Most of these long shounen Manga (Anime) have it rough.
I think that a lot of stories (Manga in particular) always have to go through 3 very important stages throughout its respective running periods.
these stages are:
1- Opening (Buildup)
2- Middle (Execution)
3- End (Ending)
Lets first briefly start breaking down each one of these and define them then lets see how mighty Fairy Tail did in each stage.
this stage includes the plot, story, charatcers, their relationship and the setting of the whole Manga including mysteries, backstories, a goal for every important character,
basically everything you need to have in your head as a mangaka before you start writing!
which means you dont have to really add or change anything else once you have passed this stage because this might lead to potential plot holes and unnecessary contradictions in the story.
when everything is set and ready to go you start advancing to the second stage!
Middle:- This is when things start clearing up. mysteries are revealed, plots executed, everything becomes prepared for that long awaited climax!
End: this is the most critical stage, one bad move and everything will fall apart so expectedly this is also where most writers fail miserably.
as machiavelli said:"A battle that you win cancels any other bad action of yours. In the same way, by losing one, all the good things worked by you before become vain." what does that have to do with anything? well it is quite relevant. also it's always cool to quote cool people like machiavelli.
Now that i'm done defining and breaking down each stage, lets openly talk about how fairy tail did in each one of these.
building up a story or a manga or whatever is not really that hard, you just need a bit of imagination and a bit knowledge because you will have to see where others started and kinda do the same, Fairy Tail did just that. a by the book setting, main character & story.
which is absolutely fine since you dont really have to be so different to be successful specially in the first stage! Building up everything was pretty successful in my opinion, we were provided with exiting arcs & great battles and amazing development in the first hundred chapters or so.
and Since Fairy Tail provided a lot of good build up and we were expecting to witness at least a decent execution of all of that tension and mystery, For me i wasn't disappointed.
Fairy tail didn't fail to impress me with the execution as it was able to add new mysteries right after revealing previous ones and was able to keep me hooked until the very end! until, but as it progressed, disappointment started to mainfest as each arc became weaker and weaker in terms of execution while providing enormous potential at the beginning which leads to a huge letdown as nothing met its expectation.
but the reason why Fairy tail got shut down by a lot of reviewers and fans wasn't because of that, remember that cool quote at the "End" Stage? yeah that.
Fairy tail failed miserably at that stage which resulted in everyone bashing it and giving it a low score, they can't be blamed even if it might be unfair to judge it all by how it ends, but that has been an ironclad rule in judging a tv show or a manga, you can't give something a good score if the ending was awful.
I only wrote this review to remind people of how good fairy tail used to be and that we shouldn't judge it by that ending and give some credit to the first two stages which fairy tail did amazing in. Thats all.
Now finally i'm going to rate all the aspects soundly and give my fair and final judgement on why fairy tail isn't as bad as people make it out to be and also why it is kinda still acceptably bad.
Story: 7
classic story, nothing much to be said here.
One negative thing i might say about the story is how most things are absolutely forgotten along the way, you might find this in other shounen cause its pretty common but that doesn't make it welcomed in my dictionary, natsuu has no idea where the fuck he is going as he doesn't really have any dream to achieve or any status he would want to be like that felxible hat guy or the other ninja retard as everything happening in the story leads to absolutely nothing, he just finds stuff to do along the way which is kinda ridiculous and weakens the essence of the story.
Art: 8
Art was suitable for the atmosphere of the manga, also an amazing talent at drawing erotic female characters so maybe this guy isn't so bad.
Character: 7
most characters are kinda pointless except for the main ones, I think this guy thinks as long as he dedicated an entire arc for a supporting character, they have no right to complain about not having any relevance to the story anymore but whatever.
also fairy tail is keen on following the rule of "if you are a bad guy don't switch sides as you will turn into an utterly useless sidekick for the hero and you wont have any value anymore" for some reason.
Enjoyment: 8
to be honest despite all the bullshit i really enjoyed it and i think anyone can as long as they disregard the few negative irregularities which includes poor conception of time travel, pointless characters, thought projections that have emotions and shit, enormous build up that makes your thing throbs with excitement but ends up disappointing you everytime, a warrior who is able to fight even after getting every nerve of their body destroyed because they love their friends (emotional) i wont say more To avoid anymore spoilers.
so if you are fine with these things i think you will quite enjoy the fairy tail ride as it's not all about logic! You will soon learn how friendship is way more important.
Overall: 7
all the jokes aside, Fairy Tail is quite decent for those who want to see exciting battles, Heartwarming moments, funny characters and most importantly: Fanservice.