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Mar 12, 2025
This anime was fine. It had a lot of the tropes of other time rewind anime but nothing more than what you'd expect from anime.
The characters were very cute and likeable and I would've rated it higher if it didn't fail the one pet-hate I have of media I watch - UNNECESSARY SECRET KEEPING.
This was prevalent throughout the show and was extremely frustrating to watch. Entire episodes played out situations of life threatening danger that could have been completely precluded if certain characters had just chosen to share normal information with each other.
The ending was spoiled through the negligence of the main cast allowing
the main antagonist to leave with everything they wanted in order to jusitfy a season 2.
The main heroine spouts a dream of hers that is baited then switched out for something slightly lesser right at the end leaving you with an unsatisfied taste in your mouth.
It's fine but I wish the writing had been more cohesive.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 25, 2024
I read the original light novel of this and dropped it because it sucked. I watched this because I was curious whether it could be saved. It could not.
This anime is probably called Berserk of Gluttony because it drives anyone that watches it insane. The world itself is a classic euro-fantasy world with nothing particularly interested - it has classic monsters, classic town names and the art style is average. That is probably the best part.
The story is fragmented to the extreme, with random elements thrown into episodes seemingly without regard for pacing at all and with no indication of what's happening. He goes
straight from a classic, weak to strong power up journey into an apocalyptic endgame life or death battle with zero pre-amble or buildup. I genuinely had to go back and check that I hadn't missed an episode because despite having read the light novel I had no idea what was happening.
The story is essentially unexplained to the extent where characters just appear out of nowhere and fight the MC and the watcher has no idea why. One character turned up, fought the MC, lost and died all within about 20 mins of content.
The characters are the worst part of this story, by far.
- The MC is a classic Japanese doormat MC who will arbitrarily take revenge on one person and yet, a different person who has treated him just as badly will be helped at no cost. Here's an example: he was kicked out of his village as his father died and he, as a child, was not useful. He was stoned, bullied by the other children, verbally and physically abused and then exiled. His father likely died due to being used by the other villagers as a shield against monsters. Fast forward to present: one of the kids that threw stones at him and bullied him out of the village comes begging for help, he is rejected by an unrelated warrior who doesn't even have a grudge against him. Instead of also saying no as any sane person would to a person who essentially is the source of their childhood trauma, he accepts the guys request. Upon arrival he is once again verbally abused by the village chief and villagers alike, instead of getting understandable annoyed and leaving he allows the abuse to continue. Then, when monsters attack the village he puts his life on the line to defend the very same villagers who kicked him out into the wilderness to starve, showing them that no matter how badly they treat someone, they'll always be able to drag them back and use them again when convenient. This is just one of many incidents like this - give me a break and grow a backbone. It's to the extent where you begin to wonder if he actually enjoys the abuse.
- The main heroine is a hypocrite. She is presented as a jesus-like figure, the only good one among a scum-ridden holy knight order. She is the only thing keeping the knight order in control in the city the story starts in. Without her the knights, who are 1 dimensional and cartoonishly evil, kidnap children to torture them for their pleasure. This all seems fairly good until she decides that she would rather volunteer to go fight monsters on the front lines, thus dooming the citizens of the town completely. That is her hometown by the way, but who cares about them they're not in her immediate vicinity so they might as well sod off. Oh and punishing the evil holy knights from her position of authority? Impossible. She'd much rather give them a stern talking to and tell them to never do it again - truly a fitting punishment for the grievous bodily harm of a helpless citizen... Surely they won't just continue to do it when she's not there or not looking, that would truly be impossible... dumb.
- Next comes the wrath girl, who has so little personality I can't even remember her name. She should be renamed to the sin of being a burden. She joins the MC and leaves him some kobolds to fight, essentially pushing the task on him. She frames this as a favour and in return, forces him to confront one of the strongest beings on the planet for her convenience. Not only this but she eats all his food, breaks the travelling cart over minor unintentional verbal slights, charges her companions obscene prices for even the most basic of tasks to help out and unironically uses the MC as furniture. Obviously the MC being a doormat completely goes along with this and even his minor pranks that he returns as payback for her unreasonable acts of eating all the food and falling asleep while MC works are returned disproportionately. She has 0 redeeming qualities and is about as unlikeable as it gets.
