A collection of one-shots with independent plots.
The art is really good. All the stories are completely fucked up in their own ways. Honestly, after finishing this all I could think was "What the fuck did I just read!" But as bizarre as it may sound, I didn't dislike them.
The first story is messed up and confusing. It is narrated by a dead man. :/
The second story was kind of cute, I guess. A divorced man while waiting for his daughter meets a long-haired young man instead.
The third story was heavy and dark. TW: deals with rape and death.
The fourth story is uh well, an ugly space captain being flattered by a rival captain, who resembles a man he both loves and envies. It has a major twist, which is absurdly funny and disturbing.
This is not something I'd recommend people to read. You need to have a high level of tolerance to bullshit to be able to read this, in my opinion. But then again, as I said earlier, I didn't dislike it, so if you do read it remember it's a work of fiction. Just appreciate the art and the fact that the author has such a morbid imagination to be able to come up with this collection of stories. XD