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Jul 31, 2013
Every season airs an anime that is just far above the rest that are being aired at the same time. Every few years there are shows that turn out to become defining series for each period of time, usually every 5 years. However, only every 10 years can an anime be called a classic. What is the definition of a "classic"? A classic is something that is outstanding, something glorious and considered held in high standards amongst a large group of people, but the most important aspect, is that the subject at hand usually defines something, rather than redefining something that already exists. Now,
having just ended only a few months ago, it may be overconfident of me to state this, but Shinsekai yori is one of those animes that will progress onward and become a classic itself.
Story: 10/10
Sometimes you have animes that try hard to look like sophisticated works of art, but in reality they are nothing more than shallow, hollow stories that work in mechanics such as clichés, overused themes, and attempt to cater to everyone, and I mean everyone that watches it. Shinsekai yori is an anime that does not do any of the above, it caters to no single audience, nor does it include clichés that are commonly used in every other show. The most important reason why I mention this, is because Shinsekai's story contains a lot of controversial themes that make the viewer think, and it does not go easy on the viewer, the story will twist and turn your brain inside out, and just when you think it's over, it's not. It will do it again, and again, and again, but all the while it's a kind of mind bomb that you will thoroughly enjoy. It is a very deep show that if you do not pay close attention the whole time, you will miss out on a lot. The story makes you think a lot about reality and humanity itself, despite being based 1000 years in the future. Not only this, but the show uses real life history foils to base the characters off of. A lot of the characters are heavily influenced by our own world's history, think pre- and post- WW2, and even during WW2. You will not be disappointed in this show.
Art: 8/10
I have to admit, every anime has a downside to it. This particular show's downside is probably the artwork, there are a lot of scenes that often times look distorted and badly drawn. Characters will sometimes look a little off, and the art style gives the anime a sort of 2006 look instead of a 2012-2013 feel. However, because the story was so good to me, I really never noticed until I rewatched the show (I've watched it twice now).
Sound: 10/10
This show has among the most amazing soundtracks that I've ever heard for a TV show. That is because each piece greatly adds to each scene, and fits in so well. This show doesn't have an opening, but it does have two endings, that when both of them started to play, just gave you chills because of how intense the closing scenes were. Even at night, it would be 4 A.M. in the morning, but I always felt compelled to watch more and more because of how chillingly suspenseful it ended, and I craved more.
Characters: 10/10
This show has characters that feel real, they feel like their right there in front of you, alive and breathing. Everything that happens to them, you will treat it as if it really just happened, you'll want to do something for them, but all you can do is sit back either in your seat or on your bed and watch. Every character has a unique personality that defines them from the rest. It's one of those shows, that the viewer finds out everything about the character when they find out, you're never told anything but you watch and listen and you'll come to know them. Every anime has characters that you both hate and love. However, I found that with this show, even the ones I hated at some point, I eventually came to love them later on. Each character is important to the story, no matter how big or small of a role they play.
Overall: 10/10
I have given out very few 10s, because very few animes have deserved the title of masterpiece. This is definitely a must see show, and even if the beginning seems boring to you, keep watching, because this show isn't something that is supposed to make sense every episode, you'll only come to understand it when it's all said and done.
As a side note, there is a couple of episodes in which yaoi and yuri are themes, however these themes are only one or two episodes out of the 25, and they are very small in terms of being important, so it is skippable if it bothers you. Most viewers have turned this show away and rated it very low simply because of it, which is ridiculous. Just a fair warning, it is skippable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 30, 2013
Have you ever just sat down, watched an anime in one straight-shot and in the end came out feeling like you just watched something amazing? For me, Btooom! was one of those such animes.
Story: 9/10
The story itself was pretty good, mixing in suspense, suspicion, and an array of twists, and good character development, especially between Ryouta and Himiko. As far as I can tell, there haven't been many survival type animes that have come out of the industry, it's definitely something that's rather defining, or more importantly, it is something different than what normally gets put out each season.
Art: 8/10
The art style was
rather decent for the show, however I did feel that for a 2012 anime, it was lacking at times.
Sound: 9/10
I really enjoyed the opening and ending, and the various music that plays during the show.
Character: 9/10
As I stated before, the characters develop quite well. Due to the harsh conditions they all have to go through, nearly every character, both main and supporting go through some sort of development and they end up pretty different from when they are first introduced. What I feel is pretty defining for this anime, is how the characters begin to compare trust to survival and the two themes get put to test a lot during this show, friends become enemies and enemies become friends. Ryouka and Himiko both experience the above, especially when dealing with each other.
