished or exiled to Vozrozhdeniya Island.] Loving a*ime or characters (anything and everything related to anime in general). Prejudice against Islam (all kinds of animosity towards Islam is literal prejudice, no matter the excuse). Watching nsfw; love m*sturbating; or tend to. Hate against black or white people, it's not funny; it never was. The prophet never differed between the black and white people. D*vil worshipping (a tragedy to see that most MAL users are... but let us not talk about that). Finding enjoyment in famous and popular a*imes like O*e piece. Attempting to evade a certain something by saying "i didn't know; think; or read". ...etc 4. All forms of nsfw. [Punishment: message deleted, high chance of getting unfriended] Sending such an image will get you immediately unfriended; the message will get deleted. You will be given one chance to repent and never do it again, if you weren't given this chance, ask for it, if you already lost your last chance, goodbye then. Nsfw by text [i.e. ascii...etc]. Same ruling as the one above. Nsfw talk [i.e. in bed...etc]. Message deleted; will be warned and unfriended if excessively done. ...etc 5. Communication in a forbidden language. [Punishment: Deleted message; unfriended only if repeatedly done (e.g. 10-20 times)] I'm just going to name the allowed languages since they are fewer: Arabic (the hardest language in the world with the most difficult grammatical rules, deny this, westerners, you don't even know arabic) Chinese (i don't understand it but i can differ between it and every other asian language, so can i differ between the other asian languages generally.) English (i really don't want to allow it but most people are able to chat with it and only able to communicate using it (i.e. not knowing more than one language...etc)) Those are all of the languages in which you are allowed to converse with. Once you're done reading, you are allowed to comment on my profile, and you must abide by the rules, else, it'd be deleted [the comments]. (i'm still updating (not anymore)) hi It is not kind of interesting and entertaining to use BBCode, you can learn how to use BBcode here (pls don't waste your time) it's tiresome, like... why did they have to do this, what urged them to do it, BBCode is so ###### I wish this would update on its own though (not anymore) (anime.plus) do not take a look at my mal-badges account here Congratulations, you've found a secret message My rating keeps going down, if it stays like this, I-... edit: alhamdulilah let's reach 0.00 - i forgot who said this ##### quote though, and that ##### [color=][/color], you're not xd if you don't agree with me + i was forced to add this quote (no you weren't (yes i was (stop lying (you stop (ok schizophrenic ###### (wow (noob (shut (says you (ok (mentally ill person (says the person without a physical body haha #### noob xd! (better than not having a mental body, as in being #### (ok shut now, people will regard me as mentally ill (aren't you? (i said shut (ok))))))))))))))))) sorry for that everyone, pls ignore the more i think about it, the more i think that i should do it, and so, here it is... actually, i thought about it just now. it is more of a nominal about me, considering that i have other intentions for doing this (actual about me) Do not click [the spoiler] if you are not able to handle seeing someone with a different perspective or opinion, furthermore, a very very very violent language was used, so much that it got tagged, moreover, it may contain some spoilers. Please do not take this to heart, for it is not directed at anybody, it is but a general metaphor that nears to nobody, and my opinion expressed quite ruthlessly. > J*Jo's Bizzare Adventure is a #####, disgusting, unfunny, ###### a*ime, and i wholeheartedly despise that a*ime > O*sama Ranking is unbelievably ####, not to forget, ##### too, i have no idea why people love it > 8* is meaningless, makes my head ache, gives me the feeling of vomiting, nauseates me (literally), the story is for children who think they have paranomia because they think that it's "cool" > Cl*nnad is unfunny comedy, didn't cry, imagine crying over fictional characters, their eyes aren't something worth laughing over even... literal and definite unfunny comedy > Attack on Titan was ruined after season 2, too much philosophy. the author couldn't believe that his work got famous, thus, started chattering idly, pointlessly, and excessively, let alone abundant chattery, the action turned into mere ash... > Death Note was a 4/10 until the episode of where # died, that episode was the beginning of #####, and the mc... ######### #### ######, why do some people even regard him as intelligent. > L*nk Click is so ##### and ######, even one episode was not worth my time, it was nauseating just like *6, disgusting a*ime, why is it even liked by many. > D*mon Slayer is literally ###, B*ku no Hero Academia likewise, the story doesn't change, it's just repetitive and obvious, oh i wonder what is gonna happen next, no way! that guy died!!! noooo! shut. > F*llmetal Alchemist... top ten a*imes that are in mal top ranking and aren't good, counting down from number 100... > H*ntai and e*chi in general... why is nsfw even loved? why is it liked? why do most love it? why do all people who watch it love to m*sturbate, it is temporary pleasure, isn't it? isn't sperm what made you? each time you masturbate is comparable to killing someone, go marry someone and have children instead of doing things for temporary pleasure... back to the point, what interests you in nsfw? you watch it to pleasure your eyes and go m*sturbate, don't you? and if caught you'd feel shame or embarrassed, if it was a good thing then why hide it or do