Dec 20, 2019
I was thoroughly impressed with this one. Id personally put it up with the ranks of the Castlevania animated series in terms of quality. The animation is beautiful. While there are some times where it could look a little jank, most of the fights in it look stellar. Madhouse wasnt sleeping through this one. All the character designs are great. It has really solid pacing and it never feels boring. Its obviously not perfect though. This story doesnt really adhere to the whole show dont tell thing. I think Donovan is a great character. But there are many scenes where Hsien Ko and her sister and literally just talking about his characterand the philosophy of why he does things. In that sense the writing tends to be really awkward. It presents really good themes and concepts to the viewer, but a lot of those themes are just spoken through hefty monologues by certain characters. Honestly that is my only problem with this one, but it is a big one depending who you are. If you are a fan of the franchise its absolutely worth watching.
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