Onkyo Seimeitai Noiseman is a "Short Movie" of around 15 minutes.
It was produced by Studio 4°C an inventive and creative studio that I must say is composed of a capable and interesting staff.
Plot: In short it is about Noiseman a synthetic life-form that erased music and sounds from the airwaves
I give it a 7..Overall it's good infact it presents in a span of 15 minutes a really interesting story and setting revolving around the power of society and words,this is how I interpreted it. but in a strange way, the ending song helped me to think in that way , although It's good it is like a short movie because with a lot of scenes Noisen can change tone and pretty quickly but not giving you a perfect explanation of what it's doing, you have to interpret it by yourself..although it is not complete at all..in a 15 minute time they did a great job
I call it a movie(short movie) because It is really fast paced infact in 15 minutes it change scenes from beginning to flashback to normal to development to end in a way that gave me some incredible vibes
I give it an 8... It is probably the best part of this short along with the music and effects and it fits the tone and atmosphere of the anime, I love the shots too..how they pass to a scene with a dramatical tone and one with a "pumped up" tone, I just love Masaaki Yuasa direction in art too and it fits perfectly what I was thinking about this short..It certainly add some good vibes to it
The character design is perfect too
The best parts are when the visuals are on drugs..just because Masaaki Yuasa's ability to deform forms is incredible and so, in situations where there are a lot of strange things going on his works are the best for that parts
Sound and Music:
I give it a 9, why? Because I loved it and because of Yoko Kanno outstanding music in general(So I give it a plus just because of him, listen to Yoko Kanno - The creation to give you an idea of what this man is capable of)..the ending theme made me think about some things that helped me reach a conclusion, the music along with the story change tone every time :D, it even stops out of nowhere to follow what is going on in the different situations(And that is the best thing about this movie along with music of very different genres)
They didn't explore much the characters but it's interesing Noiseman and his seach of the crystals, they don't have the time to shine and because of that I give it a 6(or almost 6)
I give it a 7 because I surely enjoyed a bit..the music, the plot the fast pacing and the art(which I love) are enough to pass a good quarter of hour
Overall: I give Onkyo Seimeitai Noiseman a solid 7/7.5 and I advise you to check out this interesting work..it takes you just 15 minutes and they're worth for me