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Feb 24, 2022
୭୧ㅤㅤ꒰ㅤHokkenshitsu ੭ㅤ
↳ . . . Whilst scrolling through the mangas that i found when i searched for " nurse " , this popped up . The cover art was eye catching enough for me to click . I instantly begun to read this as it seemed pretty cute , Let ' s get onto the review shall we ?
ʚ Story ▸ 5/10 ɞ
The story , is basic & & certainly not attention catching . Nothing in the 3 chapters I read captivated me , not even in the slightest . Not to say the story was bad , Just nothing
special . I understand it could get better shortly after those chapters but it just seems one of those fun-time stories with a bunch of characters with no true lead so not much I can say .
ʚ Art ▸ 5/10 ɞ
Another 5 out of 10 , It ' s a cute style , pleasant to look at but also common at the same time . No amazing settings , nor designs . very cute all-together though . Not much I can say again as it didn ' t catch my attention like other art styles from other artists can .
ʚ Character ▸ 5/10 ɞ
Generic characters , can you sense a theme here ? Though the eye-patch girlie was amusing . Over the top character troupes , Nothing I haven ' t seen before , though humorous as it was , weren ' t remarkable .
ʚ Enjoyment ▸ 3/10 ɞ
Enjoyment section is so low due to it not grasping my attention , One could even say it was boring . Simply put ; not up my alley . I was quite bored reading this , so much so I had to drop it . As excited as i was to see a manga in a nurse ' s office setting I was sadly let down .
ʚ Overall ▸ 5/10 ɞ
To put simply ; " eh " , Is my response to this manga . Though i ' m not sure if it could be executed better , I just simply didn ' t enjoy it , Though I could see another person enjoying it . This will be kept at 3 chapters , I don ' t ever see going out of my way to read all of this .
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 31, 2022
ʚ . . . Tape recorder . . . Tape recorder . . . Tape recorder ɞ
Did I have any expectations for this manga ? No , I was drawn to this manga because it was on the horror tag && the cover art looked nice . Reading this felt like a fever dream , it was super weird && all over the place , I feel like this could have some analyzing potential with symbolism && the frequent hallucinations becchin experiences && the overall themes of this manga . Anyways . . . Onto the review
ʚ overall 4/10 ɞ
This is going to be such
a low score because this , Like i said , feels like a fever dream . It ' s so random && all over the place , making it hard to understand what is left && what is right . The dislikes outweigh the likes a bit for me on this one , I really tried to wrap my head around this one but I just couldn ' t . I ' m not really a fan of how this manga was executed , && I couldn ' t tell if this was a parody or some sort of comedic ploy . It goes from psychological moments with the two main characters && onto some random scene of shitting I guess . . .
ʚ Story 3/10 ɞ
I can ' t tell what the story is , If i ' m honest , if it could sum it up it ' s " bombings happen in city , there are bugs in the bodies so you have to get rid of them also they ' re zombies . " , Nothing that hasn ' t been done before . Just your regular post apocalyptic zombie story .
ʚ Characters 6/10 ɞ
This is probably going to be the highest score for this manga , I really focused on mandara for this story . She ' s a really interesting character out of all of the characters . Mandara ( in my opinion ) showcases a highschool girl battling with disorders that stemmed from sexual trauma ( As we were told ) . I believe mandara has a case of Dissociative identity disorder , DID for short . DID is a disorder that is caused by trauma at a young age , this disorder makes you have multiple " personalities " ( better known as alters , so therefore i ' m going to be calling it that . ) , this was showcased by mandara ' s different ways of talking which was shown , her loss of memory && thinking she ' s supposed to be doing something else that she ' s not supposed to . Though they all respond to mandara , which is quite common with people who have DID . I just thought that was interesting because people with DID are mostly shown as " good side " vs . " evil axe murderer " . Anyways , for the rest of the characters they ' re interesting but not in the way mandara is , I wanted to know so much more about mandara compared to becchin or the caretaker .
ʚ Art 5/10 ɞ
Cute artstyle I personally enjoyed the look of , the artstyle really fits the two main characters , I feel like if anyone else had drawn it , it just wouldn ' t have worked . . . Nice settings , interesting angles && panels . Not much to say here , I liked it , not the best but it ' s still good .
ʚ Enjoyment 5/10 ɞ
I disliked reading this but i also liked reading this . I wanted to know more about the characters ( specifically mandara as stated ) , but it was really difficult because of the way it ' s executed . This could really have potential if i ' m honest , but in a way I kinda liked how it made your brain feel like it was about to explode from trying to understand what is going on in it .
