
Panlong (Manga) add (All reviews)
Jul 15, 2017
Mixed Feelings
Panlog or rather Coiling Dragon is a Story that revolves around a youth name Linely Baruch. This story could be described as his legacy, his beginning to his triumph! The manwaha is an adaption of the Chinese novel "Coiling Dragon", and not a very good adaption. :(

The beginning of the story is rushed fairly badly, an entire volume of the novel is done in about 10 or less chapters of manwha. The first volume gavee the story a solid foundation of how linley grew up and his family. This was more or less cut from the series! The Pacing overall of the manwha is horrendous and short filler scenes are added which add very little to the story. I recall one seen that is even misleading and diverges from the source material gravely. I'm ahead of myself though, the following schoo life or literally "Growing Up" volume is linely's isn't so much rushed as it is made over dramatic with no feel of progression. In the novel he makes it clear he wants to become strong as soon as possible and cares about little else, in the manwha i felt it was an afterthought.

it'll be non spoiler after a line is drawn across.
Later on, Linely's first girlfriend that breaks his heart it literally 2 chapters at most. The are supposed to go on a few dates over a year and meet up every month, until her "betrayal". That is completely skipped, and it was very important and one of Linel's scaring in moments in his early age before he matures. When the revenge arc comes, they make linely out to be nice and still somewhat forgiving. In the novel he is the most ruthless he ever was and blood thirsty.He has a maid killed because she enters him room w/o permission, he is seething with anger. Obsessed with his revenge he soon stakes his life multiple times, not caring about the outcome of himself. The manwha makes unbelievable and out of character, while the novel thoroughly shows you its his childless and raw rage that pushes him to make these (honestly) stupid choices.
Following his revenge we entered his training arc which was awful. The profound laws and higher level of understanding are almost entirely ignored. They are literally the endgame of the story, after volume 8 they become the center of training and the only way to advance strength. In the manwha they outright ignore them, as if they weren't planning on adapting the majority of the story. It was poor pacing and they should of slowed down the story and discussed it in detail. Instead the manwha constantly sped up at the part of the story to dodge it all.

The art was good for many characters but they did mange to screw up very often. Bebe one of the main characters is grey rather than pitch black. Linley's dragon form is Azure rather than black and demonic. Which is a huge plot hole, i should add. Hearu was made into a human at some parts which is also a major plot hole that should have been addressed.
The gravest and worst part of the art however was making grandpa doering a female in the adaption. He is supposed to be an old man, saint who has soften after being sealed for 5k years. He treats Linely as he would his own grandson, he plays the part as his teacher is becomes his biggest influence throughout the entire story. This was likely the worse mistake of the entire adaption, i add this in art because a sexy female likely fit into the story better than an oldman, It wouldn't affect the plot majorly unless u released how much a father figure he acted as.

I won't say much, because the direction of how characters were developed is very different than in the novel. Characters that were strong or could rapidly advance like Linely stayed relevant while character who couldn't just drifted into irrelevance. That was a great part of the novel, keeping with what was important and not the bullshit characters from 5 volumes ago. The manwha host goddamn couldn't develop shit, it wanted to move far to fast and make Linely as edgy as possible. Cant deny that he was a angsty fucker for awhile though, before he grew up.


The series has to much detail for a manwha i feel, maybe it could make a high budget anime, I wouldn't suggest reading this however, it is good in a sense. However the novel is just leagues better. If you try it and like it, jump to the novel and DO NOT STICK WITH THE MANWHA. This might be better for those looking to see if they would be interested rather than interest in the manwha itself. Good day
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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