Enjoyment: 9/10
What I disliked the most about this anime, was how much it was overshadowed by Sword Art Online, but pretty much all animes that aired last fall were overshadowed by it. I will say right now, this is no SAO, in fact, this anime is more or less what SAO should have been. It was definitely a good watch and don't be turned off by it simply because it's most closely like SAO.
Overall: 9/10
I bought Far Cry 3 a few days before I started this anime, and I must say, between the combination of the two, it was a very good week. The themes of survival and deception appealed to me a lot at the time, and is probably the most influential aspect that one will take out of watching this particular show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 23, 2012
Imagine yourself sitting down on Christmas day, looking at the presents and wondering which one is yours, what's inside, and of course, did you get what you asked for? Now picture yourself getting almost everything you wanted, but you got a lump of coal (or something really undesired), now picture Sora No Otoshimono:Forte before you watch(ed) it, and then think about if afterwards.
Forte being the sequel to perhaps one of the funniest animes i've seen in quite some time, is exactly like what i described in the introduction. It's tough for an anime that brought you the hit single "My Tingling Nipples" to follow
up with a just as a good as, or better sequel.
Story: 6/10
The story around Forte was pretty similar to the first season's, only now instead of Beta, Delta takes her place, once again trying to capture or destroy Alpha. There's nothing wrong with the story as much as it feels like im just watching the first season's story all over just with new characters (for those that have seen Gundam Seed, it's not exactly what Gundam Seed Destiny did, but not far off from it either). The main theme for the season, which is spelled out practically half way through, is the question "What is love?" Now if you watched the first season, we all know that Ikaros kissed Tomoki and told him that she "loved" him, this is Ikaros' main conflict throughout the whole second season. The problem here is, it's not really known if she ever overcame this conflict or not. The story was surprising original for much of the season, but it totally collapses at the end when Tomoki agrees to become Beta and Delta's master, which basically destroys the reason why he free'd them in the first place, to give them free will to do what they want to do, not what someone tells them to do. This idea of freedom was something i was surprised to see and i was glad the first season stuck to it. But by now taking that away and Tomoki becoming their master, the season no longer was original and became almost an identical replication of Sekirei and became a true harem. Not only this, but the ending is left wide open, with a new angeliod (Chaos) joining the group (as it would appear). The last problem is Ikaros (the main angeliod) playing a surprisingly minor role in this season compared to the last season (with two exceptions being the two fights with Chaos) Take it for what's it worth, but i recommend keeping a major open mind with this season and pay more attention to the comedy, and you'll probably not even notice the major flaws in the story.
Art: 8/10
As with most animes, the animation was pretty decent, especially the art styles to the angeliods when in combat.
Sound: 9/10
The OST to this anime is pretty good, and the ending theme to this season is really good.
Characters: 8/10
There is plenty of character development with the remaining angeliods, and possibly Ikaros (the ending does a poor job portraying if Ikaros ever truely overcame her new found emotions). Adding Delta to the group added quite a lot to the comedy this anime serves to put to out which is a major plus considering she's highly clumsy and is a pretty cute girl (i mean her personality here... the thought of robotic chicks with big boobs doesn't turn me on in the slightest) Beta struggles with understanding what Tomoki meant by finding her own reason to live without having to follow orders, but she never does find the answer since Tomoki ends up being her replacement master anyway (what a shame)...the addition of Chaos half way through also helps Ikaros out by seriously taking a look at what love really is, in her own words. Overall, if you like all the angeliods equally, you won't be disappointed, beware getting too attached to a character though.
Enjoyment: 9/10
The comedy kept me going throughout the entire season, and is why i watched this series in the first place, Tomoki and his feminine ego Tomoko keep the series alive the whole way through. It's pretty similar to Baka and Test, which was aired pretty much at the same time this season was aired.
Overall: 8/10
As i said before, the comedy kept it alive and made it well worth watching, but it did feel like a disappointment to me after i finished it (this is the undesired present i was talking about to those who are slow to pick up things). My advice to anyone just starting this season, watch it for the comedy and don't get attached to any particular detail with the story or any particular angeliod. There is a 3rd season currently being made, so perhaps it will provide the closure that this season failed to bring.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 23, 2012
Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai Specials, or just take out Specials and put in OVA, is of course the "better" ending of Ore....now i really don't normally write reviews for animes in which i agree with the majority of others and their opinions on the anime in question, but why not.