Do it recommend it ? No , unless you want to see interesting relationships between two highschool girls battling mental disorders , then maybe , but overall ? no .
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 29, 2022
༺ ୨୧ . . . Pipiru piru piru pipiru pi ! . . . ୨୧ ༻
Trying a new review template , i ' ll see if i like it soon enough ^_^ . . . anyways , I had medium expectations for this anime , I remember watching && completing it when i was 7 or something , I vaguely remembered it to be comical && a good time but . . . this aged like . . . milk , Let ' s get into the review
𐐪 STORY — 1/10 𐑂 :༅。
The story is . . . actually appalling , It '
s horrible && stupid . The . . . main character starting a pedophile world ? Ridiculous honestly , I didn ' t remember any part of that story , It really shocked me when I visited the anime again . For the rest of the story , It ' s also nothing interesting , cute supernatural girl goes to live with generic boy && generic boy has a crush on a cute generic girl . There is nothing interesting about this at all .
𐐪 ART — 4/10 𐑂 :༅。
This section gets a higher score , it ' s nothing special either , it ' s a generic style but it ' s quite cute , the gore is mediocore . Backgrounds are generic , nothing is special about the art style . Only thing about it is it ' s easy on the eyes .
𐐪 SOUND — 3/10 𐑂 :༅。
There ' s nothing to say about this , it ' s okay , the opening is kinda catchy I guess .
𐐪 CHARACTER — 2/10 𐑂 :༅。
Generic characters , the same bland troupes . The only thing about the characters that ' s nice is the designs for the angels , they ' re incredibly cute && I think they look nice , nothing extraordinary though .
𐐪 ENJOYMENT — 3/10 𐑂 :༅。
I didn ' t really enjoy this , the only thing i enjoyed about it was revisiting an anime that has a bit of nostalgic value to me . It ' s a insufferable anime , it ' s stupid && fails at being funny , Which I think it was trying to do ? . .
𐐪 OVERALL — 2/10 𐑂 :༅。
This . . . was just plain bad , I was expecting something nice && fun to watch but . . . I was wrong , nostalgia doesn't always mean good && this quickly proved that . You take an anime with an uninteresting concept , overused troupes && mix it together && it comes out bad . . . what do you expect ? I find it funny that I enjoyed this only when I was really young .
Do I recommend this ? not at all , pure garbage . . .
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jan 28, 2022
A short && simple review , fitting for this music video .
It was a nice , pleasant to watch music video surrounding two characters one who seems to be an oni && another who seems to be an android . Story wise , 7/10 . . . Nothing much to say here , It ' s very sweet && short , it even made me tear up a bit , I think it ' s a great how you get attached to the characters with such a short amount of time . For the art , 9/10 , I love the story && it
' s very appealing && what drew me in to watch this music video , I loved it . It ' s so cartoonish && with the combination of breath taking cinerary , It ' s astounding . Sound is 8/10 , I really liked the music , Adding to my general playlist ! . . Characters is a 7/10 , Also not much to say here , Very cute && appealing designs , of course there isn ' t much you can pack into a short music video with characters but i still enjoyed it . Enjoyment is a 9/10 , Very lovely animation . Overall ? 8/10 for what it is ^_^♪
Do i recommend ? Yes , of course ! It ' s only 4 minutes so it can ' t possibly waste your time , && the artstyle is great so there ' s no complaints .
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 16, 2022
Very . . . weird , to say the least .
I don ' t even want to use my regular review template for this because I ' m at a loss for words , when I was reading this , I did find myself wanting to read more because it was so absurd . It has an unique story for sure, but was it interesting? not at all, not done before but not in a good way. There was two good characters out all of them that I enjoyed , pretty basic stuff. Art wise, it ' s also pretty basic stuff , it
' s not a style that I favor nor is there anything special about the settings or panels . Did i enjoy reading this ? sort ' ve ? I just wanted to find out how it ended because of how weird it was , though I never got to a translation that extended beyond chapter 27 , I didn ' t feel like putting in that much effort of digging .
Do i recommend this ? absolutely not . it ' s not good , it ' s not anything special nor is it worth it , I found this randomly on a horror manga list , I wish i hadn ' t since it really wasted my time .
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 15, 2022
ʚ . . . Mitsuko-san . . . she ' s got a gentle smile . . . ɞ
This is was quite the enjoyable read and I loved every second of it , it was short and interesting , making you want more . i ' m really glad there ' s a movie so maybe I can learn more about such an interesting series .
