One of my favorite things about Japan is that it's culture seem to be the last resort against cynicism: the only country where giving your best is really a value in itself, not only as a justification, but as the foundation of a whole culture, a kind of shared social pathos. There is no backlash to doing so, no social interference, no evil antagonist sabotaging your every move, no one ridiculing your attempt: there's a weird purity in this.
But there's also Gi(a)rlish Number -- which is actually my introduction to japanese cynicism, I guess. The making of a shitty light novel adaptation, anchored by two over-confident incompetent characters that want to do everything but their best.
The series is build on this great dynamic: those characters (Chitose, a newbie seiyuu, and Kuzu-P, the irresponsible producer) inhabiting a traditional japanese universe where everybody has the responsibility to do their best, while they get by on blind enthusiasm and recklessness alone. There's no pleasure in doing a good work, no honor in achieving something - there's only selfishness, the search for notoriety and popularity. And the strangest thing is: I mean this in the most endearing way possible.
The greatest strength of the series is how this cynicism spices what is at its heart a very straight-forward slice of life. The anime builds great characters and explores their emotional landscape with great care - the drama is very simple, but in a clear, delicate way: those are characters with rich interior lives, that arrived at this work by different means, approaching life in their particular way. All of them a little broken, a little disheartened -- all of them with some kind of cynicism for the profession, not perfectly build to it. And we got to follow them coming to terms with this life, learning the value of doing a great job, opening up to people you like, and being proud to try their best (Aha! Earnestness wins again! Thank you, Japan!).
(I mean, everybody but Kuzu-P. He is mostly helpless. That the only romance of the series is his love for a hostess that doesn't really care that much for him is one of the best little things the anime does.)
Also, very beautiful art.