This is definately something to watch if you found the series enjoyable....the only problem being that the two middle episodes don't really add anything to the emotions or story as far as progression (there was plenty enough build up in the series and so much character progression that these 2 episodes
only really explore Ruri's relationship to Kousaka...which at this point is not the first thing on everyone's minds as Kirino is the main focus), and the first episode (except for minor details) is a repeat of episode 11 from the tv series. What sucked the most was the fact that Kirino was too much of a side figure throughout what should have been a revised closure since the one in the tv series was easily brushed aside.
That being said, i found that i could have just watched the end of the 3rd episode, and all of the 4th without missing much at all, but nevertheless, i did find episode 2 interesting. it's a good watch for sure
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 21, 2012
Story 5/10
Denpa opened up with this boy moving into his Aunts house only to find a girl mysteriously lying there on the floor being ignored by her mother. the story continues to explain that the girl has suffered through an accident in which she attempts to fly off a cliff believing she is an alien and that she could fly. After a few episodes the boy very early on convinces the girl she is not an alien, and the most interesting issue this anime had to offer was resolved 4-5 episodes in. Now, i rated this part a 5, but if i were to rate
the first 4 episodes, i would give it an 8...because the last 7-8 episodes are nothing special, just your average high school boy trying to score adolescent points (explained in the anime) by doing various things any normal high school boy would do...which is the problem. The one thing that this anime had above others that made it stand out from being just like everything else in the genre, is the alien theme...it is continued throughout the anime with a self proclaimed "esper" who wears a spacesuit, but the anime ends with the boy finally realizing his "esper" powers himself....which i thought was stupid because these so called esper powers were little more than what people would call common sense....he is told he can use his esper powers by suddenly cheering on Ryuuko, giving her the power to make her free throw shots, i mean, normally theres no problem with something like this but this is about it when it comes to the anime, it doesn't try to go above and beyond but sticks to cliches and regularities present in a thousand other animes
Art 7/10
Nothing special about it, i only didnt like the facial expressions and how they were drawn, just not exactly something i enjoyed seeing almost every other scene
Sound 8/10
I quite enjoyed the sound track the opening wasn't too bad but the music during the anime was great
Characters 6/10
I can't really explain it much further than this....there wasn't much at all to the characters, about the only character development in the whole anime was Erio going from this self proclaimed alien to showing her normal human side and interests thanks to Makoto.
Enjoyment 6/10
i was highly looking forward to the episodes through the first 5 eps, afterwards watching 1 episode became painfully boring
Overall 6/10
Honestly i wanted to give it a 7/10 but i took a look at others that i gave a 7/10 and this one is not even close to being as good as they were, i normally dont rate animes below a 7 unless it really just did nothing for me, which this one did and didn't....maybe i missed something, but after Erio snapped out of the alien mindset, this anime lost its luster to me
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 11, 2012
First off, i'm going to make my point known, many people failed to understand this anime on many different levels
One thing everyone understands though, is School Days is not your average anime, in fact it's the first one i've seen of its kind, thats not saying too much considering ive watched only maybe 80 some different series thus far, but i would put my money judging by comments from people while watching other animes that it is the only one of its kind
Im going to take a different approach to writing this review, i will not state the typical categories and explain instead i will
simply say straight off why this anime is both one of the most underrated animes and probably among the animes you need to see atleast once.
This anime was created with the intent of the main character being the most hated character by the anime's end and this one little detail is the reason why people rate this anime so low. A lot of people rate animes based on what they WANT the anime to be, how THEY want it to end, and if it doesn't follow through that way, its terrible and that is why this anime is so hated. It starts off as your typical high school romance anime, but turns into something sooooo much different in the later episodes.
This anime is about a guy who literally is a pimp, he's in "relationships" for the sole purpose of getting into girls' pants...thats right, girls as in multiple girls. A lot of people claim the anime is far from reality..and without realizing it they are so far from the truth. Take it from a guy who sitting at lunch tables with friends during his high school years, heard and knew exactly what other guys (and even girls) wanted, yes there are guys in high school who make it a mission to screw as many girls as possible before the end of their senior year, i know a lot of such people so don't dare say this isnt reality. A lot of people also think Katsura's character is very unreal, and was made way too dense...let me ask...have you never met someone, who has gone through something so bad, that they absolutely refused to believe things were real? I have, and yes, it was during my high school years, drama is a big part of high school life, void whatever country you live in, there's drama...the only difference in how much drama is determined by how big your school is, but that is another subject
Some people who i have discussed the anime with believe that they could have told this story so much better without the main character being a total ass, but i have to ask...how? How is it possible to tell this story from any other point of view than the asshole himself? the same effect would not have been possible, although even now it seems like many people failed to get that effect which is a real shame.
