- stuff I’m really enjoying rn: Slam Dunk, Mushishi, Cells at Work!
recently completed titles: • Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd Season • • Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou • • Jujutsu Kaisen •
newly added
Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd Season
Eureka Seven
Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest
how i score my shows + compiled list
1st Anime Completed: Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters
1st Manga Completed: Koe no Katachi
100th Anime Completed: Shinsekai Yori
200th Anime Completed: Kara no Kyoukai 1: Fukan Fuukei
250th Anime Completed: Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
300th Anime Completed: Clannad: After Story
Longest Binge Session: 18 episodes - eps. 1-18 of Kaiji Ultimate Survivor Season 2
All Comments (423) Comments
I also finally got around to watching Honey & Clover II. Thanks for telling me about the recap episode at the start of the season. I saw the first season 13 years ago, so I needed that refresher. The characters were just as likeable and drama just as solid as I remembered, save for one overly-melodramatic moment. I thought the ending was sweet, though Hagu ending up with Shuji, her guardian, was something I found a little creepy.
i really should finish more shows but anime does not interest me much anymore these days, anything you're watching or going to watch soon?
yeah I barely ever see someone with cross game on their favourites list but it's just soo good. I also need to check out Touch but like you said it is quite long so I dont know when I will commit to it haha
monster is very good, every episode is prominent and adds to the overall story in some way however small or big it may be, it may not be obvious at first glance either but it's amazing how urusawa always manages to tie a story together and have it unfold bit by bit
Yeah, I probably mentioned before that Wing is best approached like a dumb 90s action movie. The less you think about the plot and schizophrenic politics, the better. Treize was my favorite character, but I thought Duo was cool too.
I don't know what's worse: the armed protests or the stories coming out almost every day of people not only refusing to wear a mask, but reacting with violence when confronted about it. Nobody I know has been infected, but at last count 15 people in my office were infected, 2 of whom later died. They worked on a different floor and I don’t recall meeting either of them, but it’s tragic nonetheless.
Hikaru no Go? That brings back a lot of memories. That's true, it’s hard to imagine at the beginning of the show, but Hikaru does grow to become a pro in his own right. I found it rewarding to watch his progress. I also was amused by how thoroughly that single match with Hikaru shook up Akira's life.
Really? I thought Yuru Camp maintained a good balance of moe, comfiness, and comedy. In contrast, I thought some other Kirara adaptions like Anne Happy, KinMoza, Anima Yell, and Comic Girls focused too much on moe and too little on comedy.
Heh, your experience with Magia Record is the opposite of what I’m going through now with Tamayomi, which has entertaining characters but horrible animation. I hope you’re finding Log Horizon as enjoyable and immersive as I did.
Cool, nursing is a smart career choice, given how the Boomer generation is entering old age now. How long will you be in school?
Like you, I’m still trucking through anime with the limited free time I have. I see you liked Maid Dragon. It’s a nice throwback to KyoAni’s old cute, heartwarming comedies. Here’s to them getting back on their feet soon.
In terms of seasonals, Eizouken is great, and I guess we’ll have to content ourselves with Heya Camp until the real thing returns.
Anyway, how have you been?
Speaking of Soul Eater though, this series airs next season which is by the same author.