
Jan 28, 2020
"Listen up, I have decided you should become my slave"
---- Aria

Yeah if that isn't all the warning you need not to watch this show I don't know what more I can say to help you make the decision.

Aria Kanzaki maybe the most ridiculous and ulikable character to ever grace broadcast television, and I include Eichman and Hitler in the running. She is incredibly poorly written horribly inconsistent and downright annoying. Quite literally whenever she opens her mouth she kills the show and seeing as she is the name character and one of the two primary main characters that's a real problem.

Kinchi Toyhama is nearly as bad. I can't begin to say how sick I am of anime leading men, who not only can't act in their own interests but in his case he doesn't even have any interests. Just how the hell do you work up a harem/romcom when no one has the slightest interest in sex or romance ?

The series actually has a semi interesting detective/action story line. The problem is that story and characters go hand in hand and there's just no way you can have a good story built with these characters. Well unless the authors felt like dropping pianos and anvils on them from great heights. Otherwise forget about it. It's just awful. You don't want to see it go on. You really wish one of the killers would just get lucky and kill the characters so they would be out of their misery and everyone else would be as well .

The only saving grace to Aria is the presentation. The music is good, the art is good and at times interesting.

TL:DR avoid like STDs
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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