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Apr 10, 2015
this was a really good hentai i thought, with great potential but was sadly unfinished with only 2 episodes made. it is not often you find a hentai with a decent plot, but this was one of them. i notice that all the reviews for this anime have been rated down. why? i fully expect mine to be rated down too. nevertheless, here goes...
the art is lush, the characters are very attractively drawn, including the men for once, which adds to the appeal of the hentai scenes. the sex scenes are explicit (in the first episode
- the second ep. is censored, and i'm sorry to say, done in very crass way with huge mosaics that completely ruins the art) and shows the men as well as the women enjoying themselves, which was refreshing. with one exception all the sex is consensual, and are acts of love between people who care for each other.
the storyline is set during the time of the shinsengumi, so there is a lot of political intrigue, which i found a little hard to follow as with only 2 eps there wasn't time to further expand the plot. there was some swordplay also but that was limited which is a bit of a negative.
this is well worth a watch; a political drama with a feminist element and appealing characters. what a darn shame this series did not continue.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 7, 2015
this hentai was a lot of fun. it doesn't even begin to take itself seriously and is really a parody of hentai in general.
having said that, there are several explicit sex scenes in each episode, and all main fetishes are covered. cos-play, tentacles, medical, mild incest, loli, rape and yuri.
although non consensual sex is a running theme, as it is in the context of role play and fantasy, the sting is taken out. added to that, the main characters are newly married and very much in love, which really adds considerable charm to this production.
the art is decent, the sex scenes are
lengthy and the characters are likeable. darling is also highly amusing - i think this was the first time i laughed out loud watching a hentai. definitely worth a watch imo.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 25, 2015
hmm. my ability to evaluate the quality of this film is really hampered by the lack of decent english subs. i could tell that the translation was way, way off in several of the scenes, and some of the translations simply didn't make sense at all.
bearing that in mind, from what i was able to understand of this film, i would have to say it did not live up to the promise of the first film. whereas in the tv series there was a little too much emphasis on the battles, to the extent that i could not follow who the Shinsengumi was fighting and
why, this film went to the other extreme. consequently we don't see any of the battles that Hijikata underwent. instead we watch Chizuru journey to reconcile with Hijikata, which made much less compelling viewing. another consequence of this change of focus was that the deaths several characters were very rushed, anticlimatic and lacked any emotional impact.
speaking of Chizuru, her character regressed back to helpless damsel who never tries to defend herself, which was very, very disappointing.
kazama was overused, at the expense of the Shinsengumi characters and his devil associates.
the fate of Chizuru and Hijikata made more sense, and was an improvement on the series, given the scene that takes place between them in the forest. and the sword fight between kazama and hijikata was ok, although i have seen better.
the art and sound were good as usual, but ultimately this is a rather disappointing sequel. 5/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 25, 2015
i apologise in advance; my reviews are not as detailed as others...
essentially this story is about the rise and fall of the shinsengumi. it's a historical action drama (with a supernatural element).
i much preferred this film version the the series. as 12 episodes had to be condensed into 95 minutes, the pacing is better, although the drawback is that there is less character development and some of the incidents that lead the characters to act as they do, such as when 2 members of the shinsengumi left, had to be glossed over. some of the wonderful humour of the first few episodes
is missing also.
however, i feel that these losses are compensated for by some excellent sword fights, and most significantly, the portrayal of Chizuru here, in comparison to the series, is a breath of fresh air. no longer is she an annoying child who's talents extend to fainting and making tea. she is resourceful, smart, passionate, and a fighter. although we sadly don't get to see her fight here, they way she gets her sword out tells you that she means business.
the animation, as with the series is of a very good standard, very clear, very bright and fluid. the plot is easy to follow, if a little rushed. i am not sure the storytelling would be a completely satisfying experience if you have not watched the series first. however, i would recommend that any one who is a fan of samurai style anime to give this a try.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 15, 2015
ok so my first review. apologies in advance, this is not going to have some of the detailed breakdowns i have seen in many other (really helpful) reviews.
sigh. this hentai frustrated me. i feel that there was a decent storyline here trying to get out, but the final result was a confused mess. the set up is quite nicely done in the first three episodes, involving an old family curse, abductions, mind control and an evil matriarch, but by episode four my heart gradually sank as i realised the conclusion was going to be unsatisfactory; and it was, with
the plot lines left completely unresolved. what happened to suzana's mum? or her dad for that matter? koichi's friend? the maids? suzana's cousin? you get the picture. the storyline goes nowhere. the huge jumps in time, where night becomes day in a heartbeat, adds to the general sense of confusion.
fair enough you may say, it's hentai. the plot doesn't matter. sex. it's the sex we want. i hear ya. i watch hentai for well drawn, explicit and erotic sex too. unfortunately, moonlight lady does not deliver in that regard either. first of all, many of the scenes are rapey. i can't get comfortable with sex scenes where the woman involved is clearly saying no. second, the guy doesn't make a sound. not even when he comes. he's having the best sex of his life, with multiple gorgeous women, and he has nout to say. you can forget any horny facial expressions on his part too, as his face is hidden most of the time. the animation of the sexual encounters are quite awkwardly drawn too, so for example the hip positions are mismatched to the extent that sex cannot realistically be taking place, yet we are supposed to believe that it is. there is a fair bit of yuri if you like that sort of thing, and if you have a cum or breast fetish then you may like this.
on the plus side, the animation is bright and clean, and at least suzana has some reasonable characterisation - no-one else does unfortunately.
usually when i watch a poor hentai i just give it a low rating on MAL and move on, but i felt so let down by the wasted potential of this animation i was moved to write something. oh well. the hunt for good hentai continues.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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