I thought that Togainu no Chi is a very interesting series for those that are interested in genres such as post-apocalyptical and dystopia. For me being a person who's interested in history and the growth of a country and region developing overtime, this anime was right up my alley. I liked seeing the concept of Japan being split into two different regions such as Toshima after the third division. It made a huge impact on me to reflect and be grateful that we are not in another world war. It really does remind me of a "what if theory" and a decision on if other countries such as the U.S, Britain, Germany and many more, who were involved in World War ll, were to be in a third world war that actually happened in todays modern day society. How would it shape us as humans and the harsh problems and the conditions that many of us would have to resort to.
The anime represented the use of taking a drug called Line, which enhances the person's capabilities and senses of becoming stronger. I can relate this to the real world as many people are resorting towards drugs and alcohol in their lives that leave a major impact on both themselves, others around them, and their bodies that they are putting harmful chemicals into. Am I saying that you should do drugs and alcohol? Well, that's up for you to decide what you are putting in your body.
Moving forward, I liked the concept of implementing a game towards the current position of Japan. A game that is known as Igura, where players are required to take other players dog tags in means of fighting in combat, in order to challenge Il Re or the King. Finally, I especially enjoyed the characters throughout the story and the roles that they play. Though, I'm not really a fond of the sadistic and masochistic Arbitro of course and his likings and interests towards having younger and older boys as sex-slaves. But, other than that, I think that each character and voice actor that portrayed their character did a fantastic job of expressing and getting through to their character.
What are my thoughts on the anime? Well, it's not terribly bad and a disappointment towards the anime community, though it's also not an "Oscar award masterpiece". But, I do give it credit for it's excellent job in making an anime adaptation based off of both the manga and the games. It's something I don't really see a lot of in anime's that implement and make the viewer think about the dire situations and consequences that the characters are going through and how it could relate to each one of us in a much later time. Overall, I give this anime an 8 out of 10.