Feb 27, 2010
Looking at my rankings of the manga you may be confused. 9 for a story that seemed so typical and yet it really wasn't. Art a 10 for the beauty that captured the ice and the love that these two shared. 8 for characters that were beautiful and yet not that deep, but for a manga that had to be short it worked perfect. My enjoyment was 9 since I was reading so fast to get to the end but when I got there my eyes had tears, but they weren't going to fall because I was so content. So overall a 10 for a tale that leaves you just they way it should in the end. With a satisfaction with the ending and only a slight wondering about the characters lives after this point. It's up to you to decide if you read it or not but if you have read the original tale about Kay, Greda, and the Snow Queen then this is an absolute must
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