With all that being said, this anime is a must see, i haven't put faith in MAL's average score in a long time now, as i missed out on a lot of animes that i thought weren't worth the time because of this rating, i did eventually go back and watch them and let me tell you, i was pissed i put so much faith behind the average ratings. I even have to say that even watching this anime and how good i think it was, i don't really want to watch another anime like this, its difficult to go through an anime watching someone do all this left and right, it really is. But it is a definite good first time watch. You be the judge, i have seen plenty of other reviews from people who believe what i'm saying and more reviews hating on this anime, just let this review be just another piece of the puzzle that sways your decision to watch this anime
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 7, 2012
Ah.....season 2 of baka and test, whether to call it a big disappointment or greatest work ever i'll leave to the viewers discretion
Where to begin?
Story: 4/10
It took me awhile to really guess if this season had a story or not, for 6 episodes they were mostly fillers with absolutely make-you-die-laughing comedy just as one should expect from this show...but the lack of class fights and duels was a big disappointment as they were really funny and interesting to watch in both the first season and in the OVA. the second season tries to implement the supposed "love triangle" that is minami, aki,
and mizuki but really makes the anime look bad, i can't really tell if it was just food for fodder(fodder being comedy in this case) or if they really wanted to explore a relationship...episode 7 has this major twist and is quickly fixed in episode 9, and then is reopened again in episode 13, i really have no clue what was the purpose of trying to implement a serious side to this anime, when it was immediantly turned into a comedy the next minute. You could hardly call the minami-aki-mizuki thing a love triangle at all, theres so little scenes that mizuki actually interacts with Aki in a way that both of them show in the slightest bit any emotion to the other, as both are too afraid to show it. the lack of in class fighting really deters the second season from having a unified goal as in the first season, which was to prove even "bakas" can be just as good as the smarties, but the main event in season 2 isnt even mentioned until the 6th episode, half way into the season, it just wasn't good at all they should have left it as a pure comedy this season, it would have worked out better...perhaps something like the anime Working!!
Art: 8/10
there's nothing bad about the art at all, but there's nothing amazing about it that stands out from other anime made around the same time as this one
Sound: 8/10
there was nothing bad about the sound, i particularly liked the sound track during strategys for the class wars
Character: 7/10
I almost gave this area a 6, but after considering it A LOT i decided on a 7, more or less giving it a HUGE benefit-of-the-doubt. Characters are meant to change over time, i understand that, but i feel like during this season a lot of characters changed too much. Minami is the biggest example, episode 7 perfect example, shes usually the one to keep Aki in line usually by one of her sometimes uncontrollable habits to pin Aki down using wrestling moves but this episode her "masculine" character disappeared COMPLETELY for the remainder of the series she was a totally different character, she even gets pissed at Aki for being "stupid" for not recognizing her feelings even though she's the one that rushed in without thinking at all and did what she did (wont reveal spoilers, watch it yourself). I was a Minami fan, but this season really did a number on her character it was too much. The other reason why i didn't think the characters were great, was because of Mizuki's either really weak cute side, or attempting to have a strong masculine side, often when Aki does something that spins jealousy in the eyes of Minami and Mizuka, Mizuka goes into this horrifying death mode, that i think should have been explored more.
More or less, i think Mizuki wasn't given a chance at all by the story writers, Minami has a considerable amount of moments more in this anime than Mizuki does, and Mizuki's story with how she met Aki was never shown unlike Minami who was given a whole episode on it. I think the love triangle would have been so much more enjoyable if mizuki's story was explored as much as Minami's was. The biggest reason of them all for this score, is the very wide open door that is left at the end, in which nothing is worked out even though normally the moment of comedy that this anime is known for was the last scene, i felt nothing from it...because i was too annoyed by what had happened only moments before.
Enjoyment: 7/10
Regardless of how much a disaster the story side of this anime was, it still was the most hilarious anime i've seen in a long time, the absense of anime parodies that was frequent in the first season is a downer, but Aki, being the baka he is, provides enough comedy to make you overlook it. It's definately something to check out, but do so looking for a comedy anime, if you're looking for an anime that has a good romance to it, and is hilarious, well...you'll only be half satisfied.
Whether a 3rd season, or even another OVA will be released to clear all this confusion up that the second season left or not, is something thats very unclear, even a year after this season aired.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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