Anime Stats
Days: 574.0
Mean Score:
- Watching22
- Completed2,483
- On-Hold36
- Dropped703
- Plan to Watch1,041
- Total Entries4,285
- Rewatched162
- Episodes36,447
Last Anime Updates
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Manga Stats
Days: 332.5
Mean Score:
- Reading32
- Completed2,215
- On-Hold52
- Dropped367
- Plan to Read180
- Total Entries2,846
- Reread84
- Chapters40,554
- Volumes5,462
Last Manga Updates
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All Comments (392) Comments
How old are you?
Where did you go?
Been a while
I invite you to the club "10,000 hours".
If you have time I'd like your voice on topics Recommendations for anime newbie, Best animation (not anime), and Top beauties.
I hope you can share your achievements with other members.
All though I'm not quiet sure.
it's been 3 years, what's up?
Why are is your list update, hidden
What are you scared of lmao
in romanian philosophy, soup and ciorba are 2 entirely separate yet similar looking dishes
luke shaw was the hero :(
i had a period i read several fighting manga, all for reasons unrelated to the fighting.. .i've never being particularly interested in the genre
namely Holyland, Angel Densetsu and Shamo
and Shamo is my favourite of the 3; it looks long but it has very lightweight chapters/volumes like vagabond
i think technically its one of the longest translated seinen out there