I ' ve had high expectations for this because it looked really good , I didn ' t realize at first until later but it was made by a really good creator by the name of furuya usmaru ,
his works are always great and he makes amazing creations , I love it . Adding this to my favorite mangas (*^^*)
ʚ overall 10/10 ɞ
This manga easily earned a 10/10 for overall , it was a pleasant and short read , I would love to get a longer read of this manga but I feel it was good as a short manga as well . It may be an adaption , but it ' s well executed , Furuya Usamaru does his adaptions nicely . I ' ve never seen the movie before so I can ' t comment on that aspect but the manga is really good .
ʚ Story 10/10 ɞ
The story really captivated me , the beginning really draws you in with an bizarre event and slowly leading up to why it happened through cues and small changes within the characters , truely fascinating stuff . I don ' t really have any complaints for it , I really liked it ! It ' s a unique plot i ' ve never seen done before , a great manga and I bet an even greater movie .
ʚ Characters 10/10 ɞ
Great characters , especially saya and kyoko . These two were a duo I couldn ' t help but root for , they were super interesting . ( spoiler warning ) . . . seeing the faint ques of mitsuko awakening within saya but her still being there somewhat even in end amazed me , as well kyoko going to become the new mitsuko . . . ( spoiler ended ! ) I love this manga .
ʚ Art 8/10 ɞ
Now , I do enjoy furuya ' s style , it ' s really appealing to the eyes and he can draw some great gore . . . now I ' m not sure when this was drawn but I feel this is more of a weaker point of the manga , I love the style , yes , But some of the characters look really odd , That may just be the appeal of his style but I didn ' t really like it that much .
ʚ Enjoyment 9/10 ɞ
I really enjoyed this series , as i did with other works of the author . It ' s an interesting story , amazing art , and enjoyable characters . Though , since this deals with more heavier themes , I felt really uncomfortable during some scenes and chapters , BUT , It doesn ' t take away from the experience , It may even add to it . I would 100% read this again , And I would really love to analyze it even further .
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 14, 2022
ʚ " . . . Mermaid , Mermaid . Could you please , Make my love come true , Give for me your flesh and blood . . . " ɞ
School ningyo is a really great body horror manga , It ' s a good read and something you can read to fill up your list. It ' s short despite it ' s 5 volumes , And here ' s why .
ʚ overall : 8/10 ɞ
This manga has earned such a high rating because of it ' s interesting twist on mermaids . This manga had me wanting more every twist
and new lore drop of the mermaids , it was seriously awesome , I had medium expectations for this considering I thought it would be vastly different from what I got but i ' m happy with the outcome , it does lack re-readability but it ' s okay , just a short read that I finished in around a day ! . .
ʚ Characters 7/10 ɞ
This section has a more average rating because a lot of the characters are just filler characters , this is to be expected with mangas that take a route of small stories stitched together , but I enjoyed how some of the characters that you thought weren ' t going to be important actually were and tied heavily into the story . I also enjoyed the fact that there ' s some LGBTQ+ reputation in here with WLW and transfeminity , that also made it quite interesting and unexpected . The random twists and how love can corrupt someone just as it did with who started the legend is really present and I love that .
ʚ Art 7/10 ɞ
This section also has an average rating because it ' s an average style , even mentioned by the artist to this , but I think it does it well , I couldn ' t imagine this story with any other style and I believe it does it justice . The setting is going to be boring but it ' s overshadowed by the interesting concept it has to it .
ʚ Story 9/10 ɞ
As stated , I loved the story and concept for this manga . It was super interesting to see so many characters and what their reactions were to the bizarre situation they were put in . I love when stories make everything tie together , it ' s my favorite thing ever to read . I ' m actually glad it was one of those mangas that make many stories and put them together , this made it much easier to digest the lore in a fun way that made you wanting more .
ʚ Enjoyment 9/10 ɞ
I really enjoyed this manga , it was nice to read and a good read to amp up my manga list . The art was enjoyable , the story was good , and it reminded me heavily of another series I love . It really brings my favorite genres together and didn ' t disappoint me at all .
Do I recommend this ? Yes . It ' s a quick easy read and you can finish it easily within a few hours , It ' s short and really interesting .
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 14, 2022
ʚ " . . . You can come after me as many times as you want . I ’ ll cut you down every time . . . " ɞ
Claymore is hands down one of the best series I ' ve ever read , if not the best . claymore , in my eyes , is so perfectly crafted and honestly great . I ' ve always wanted to get into it ever since I saw it a couple years back , but I never had the chance until I found it in 2021 , at my school ' s library , with a
majority of the volumes , so here ' s why I love it so much .
ʚ overall 10/10 ɞ
Overall , 10/10 , Claymore was such an experience to read , And I mean that in a good way . Everything about it is so great ( other than the price of the books ) and it ' s in my top ten for sure . There ' s nothing about claymore I truly hate about it .
