Aura is a film that tries to give a good message, being an attempt to make "Don Quixote" modern. With the difference that instead of a crazy man now it is a cute waifu.
Story (5/10):
It's funny how this movie puts more emphasis on its characters than on its message and yet this is the only aspect that do not completely fail.
Even with that, we must also highlight the incompetence of the writer, the film begins by talking about bulling and ends with a message of accepting oneself at the same time that out of nowhere everyone wants to be like the lunatics of the protagonists.
I don't like the changes in tone either, I feel like they want to manipulate your feelings, when the plot needs it the movie becomes very depressing or very optimistic.
On top of that, I didn't manage to take almost anything seriously at the beginning of the film, why in all the movies about bulling the antagonists are one-dimensional baddies who treat people badly just because?
Finally, the aspect that makes me take the film even less seriously is the immeasurable amount of inconsistencies that exist throughout the film, things like Ryouko building a temple of tables in an afternoon do not have a fucking sense.
In conclusion the message is still there is only that the presentation and execution fails completely.
Art and sound (5/10):
The animation is ok but it is nothing to write home about, it works well even so I would like to emphasize that despite being a bit forgettable I like the designs (Ryouko's reminds me of Boogiepop). In sound aspect it is ok, the music is quite forgettable and the voice acting is ok too.
Character (4/10):
The characters are in my opinion the worst aspect of the movie (which is a shame since the movie places a lot of emphasis on them).
The protagonist is the only one who is partially well written since at least they gave him some development (going from interest to repression to acceptance) also the way in which his development is executed is very well done without any abrupt changes.
Outside of the protagonist, the other characters are poorly executed such as bullies, which are one-dimensional and wasted potential (For example, it is not understood what the point is with Yumina, is she envious? Is she jealous? Is she also repressing herself? none of that is taken advantage of and in the end ends up being a bad person just because)
Other characters like Kume or the master are just plot devices with legs.
And the only reason why people like Ryouko is because she is a cute waifu, if anyone came across someone like that in real life, the most possible thing would be to think that woman is crazy (and what if she was also ugly ). These kinds of doubles standards are everywhere in animation. In addition, Ryouko feels very exaggerated, she takes her fantasy world too seriously, as I said, if such a person existed in reality, the most possible is that he is in a psychiatric hospital and not in a school (And where the hell are his parents? ?, the girl misses classes for a week and her parents do nothing about it).
Overall (4.75/10):
Aura is a movie that tries to give a good message but that fails in its presentation and execution causing the movie to end up being one of the many in the end (At least it is better than other anime about bulling cof cof koe no katachi cof cof).