it in secret? and no, i am not motivating nor encouraging you to do it publicly, let alone secretly, just stop watching nsfw, it's unbearably repulsive ###########. > B*ack Clover, N*ruto, O*e Piece, D*agon Ball, D*tective Conan, P*kemon and D*gimon were all kind of good in the beginning, what happened? and why are they still loved regardless? no idea, "omg good graphics", the story of each got too repetitive (and here i thought people complained about repetitiveness), what do you expect from a long a*ime, i wish that it was even an actually good repetitiveness, the stories of literally all a*imes are expectable, as a result, repetitiveness and how expectable the story of an a*ime was, does not affect my overall opinion, anyways... graphics always cease to amaze/impress me. let's talk about B*ack Clover first, A*ta was very cringe from the very beginning A*ta Y*no were made to look "cool" or something like that, regardless, I found both unbearably ##### and head aching including the anime itself, ###### ##### ### ######, the anime could have gotten a 3/10, and without the ##### characters, it would've gotten 3.5/10!!! too much if you knew. now for N*ruto, at the beginning it was hmm, you can say kind of interesting, rather, somewhat boring, at a slow steady pace it got boring bit by bit, the last 50 episodes were suffering, and S*ippuden was #### from the beginning to the end, a couple of episodes were slightly better than the others, yet it couldn't make the show any better, likewise, the characters are ##### . now O*e Piece, at the beginning it was what i could call actually good, a 4/10!!!, it all began from a random stretchy stretch in a random ship-... nah, no way am i gonna start talking about the beginning, anyways... n*mi is a very ######## character, so is s*nji and u*sop, they are all unbearably ######, they talk #### about the mc and treat him as an underdog when he is the captain, how dare they? regardless, L*ffy is also #####, ######, enough about O*e Piece, they ruined it all after 200 episodes. D*agon Ball... it was a 3.8/10!!! in the beginning, just like N*ruto, at a steady pace it was bit by bit ruined, i liked the tournaments somewhat because they were quite humoring to the mc, at some episodes, the anime was unbearably bad that one would skip 3 episodes and at some episodes, one could just watch through 4 episodes without realizing because of how good it was, and likewise, B*lma, K*ririn and some are all #####, why do they feel the need to create #####, characters in all animes... the anime was very bad at the end just like every other anime, then it continued with the second season which was... well... good but was ruined so fast. D*tective Conan... i did like it, however, the three children always ruined my mood, why can't animes just stop making ###### characters, 88% of the anime is a filler, so much that i had to go read the manga just to stop seeing the fillers, and guess what, the manga is also filled with fillers, could it be the novel that has no fillers? stay with us! nah, even if it wasn't, i am not planning to ever read a novel, novels are exceedingly bad, how bad they are is outstanding, why do people make novels, just go make a manga instead, drawing stickmen is better than writing a novel, it's not enjoying to read one, do you prefer an image meme or a text meme? videos are most preferable but images can also do, right? what about text memes, they are also funny sometimes but imagine your text meme like "X whispered into the ears of Y, Y made a considerably high noise which thus made Z come, he asked what's wrong, X told him that there is nothing wrong, whilst Y told Z that X whispered into his ea-..." shut. that was just a metaphor but yeah, you should get my point, and the story isn't evolving nor developing nor changing, 500 episodes... barely any difference, 1000 episodes... spot the difference. lastly, P*kemon and D*gimon, there is barely any difference between them so i will talk about them together, P*kemon was bearable at the beginning whereas D*gimon wasn't, D*gimon was very bad at the ending and the beginning, thus, unbearable overall, and i don't even want to talk about it. P*kemon was slightly better than D*gimon, however, it got very bad at a very fast pace, the anime is boring from the beginning to the end (D*gimon likewise), i'm not writing a review so i won't bother talking more about it. > A*e's death in O*e Piece was quite humorous, yes, i laughed. to be precise, i laughed about how hard they tried to make it "emotional/sad" and other people really went on with their play, reminds of some very "sad" anime, i wonder which one it was, probably an anime that starts with c and ends with d, if anyone knows which anime it is, leave a comment on my profile with the name of that anime. > N* Game No Life, what a very good anime, mm very nice. N - ##### (n-word) G - got N - no L - life > i will continue later (too bad i won't anymore) haha, i have 2 g*nshin characters in my favorites |
All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 167.8
Mean Score:
- Watching29
- Completed347
- On-Hold16
- Dropped192
- Plan to Watch613
- Total Entries1,197
- Rewatched0
- Episodes11,403
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Anime (7)
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Character (9)
Hetalia Axis Powers
Hu, Tao
Yuanshen: Hai Dengjie CM Duanpian - Ming Xiao Huanmeng
Yuanshen: Hai Dengjie CM Duanpian - Ming Xiao Huanmeng
Bai, Xiaochun
Yi Nian Yong Heng
Kanzaki, Aria Holmes
Hidan no Aria
Tooyama, Kinji
Hidan no Aria
Yan, Ye
Wangpai Yushi
Huang, Xiaoyan
Wangpai Yushi
Duan, Baiyue
Di Wang Gong Lue
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thx everyone for supporting me this far : sob;