Jul 17, 2020
Bakemonogatari is one the most well know and successful titles studio Shaft adapted over the years. Influenced by Shinbou, Akiyuki directorial talent. Consist of quick-cut transition, unusual camera angle shot, and color choices. With an added usage of symbolism in the story narrative for flavor. Bakemonogatari is a product of the studio's continuous experimentation in supporting artistic freedom.
Tracing its roots from Shinbou’s early works like Hidamari Sketch and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. Bake is primarily a step-up improvement on Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei's style of wordplay. Refining its predecessor by for being a serious tone on visual presentation. Contrasting to the slapstick light humor transition cuts that were formally established.
Bakemonogatari tackles the psychology of the character's mind in correlation with supernatural entities. Entities that serve as the physical manifestation of a person's mental bias and inner desires that cause more harm than good.
Being the first installment of the Monogatari series, Bake has a rather orthodox way of story pacing. Instead of jumping to the juicy parts which some anime by the way are willing to break a leg to do so. Bake rather choose the grind game. Putting dedication in introducing the core cast first in a form of character story arcs.
This is where our main protagonist Araragi, Koyomi comes in to play, serving as the instigator for our heroines. With the help of Oshino, Meme expertise on supernatural forces. Araragi helps the girls confront their mental biases and supernatural oddities all together.
There are 5 unique story arcs in Bake. Each having a unique variety and identity of its own. I am going to discuss each on the order on my pick on least to best.
[Warning Content Below Contain Spoilers]
Please Proceed to "Miscellaneous Thought" if You Haven't Finish Bakemonagatari Yet
Mayoi Snail Arc.
Due to children's innocent nature and lack of life experience. They usually experience time rather more slowly than adults and teenagers. They are pretty slow to comprehend the world around them. Some refuse to grow-up because of the pressure of future responsibility and consequences. We are afraid to give up our freedom. And as an adult, I can relate to Araragi's statement that deep inside he still a child that is afraid of the responsibility that he might not be able to handle. Children are often get confused and lost their path in life. And I think that's a nice message.
I have a number of nitpicks, Specifically on background presentation and the Loli Humor in this arc. If you are not familiar yet on Shinbou's style. Background setting in Bake is more as stage than a living, breathing environment. A stage that centers only on the performance of its main actors.
Thought this kind of set-up work pretty well on ensuring the main character's conversation will be the main focus of the audience. It works on desolated places like abandon buildings, inside homes, and forested areas. But it feels alienating if the setting took place in urban areas and parks. The absents of bystanders can make you're setting a dead environment than an engaging world.
Moving to the "Loli Humor" between Mayoi and Araragi. The presentation of high school student overpowering a grade school student can go up to debate. I cannot deny it reflects two sides of the argument. It can be seen as an innocent dog fight, dogfights you do with your younger siblings or relatives. Or a twisted fetish, that can be file to police as child abuse or pedophilia. Choose your pick.
In fairness of on the show intent. I do give consideration and forgiveness in this arc. I appreciate what Bake is trying to do. It disregards common technical stuff like the law of physics and common visual quirks in favor of artistic expression. Looking at a different light, the loli humor gives a good character insight. We got to see another side of Araragi Childish ego that we don't usually see him showing to others. And because Araragi Ego, Mayoi was able to open up to him. Before you can understand someone, you need to go down their level of perspective first.
The Grim Dark Suruga Monkey Arc
like how dark Suruga Monkey arc compare to Snail Arc. It tackles the topic of our dark subconscious desires forming from frustration and jealousy. Becoming a destructive behavior when letting loose. Even if our common sense has taken control of the wheel to prevent us from doing so. But the build-up of negative emotions will soon overtake the wheel of reason before we even notice it. This is the first time I see how dangerous oddities can manifest in a person's heart. And what scary about this idea is that these dark desires happen every day. When frustration and envy are the motivation for extreme action, murders and suicides are always a possibility to happen.
The OP Ambivalent world dedicated to Kanbaru is quite a good extension in describing her core personality. It is much better than the Mayoi's Kaerimichi song that come-out as weird. The Lily flower symbolizes devotion or purity. But purity and devotion can be darkly tainted and twisted if left unchecked. It's pretty disturbing the people can become monsters once consumed by their twisted desires.
Tsubasa Cat Arc the Unexpected Turnaround
Nowadays, dysfunctional family, school, and work pressure is becoming a common sight. People hide their stress from their loved ones and friends. This urgent desperation to maintain control for the sake of being normal always lead to mental breakdowns. And the worst-case scenario, people develop insanity and might even resort to suicide. There is also a term called Karoshi, which can be translated literally as "overwork death" in Japanese. Hanekawa’s might be the most relatable character in the series. Her mental stress issues are quite common amongst the youth and adults in the modern world.
The fact that you see her roaming around outside even on late hours is a symptom of mental stress disorder. The way she doesn't want to stay in her own household and acting its normal. Her abnormal excellent in her studies mention by Senjougahara is above than everybody else. All the signs show how extreme her mental stress actually is. Adding up to the fact her puberty stages where hormones can escalate her stress further.
Unlike Kanbarus oddities where she can retain somewhat of control. Hanekawa's Bakeneko form is destructive and unpredictable. And She is willing to everything to ease her master's stress even involving innocent bystanders. It just to show how dangerous the culmination of negative human emotions is capable when unleash, in a metaphorical sense.
