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Jun 26, 2013
1. Meeting up
2. Fall in love
3. Went on a date
4. Confession
5. In a relationship
6. Trouble
7. Break up
Seven steps above may (or may not) contain a popular steps of a romantic relationship often shown in a manga. Unfortunately, most romance-tagged manga only focus on the first half of those step, where characters did their best to be in a relationship with their respective romantic interests. Very few deals with the latter half - on how characters try to get out of their relationship - and that's where Mielino Kashiwagi shines above all. It forces reader to face the most uncomfortable phase of a relationship, in a
strangely good way. While the first half of romantic relationship is a tried-and-true method to a romance manga, that part initially didn't contain many potential problem to face, and many plots ended up being overused. Meanwhile Mielino Kashiwagi manga covers the part of the relationship that's bound to have problems. As a results, this manga feels fresh, look fresh, and in fact it IS fresh.
Although I said this manga deals a lot with the ending of a relationship, doesn't mean there is not any new relationships made. In fact it is just common sense that the ending of a relationship would give a way to a new relationship, and this manga has that.
The story really took much from Kashiwagi's, the main character of the manga, POV. She often makes initial assessment on her client. And although she did her best not to let what she thinks of her clients affect her job, in some cases these results in an unreliable narrator effect to the story. Plus, when she touches hands with her clients, accidentally or not, she had the ability to see how they would turn out in the future. In a way, this could help provide a better closure to each cases when they didn't explicitly told in the story frame.
The most impacting aspect of this manga for me, however, is not the story but the characterization. This manga shows different type of people with different reason to end their relationship, that in itself got me hooked to the next chapter. And while I like the characters, I think the author didn't try to overkill with the characterization. Most of them could considered normal if I try to judge objectively, although kashiwagi might not agree with me. And as I've said before, kashiwagi's POV is really important to the storyline.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 2, 2012
This story got the best confession line ever in manga.
I must admit, the author got really good job putting everything to work out in this Hetakoi. I easily enjoy every page, and every second of this. It's easy for me to get the feel of falling in love, jealousy, excitement, happiness, and anxiety, or even anger while reading this. And after all that roller coaster of emotion, we got one heck of a confession line. I love it.
That in itself is good enough to make a good manga, but this manga is not limited to just that.
The characters are really well done. they got drawn
really well. With point-to-point traits that is easily for readers to empathize. I especially like the male MC. He is caring, not only to those he like, but also to the one he doesn't like (He cares even to his love rival at some point). And it's just one of many likable trait he had. As the story progress, we get to see him maturing both in mind and in emotion.
The art is also excellent. Besides the characters, the world itself is a great work. Because this revolve around a hot spring lover club, of course there must be beautiful hot springs involved.
This is a great seinen love story. If adult romance with a good happy ending suits you. I definitely recommend you read Hetakoi.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 13, 2012
When I found this mahoraba, I only interested by the multiple personality theme, at first. But as I read it more, I realized that this is certainly not just that. And likes it very much in the end.
The first thing I come to notice is the characters. Mahoraba really excels by the work of its characters. All cast is really appealing. Even some that are rarely appears has their own impact to either the flow of story or comedic relief.
I, or maybe most of you, might often find a character trait(s) in mangas that are used so frequent it makes the character themself boring. Well
mahoraba give you least amount of that possible. In case of me, I get the feeling, "Oh my, what will he/she do in this situation". And although the story might turns out to be cliche, but the act of the characters leaves their own taste.
As of the art, it might not be the best drawings you get out there. But, the style fits really perfectly. I especially like the yonkoma style in some occasion. It really refreshing. I give some bonus point in the art for that.
Well in the end, I do mention cliche. But still, mahoraba can give me a good laugh. And the romantic part is not half bad. If you seek for a relief from usual romantic comedy stuff, mahoraba is a good choice.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 21, 2012
I actually brought myself to watch this anime because of it's unique story and the concept of neuro-linker. I haven't watch too many anime with similar concept, so I have to say that I was content to watch it on overall basis.
But one thing bugs me though. If we put the brain burst and neuro-linker aside, this anime will leave us with a bunch of teenage with identity problem:
First, there is the main protagonist who is bullied at school and having a problem with his "real world". Seeks refugee in the virtual world, and even becomes oblivious of his friends. To the point that he
made one of his friend cries, a girl for that matter, and the other friend hate him because his girlfriend is giving more affection towards the protagonist. These problems could easily avoided if he is content of what he already has, and paying attention to his great friends in the first place, which is oddly enough this was shown in the rest of the story (for now I can't judge it as either for the sake of his retribution or his real identity shows up). I know this was maybe for the sake of story development, but I certainly don't think that it is the best thing to tell your subconscious to.
