Mar 19, 2013
TL;DR version: for a 3 minute web-show from the ex-Gainaz guys that brought to you Gurren Lagann, it's a damn good throwaway show that's just chock-full of WTF action and ridiculous scenes coupled with surprisingly good SFX and VFX given the aim and budget of the project.
Back in the early time of this season (Winter 2013) when Scamp, glorious cult leader that will save animedom, hyped this up, I'm suspect that this might be a troll of the highest order. Some felt like they were trolled out of their time, but for me, this is one of the better anime that's just outright intriguing.
Being what it is, i.e. a low-budget web show just to get in the groove of animating for a new studio, it is surprisingly not shit compared to other shorts this season. The animation while incomparable with full-fledged anime production, is still high quality compared to other shorts such as Ai Mai Mi or Ishida to Asakura. If I were to force myself to choose something that comes almost on par with the animation quality that Trigger brought for Inferno Cop is probably "Oosaka Okan". At least that last one is a tourism ploy so it must at least be somewhat decent.
The artwork is something of preference, despite my urge to beat anyone that disagree. For what it's worth, I love the way the characters are drawn in a mixture of western gritty grimdark style and not-so-standard Japanese style. None of that BS bug-eyed stale moe style, which is a refreshing thought. I disagree with anyone that says they are "drawn by a kid" because, lets be honest, kids can draw normal moe derivative style way better than the style Trigger chose to make Inferno Cop.
Also with the budget being downright low and the importance of this anime is no more than "practice", the SFX is also more than decent; I'd dare say very good. While sure it has a lot of explosions and stuff, sometimes there are studios that just can't get even explosions to sound visceral, but for the life of me I can't really give examples from the top of my head. Dialogue is so-so, considering that they probably just hire two or three people to cast the whole lot, from the titular hero to the female characters in the show.
And being quite frustrated with Winter 2013's offering, a short show this weird and hated after the initial trolling is what made me enjoy this show more that what it should be. All the mixture of cheesy crime-ridden town being saved by a hellcop with stupid incoherent plot, the good animation quality given the budget, the cheesy SFX and some well-timed interruption jokes made this show punch well above its "short web series".
I gave it a 9 because 10 is where all the anime that made me abandon all logic, intelligence and reason to go full fanboy on (like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, etc.).
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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