This anime was frustrating to watch and if I had anything better to do that day I would have done it. Even staring at a blank screen was better than this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jan 17, 2024
This anime was pretty boring to be honest. The saving grace was the great animation and sound quality as well as some decent voice acting.
The premise was a standard, done to death reincarnation which doesn't add anything to the genre as a whole. There are isekai twists and turns, but they are neither surprising nor interesting. The MC is a classic insertion fantasy protagonist with as much personality as a potato. I truly dislike characters who are created with being a battle junkie as their only personality trait. Not only would those people die straight away but they also are constantly used as cheap plot
devices and act completely illogically to suit the authors needs. It's lazy writing.
Moreover, aside from the harem gotta catch em all, who he gathers for, at times, literally no other reason other than wanting to see what happens, there is no plot. The whole anime is just wandering around to the extent that there's basically no antagonist for the majority of the show. Naturally this concludes with completely 1 dimension antagonists that we don't care about, some of which are even defeated OFF SCREEN.
Imagine how terrible the antagonists have to be for them to die off screen in favour of random scenes of the party eating or sleeping.
I actually read the light novel for this and dropped it because it was bad. They somehow managed to take something quite bland and make it extremely bland. It was like drinking ice flavoured soup.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 16, 2024
So bad it's bad. Very disappointing even compared to the other "Kicked out of x" anime's. Characters are bland, plot is just bad and not even the climactic fight is interesting because the MC can't even fight someone threatening to kill his family without asking after their well-being during the fight.
MC starts out as a wanderer who goes to a village after helping one of the villagers out. Naturally she is a waifu with massive boobs on display because of course she is. He then proceeds to be emotionally and physically manipulated by her into staying in the village despite conveniently discovering his massive talent
immediately after arriving. Whenever he decides to leave she either cries or honey traps him into staying - it's ridiculous and makes her completely unlikeable. Oh and btw she's ridiculously strong, stronger than the MC but because she's "scared of fighting" she remains a housewife the entire time. It's literally only used for comedy and its dumb.
Antagonist is standard spoilt brat. Plot begins so wildly swing at concepts like world peace and trying to understand your enemy but completely ruins any kind of drama and suspense with the worst clichés and plot devices. Example - the final fight is our MC against the mail antagonist who has literally said he is going to kill his wife and child, burn his village and then kill him. During the ensuing fight the MC is constantly asking after the well-being of this guy. Imagine how trash a fight is where one guy hits another and then asks if he is ok.
This ranks alongside some of the worst 1 dimensional garbage I've ever seen.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jan 13, 2024
So I would warn whoever is watching this that the reason I have rated it highly is not because of the action or the plot related to the hero or the demon lord but actually because of the quite deep themes that it covers.
First of all the the theme of determinism wherein most people's lives are determined from birth based on their blessing. Leaving the timid forced into a life of violence, the adventurous restrained by crafting blessings etc. It covers one of the main plot devices used in a lot of fantasy literature of blessings and path being determined at birth and how in
most likelihood this would cause a great deal of suffering and anguish among those in receipt of it.
Further it covers the compounded pain of the blessing forcing a person to act in a particular way according to this blessing, often times against their nature. This is often encountered in anime with reference to nobility and responsibility but this was, I found, a refreshing take on it.
Finally and, most importantly, it covers the concept of an almighty god overseeing the direction of people's lives. People often revere some omniscient, omnipotent entity with little regard for whether that entity is actually benevolent or not. This show clearly outlines the drawbacks of an entity like this by showing the suffering that can be inflicted by forcing someone to go against their nature to serve as part of a "greater plan" to save the world.
Ironically the greatest victim of this is the villain of the anime, Ares. Had the "almighty" not made the blessing force their wielders to act in a certain way, then Ruti might have wanted to be the hero. Further, had they not mind-controlled their carriers so much, Ares might have been able to accept Ruti giving up her title as hero, or even Gideon's place in the party. Finally, the entire plot could have been precluded had the "almighty" bothered to give the hero blessing to someone who actually wanted it.
This show, viewed in a certain way provokes the argument of suffering versus divinity in the context of "god's plan".
Outside of this the show was pretty mundane with the standard animation, tropes and plot devices you'd expect from generic fantasy. I only rated it highly because I saw a critique of both the concept of the almighty as well as many aspects of standard fantasy anime. Your experience may differ.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 12, 2024
This anime was not in the realm of so bad it's good, nor was it in the realm of good anime. It was so bad it's bad.
