What will happen, if you take original GiTS (1995) and strip it of flawless animation, good pacing, and magnificient lore? You get this.
Story. Too much philosophy, wrapped in mediocre detective. Comparing it to original, Innocence has no lore exploration, almoust no characer development, and instead focusing on a overly complicated philosofical ideas. 5-6/10
Art. GOD DAMN CGI!!! You were amazed by world, characters and action of 95's movie? You were jumping in your seat, when you saw oppening building of an cyborg? Too bad insead of that you get atrocious looking cgi backgrounds, cars, dolls and so on. Some places show, that director was so amezed by this technology, that he created wet sgifill's dream. Criklejerk of complicated buildings. God, it's SOOOOO bad. 3\10
Sound. 7\10.