Heroic Age, what a boring anime! Mecha-monsters that constantly fight, a princess who constantly cries and people who keep talking about tribes and “contracts” that don't make any sense to anyone, not even to the anime characters themselves. This show fails in a major way by making the show too complex and unintelligible. They didn't use their time wisely to explain all of these new concepts to the average-minded viewer, things like, “tribes” or the importance of the “contracts”, the nature of these contracts, or go into further details of these “labors”. There was also ZERO character development! No downtime between battles to any real extent, no history or background of the characters, just that age likes to paint...basically. Boring! I like humans and people and human drama. Where's the tension? Where's the DRAMA?
Of course I love the art and animation, it's the same as Gundam SEED which is to say, it's pretty good. However, I think this series was really just an showcase for the art concepts and graphics and special F/X. Like why does the Captain's room have no walls? It's just a bunch of lights and LEDs against the backdrop of space and stars. Also, the music is not that great, nothing to do back-flips over.
The story makes no sense, it's all a bunch of mysticism and interplanetary mumbu-jumbo that doesn't make sense to anyone outside the anime and they do a terrible job relaying it to the viewer....so there's no connection there either!
I'm a character driven person and this show did nothing for me, the characters were trite and clichéd. And you didn't get to really see them much at all except when they're delivering all these monologues and soliloquies about legends and Golden Tribes, ugh, I was so bored of it all! this show is more about giant space mecha-monsters and spaceships and planets. The character's behaviors are severely irrational and underdeveloped. OMG the silver tribe makes me want to barf! Especially the little silver girl/monster, one minute she's a cold bossy bitch then suddenly she goes ballistic for no apparent or tangible reason and practically destroys the "universe" [ugh, why must everything be on such a grand scale.....so unnecessary!] but then in the next moment she's crying saying she so alone, like no one loves her [COULD it be because you're a bitch, honey?]. Actually the whole the silver tribe is like this. They're supposedly this cold and “logical” people but somehow these emotions are popping up left and right, WTF! The blond princess with the constant crying also gets on my nerves yet ironically she never shod one tear when her both her brothers supposedly got fried.
What a boring anime, a lot of fancy F/X and cute character's but the story is a hot-ass mess. I was severely disappointed.
Mar 25, 2010
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