Second, there is the female protagonist who shows our main protagonist the concept of brain burst. She sure is an interesting character. But on the other hand, her curiosity makes her betrays a truce. A truce that were made with the rest of her mass. I understand the condition she were in, and her motivation. But she blames children naivety as her justification, that's what troubling me most. Don't get me wrong though, I didn't try to verdicts certain age for I am incapable to do so. But I think children's role is to LEARN. And adult is the one to SUPERVISE them while they were learning. As long as one need to learn, then they were children. When one is content of his learning and can guide others in the learning, then they were become adults, age doesn't matter here. At least that was my own preferences for this matter. And regarding her ability and her role, the female protagonist certainly an adult in the "brain burst" proposition. And to think that someone that I expect to be a supervisor would betray the mass out of curiosity and then make others follows her path and continue her deeds, that was way too much. If I were to have a child on my own, that is certainly NOT something I would teach them to.
Most anime I like usually has characters does something horrible for the sake of others, not for one own benefits. Maybe this is my own preference, but I can't stop myself to point this bizarre out.
Back to the matter at hand, I like this anime for it's excellent neuro-linker interface. And the crews certainly did their best to make use of these to build matching atmosphere. Such as, the interaction between character when direct link is provided. The explanation of brain burst and neuro-linker is itself interesting. I praise the art and sound for this, therefore making the whole anime itself more enjoyable.
This anime is adaptation from a light novel, and it has also adopted into a manga. But I can't bring myself to read those other materials as I still hopes this anime could "surprise" me more. By this time, there are only 7 episodes aired out of 24 in agenda. I personally hopes the story development will prove what I wrote in this review wrong. And if in the end it did, I beg you all a pardon. After all, that would be what "Not Helpful" button is for.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 30, 2012
Story (10/10):
As many of his works suggest, adachi mitsuru always have a strong story-telling ability. Despite being 50 episodes long, I still have a feeling of "want more" towards this anime. In subjective comparison, I watch most anime with less episodes and feel that was already enough, and few of them is even too much.
The story development is done really well here. At times, I was confused to tell it was centered around a team's struggle to go to the koshien, or complications of aoba-kou relationship. It was good work to make it synergize nicely, tough. Supported with excellent drawings and right timing, simple scene
can be emotional in this anime.
Personally, I like how akane takigawa character introduced to the story.
The timing was perfect to improve the story to the whole new level of excitement. And I actually amazed on how much this anime feels real. I didn't find any impossible trick ball on the game, or over-dramatized match development. But still generates so much fun. I actually surprised on some in-game tactics displayed. Adachi mitsuru really knows his game.
Art (8/10):
Considering me not having watched too much anime to compare, and too much skill to judge this part. I can only say that I'm happy that this anime didn't lose it's "adachi mitsuru" feel. Compared to adachi mitsuru's other work that made to anime, I like Cross Game anime art the most. (But I know really well that the age and technology used might be different too, so I can't really complain)
Sound (9/10):
regarding sound, I could only comment about scoring.
From the first episode, the scoring is already done really well. I like how koikogarete mita yume played in the end of episode. It adds much emotion to an already emotional scene.
Other score is not so bad either. They did what a score should do: "emotion building". And I can tell that it is not an easy job. One need right timing and right score, if something slipped even a little bit, that job won't be really good.
Character (9/10):
The character made by adachi mitsuru is one thing that made me like his work. I personally don't care that some of his character look alike, the important thing is character personalization. And the seiyuu of each and every character is deserved a well praise for this reason.
I like how the characters can make a funny joke despite how their personalities are. The only thing I can complain is the pairing (:P). Then again, it is my personal preference of the story, not everyone would feel troubled by this.
Enjoyment (10/10):
Yes, I enjoy this very much!
although I must admit that 10/10 comes after I re-watch this anime the second time. The first time I experienced the ending, I think something is lacking in there. I would really like to see some koshien match or a bit more extends to the story. But, after re-watch it I don't think it was really necessary after all. Because all the question I have is actually answered.
The only thing I still find troubling is the pairing. I asure you, adachi mitsuru need to done something better with the pairing there (:P).
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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