ʚ Story 8/10 ɞ
Story wise , Claymore can be a little more weak with it ' s writing sometimes , for example near the 100 ' s in chapters , the story got a bit blurry , but if you look away from that , The story is really enjoyable . The story has a strong grip for the most part , it really keeps you at the edge of your seat , when it leaves on a cliff hanger and you ' re just dying to know what happened because it was such a peak moment for a main character . I really it all around though , That ' s all I have to say here .
ʚ Characters 9/10 ɞ
This manga is full of great and awesome characters with lovely character development , relationships and backstories . All main claymore characters are great , from the ( Slight spoiler warning ) — great ending with clare and teresa is just so amazing . ( spoiler ended ) One of claymore ' s strongsuits is main characters , especially clare and teresa , They ' re amazing in their character development , I also want to note about the parallels between clare , teresa and clare , raki . It ' s honestly impressive how they managed to intertwin clare and teresa so much . Though , I ' m going to have to knock a point off because of the rest of the non - main characters , they ' re good too but some are just . . . meh , like for example Isley , he was an enjoyable character for sure but . . . he ' s not the best , still love most of the characters are , I ' m aware claymore can ' t make every character perfect since there ' s at least 150 generations with 47 claymores each ( not even counting the non - claymores ) , so i understand .
ʚ Art 10/10 ɞ
Another 10/10 , Claymore ' s art is in short , STUNNING . It also definitely a strong suit of claymore . So many scenes are so packed with emotion , I don ' t know where to start with this one . A lot of scenes contain beautiful action sequences that are so entertaining to read , especially the ones with yomas and ( spoiler warning ) — awakened beings , the design of them are just so beautiful and fun , I found myself waiting for another one to appear really excited for the designs of them because they ' re just so good , a personal favorite of mine is the unnamed awakened being that fought with ophelia as well riful ' s design when she isn ' t disguised ( spoiler over ) , it ' s seriously amazing . Another one is the cover art , it ' s really alluring and amazing , it ' s what caught my eye at first before I realized it was claymore at my library . There ' s no complaints I have of this section .
ʚ Enjoyment 10/10 ɞ
YET another 10/10 ( seriously , I love claymore ) . . . as said , claymore is a work of art . it ' s such a fun read , even at chapter one I found myself heavily fixated on it , and if I didn ' t have a maximum check out limit of 3 books , I would ' ve taken all of them home and read it in 2~ days . I have so much love for this series . Though it ' s not technically enjoyment , it was still good but , I also found myself crying my heart out for a lot for some of scenes , honestly reading claymore is like it ripping your heart out for a lot of the emotional scenes , it just goes to show how amazing it is .
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 13, 2022
ʚ this is my first review so I ' ll try my best ɞ
Whisker away was an interesting concept for sure , I had high hopes too ! but . . . It didn ' t really appeal to me , and here ' s why .
ʚ Story 5/10 ɞ
I think the story was interesting yet boring at the same time , it ' s a nice spin to the " girl turns into animal " trope then it ' s like . . . what next ? it ' s so boring after you find out she can turn into an animal .
Art 8/10 ɞ
The art style is good yet generic , it was easy on the eyes but that ' s all the compliments on it . On the other hand , I really enjoyed the animations , settings and the lighting , those really caught my attention . A few scenes were just incredible with the backgrounds and lighting , I loved it . Honestly the best thing about it .
ʚ Sound 6/10 ɞ
Pretty average stuff , nothing much to say here .
ʚ Characters 6/10 ɞ
Boring and generic Characters for the most part , except miyo of course . She ' s an enjoyable character for the most part , her silly moments and a bit of backstory with her , as well the cat thing with her it was cool ! . . But for the rest of the characters , they were mostly from forgetable . Of course the main character and the love interest are going to be less for forgetable than the rest but even the love interest was forgetable , in my eyes miyo and the mask seller were the only truely interesting characters.
ʚ Enjoyment 3/10 ɞ
I never found myself waiting to see what will happen next , it ' s boring and like I said , it ' s like you can see what is coming . Overall pretty boring with the art being the best thing about this , wouldn ' t watch it again .
ʚ overall : 5/10 ɞ
Like I said , a whisker away plays with an interesting concept , and I did like what they were going for but , I felt it could be done better . It ' s not like it ' s a bad movie but it was insanely boring and almost predictable , you could always tell what was going to happen next . The romance was nothing special , I enjoy the sweet ending but overall it was meh . For the good parts about it overall was the concept like I said , it ' s a really fun one too !
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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