Sonny Boy does abstraction like no other anime. Every episode is conceptually fast-paced, meaning you literally won’t be able to grasp the meaning of everything that’s happening—but that’s fine. That’s not why you watch a show. That’s not why you watch Sonny Boy. Your emotions and subconscious will automatically pick up on what’s happening, figuring out meanings and metaphors for you. I need to stress that you won’t need to do this consciously, nor is it required to enjoy the show. The meanings are far from the main attraction. Enjoying what’s happening conceptually is.
I guess that’s why people who love this show love it so
Jan 20, 2021
Match Shoujo
I'm going to be the first to admit this, Match Shoujo is not perfect. That said, I still think that this manga is still one of the best read I've ever had. It's a perfect before-bed manga, because every chapter is one story and sometimes there are some call back to previous chapters or continuations. Every chapter pretty much follows the same path: Rin gives a pack of match, and you then follow what the character does with them. Usually ending with a moral. Every story leaves a lot of room to interpretation and it's very fun to guess each ending.
It's very entertaining to see ... |