A step-up version of Suruga Monkey Arc. The Opening Sugar Sweet Nightmare symbolism sum ups what the arc is all about. It shows a totally different side of Hanekawa’s personality. A contrast on what have known about her on previous episodes as a smart, level-headed, and reliable to count on. Never judge a book by its cover they always say.
The Pure Innocences of Nadeko Snake Arc
Aside from Hanekawa, Sengoku is clearly no stranger to Araragi this put Sengoku different from the rest of the girls Araragi helped so far. Sengoku shared personal history with him. It helps that Sengoku already know him and we got to see her viewpoint about Araragi’s character that he is indeed a good person. The way she liked him is pretty much reasonable given her character background story. Thus Araragi helping her seems natural and personal. A little bit different from his usual white knight act for the other girl he just met only a short period of time.
Many can argue this arc seems irrelevant for the reason that Senjougahara has no involvement in this story. But In my argument, this arc is a critical piece of the puzzle that we should not overlook. This is the Arc that I got to know that Araragi is no perfect white knight that can save everybody. Learning the hard way that his compulsive behavior of saving everybody will do more harm than good. He regrets the fact he almost kills himself to save the person who causes Sengoku harmful curse oddity in the first place.
Araragi has a serious case “Savior Complex” behavior. A psychological construct which makes a person feel the need to save other people. A strong tendency to seek people who desperately need help and to assist them, often sacrificing their own needs for these people. This complex is not strength but a major flaw in Araragi’s Character. It defiles common sense and logic. Even Hoshino, Meme also stated that his intention is good but also sickening to watch. Since most oddities can only be resolve by the person themselves. People will never learn if they don't take responsibility for their actions.
Pretty much an improvement from the previous arcs. Nadeko Snake Arc has the best background setting amongst the arcs. I mentioned before that I don't like seeing urban areas desolated from people and abandon buildings or places with almost no people is ok. In the previous arcs, Bake setting really doesn't matter much and most of the time is quite dull and lifeless. The greyish colored structure and orange sky sceneries make me bored at times. It doesn't give an interpretation of how alive the Bakemonogatari world is. I like the relaxing lust green bamboo forest. It nailed what I wanted. An environment influencing the character's emotional tone is quite a good space of fresh air. It makes the setting quite memorable and reminded me of Katanagatari's aesthetic beauty at one point.
If I ever get asked what’s my subjectively favorite character arc in Bakemonogatari? I simple answer Nadeko Snake Arc. Ren'ai Circulation by Kana Hanazawa might be my favorite to listen to, next is "staple stable" by Chiwa Saito. I love that both songs have relaxing vibes when they are in their OST version. But Ren'ai Circulation matches the Sengoku character too well. Innocent, Cute, and Carefree. What could you even ask for?
The Tragic Past of Hitagi Crab Arc
When everything you love and cherish disappeared in an instant. You still continue to live on. Shouldering the burden that somehow it's your fault. You pray all your heart that you wanted everything to go back the way it is. But you know that whatever you do, you can't bring back what is no longer there. The heavy burden you intentionally bring upon to yourself continues to grow as time goes by. Before you know it, you lost track of who yourself. You become a prisoner of your own guilt and regret creating an unending spiral of suffering.
Hitagi Senjougahara has the best well-written background story in Bakemonogatari. Having a consistent behavior trait that justifies her seemingly bizarre actions. I love how bloody hilarious and deadly spot she delivers her lines across the show compare to the other girls in the series. Araragi and Senjougahara is the funniest talk-show duo in the entire show. They definitely make a good couple given the fact they enjoy each other's company. A good example of a healthy relationship.
Hitagi Crab Arc captures so many good elements that make-up an engaging story. The eerie soundtrack and color design make the mystery aspect of the show interesting. The bizarre visual symbolism gives a good psychological understanding of the character's mentality. While character writing is spot on in matching the supernatural entities to the main narrative. Combine with good character wordplay from the voice actors. It created a very good style of storytelling. Though all these elements existed in the following arc, for me Hitagi Crab got the credit for being the first. For me, this is the best arc in introducing the viewers to what the Monogatari franchise is capable of.
Miscellaneous Thoughts
Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari by supercell; performed by nagi (Gazelle) is an amazing musical piece. Certainly my favorite song in all Bakemonogatari music. For me, the final episode for the TV premiere won't have the same impact without this ED song. Great music in defining your main characters' romantic relationship.
The relationship Araragi shares with the girl are compelling. Every interaction is unique of its own. There are times that some conversations get quite boring to listen to but it a small price to pay. I also like to highlight that Araragi's and Oshino's brotherly friendship is pretty cool. Oshino did an awesome role as a supporting character.
Final Thoughts
Bakemonogatari achieves what it is intending to do. It did a very good job of introducing its core characters and giving insights into what the franchise could offer in the following expansion. The soundtracks have a variety of flavoring on each arc. The visuals are great. A bit minimalistic on animation movement. But the unconventional cinematic technique works well for the show's theme. Bakemonogatari open-up some creative experimentation that establishes an identity to its viewer.
Bakemonogatari is a great gateway to introducing the Monogatari franchise. A very good introduction season that holds-up a good main story potential in the future. I am looking forward to good stories to come
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