The story is neither unique nor interesting. It's essentially a carbon copy of any kindom/fief building simulator. The premise is completely ignored, both the reincarnation element and the cooking element. Even up to the final episode I was wondering when he was going to do anything interesting.
The art style is standard and neither good nor bad. Probably the best part of this show.
The characters were so one dimensional I struggled to believe they existed in 2
dimensions. The main character was a typical doormat Japanese MC who also gave off the impression he "liked them young". All side characters were essentially enablers with no personality, cartoonishly evil (even for an actual cartoon) or sycophants who love the MC for the most basic of favours.
The anime was, if anything, too realistic as it spent the entire time on mundane affairs and ignored the actually interesting stuff like the sweets and magic.
I would like to note he has EXTREMELY interesting magic and apparently no interest in using it despite its utility. Imagine buying a ferrari and then deciding to cycle for the rest of your life.
Others will not enjoy this series unless they are of the same mindset as the moron that though this show was good enough to release.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jan 6, 2024
The show was pretty good. The characters were quite wacky and interesting. This was mostly a slice of life about the evil inherent in unregulated capitalist healthcare dressed up as an isekai but was enjoyable.
There really wasn't much plot so it didn't have a huge amount of action however the comedy was reasonable and the art style and animation was of standard quality.
The MC was a standard isekai character and wasn't unique but the side characters made the show a lot better due to comedic elements. The show was not realistic but then it's an isekai so what were you really expecting.
Good for if you're
looking for something relaxing to watch that shouldn't be taken too seriously.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 3, 2024
This anime was kind of bad and only partially in the funny realm. It's practically a caricature of the isekai genre and was only partially saved by being moderately funny.
MC is absurdly powerful, but only when the plot says he can be - it is immensely frustrating to watch him insta-solve difficult situations then struggle with the dime-a-dozen villain. The world and the magic are essentially unexplained, MC can just do anything he wants after a bit of "research into ancient magic" he did in a library that one time so you essentially have no idea and just have to accept that he's omnipotent when
the plot says and restricted when the plot says. Guess that library had every book ever, or maybe none at all, that's literally how little information we have on his abilities.
Might as well ignore the type of magic MC is restricted to because that's thrown out the window straight away btw.
MC's constantly acts in a way completely counter to his own motivations in order to advance the plot and sometimes for comic effect. I don't mind a gag or two but if it affects the plot then the narrative can no longer be serious and has to commit to being a gag story, which this doesn't.
In this show stuff just happens, nothing is explained so you never know why you just have to accept it and move on.
5 only because it was sometimes funny and it had average sound and visuals.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 3, 2024
Definitely in the "So bad it's good" category.
Story was not unique at all, it was a complete isekai cliche.
Art style was standard, nothing particularly special.
Characters were essentially caricatures, I would say my favourite was the one who ate carrots like they were crack.
Character reactions were wild to say the least. MC wastes so much time and does things in practically the hardest way possible for no reason.
MC essentially does a gotta catch em all run, it's practically comical that he gets OP so quickly with basically no barriers at all. Girls fall for him on sight, all situations work out and the show twists
reality to make MC the good guy. It's bad but it was funny in its absurdity so was enjoyable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 25, 2022
I knew this would be awful from the first episode. They did nothing to make the main female lead likeable at all and thus I dropped it.
Literally the scene that determines the friendship between Ard and Ireena she goes on about how she is lonely, no-one wants anything to do with her and how she wanted to die so Ard shouldn't have saved her.
This is dumb in a number of ways and serves to give you an impression of the kind of character this series is going to have:
- Ard has been following this girl around being kind and respectful in his own way,
offering her, at the very least, conversation. She has, on every occasion, rejected this. She then goes on to complain how no-one wants to talk to her. Ok.
- After dropping her sword against the goblins she starts to realise a painful death is in store for her, she says "No" repeatedly and then literally yells out "Someone save me!". Then when Ard saves her, she admonishes him because she "wanted to die". Ok.
If you're looking for a gutless doormat MC for spoiled girls who use, then abuse him, you've come to the right place.
I, however, find it gross. This gets a generous 3/10 simply because the art and sound were of average quality. Would have been 1/10 if they were any worse.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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