
Jun 16, 2010
I'm just gonna get the obvious stuff out of the way first. Ladies versus Butlers is an ecchi harem comedy that does little to break the chain of "we don't need a story as long there are boobies" shows that we see in shows of this genre. Almost all the characters fall perfectly within some set archetype, and don't really see anything in the way of character development. Also, this show has more of these archetypes than I think I've ever seen in one place, as well all the gags you'd expect in this genre.

Despite this, I still enjoyed this series quite a bit , for two main reasons. The main character, and fact that the non-ecchi related jokes were actually funny.

Story: Didn't really expect anything from the story to begin with, didn't really get anything. The show basically just follows him around as he lives at this school with all these girls. No real plot. He's just sorta there with all these girls, and.... yeah.

Art: The show does look nice, which is definitely a plus. It's not incredibly unique in terms of style, but it's not bad to look at either. It gets the job done for this series just fine. A show based on fanservice should be something fans would want to look at, no?

Sound: Not really anything notable about the sound. The OP was kinda catchy, but that's about it. It wasn't bad, but it never really stuck out during the series.

Character: The show has more character archetypes crammed into it than I've ever seen in any place before, and nobody really develops beyond these roles. However, I was pleasantly surprised by Akuharu. While he's no brilliant character himself, I'd definitely choose him over most of the other male leads you see in ecchi harem. Him not being a spineless loser without any backbone or opinion of any kind was nice change from the usual, and his appearance (red eyes, scar on his eyebrow, and not small/wimpy) felt like someone actually gave it a bit of thought rather than just taking the concept art from another ecchi harem and doing just enough edits to make him not a blatant clone. For the first time, I actually CARED about the male lead. While there's still lots of work to be done in terms of characters, L x B was at least a step in the right direction.

Enjoyment: While there was more than enough fanservice for those who came here looking for it, the show was quite amusing with its more worksafe bits humor(the principal and ninja maid in particular). It was enough to keep me watching the entire way through, although I really would have liked to see more of it in place of the "I tripped and grabbed a boob" gag or the ever present "Some random situation has forced us into a sexually awkward position" bit.

Overall: Ladies versus Butlers is by no means a greatanime, but it definitely preferrable to most of the shows in this genre. Akuharu hinted at something in the way of effort in his design, the art looks very nice, and there's enough not fanservice related humor to actually, well , make someone not as into that as others find some enjoyment out of this, however small that may be.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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