I was attached to Higurashi a few pages in. Seeming like atypical Harem manga, it takes a total U-turn when a series of murders are told to Keiichi.
I really like the art in the Abducted By Demons arc. The characters look so cute and innocent, but when they get into murder mode, they get seriously freaking creepy. I have a feeling that it was done on purpose to catch the reader off guard. It certainly worked on me!
The character Keiichi is the main character in this arc. He is very relate able. Everything he does seems like something a real human being would do, I was totally rooting for him during the manga. The other four girls all have a mystery to them. In this arc, it focuses mainly on Rena and Mion, though.
I enjoyed every second of the first Higurashi arc, it will keep you guessing and keep you entertained.
If you want to experience a one of a kind manga, pick up higurashi: Abducted By Demons arc!
May 3, 2011
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