Best word to describe this piece is lame...
Maybe be the initial goal ,to create a hybrid concept mixing samurai and hip hop culture to please the more "american" viewers, is exciting. It was done by Watanabe in Samurai Champloo rather succesfully. But, afro samurai resurrection (again) is a disaster.
Total unoriginal story line, crowded with cheesy cliches.
Interestingly the most original? part looked like a scene poped from a Disney movie. A cycle of events are tried to be meshed (which might be actually very pleasing if done correctly), however the unreasonable characters together with the weak connections between events made this attept to fail.
There was even a sex scene randomly added inbetween a fighting scene just to complete the golden ingredients for an action movie, too absurd for my taste...
The best thing was the animation needless to say maybe, good fights but since the story could not back them up after while even they became boring.
The music was nice but again the scenes and the mood of the music did not matched at all, which in turn just resulted in more distraction.
As a final word, if you like samurais, bloody fights, semi nude chicks and have time to spare, go and watch it. But do not expect originality, it is just like a cheesy holywood action movie rip-off...
there is a saying in our country, the donkey is still a donkey even with a golden saddle.