A decent experimental short. There's no dialogue or discernible story. Just a girl with what appears to be a mask shuffling through a small little abode, reading books, dreaming, hallucinating, and being visited by strange figures. Visually, it's compelling enough and consists of various animation techniques and 3D modeling—on the audio side, there's effective sound design and piano music.
I suppose there's some specific concept or themes explored, though to really grasp what is being said—if anything—one will have to pay attention to visual cues. With the dreamlike lapses into temporal, strange worlds, it is reminiscent of Alice and Wonderland or some other fairytale.
The element of books and the exploration of space reminds me a bit of Jorge Luis Borges weird short fiction with endless libraries of books and plenty of surrealism, and the ominous final zoom out suggests themes of alienation and isolation reminiscent of E.M. Forster's sci-fi story The Machine Stops, a story often referred to as prescient because of the isolating nature of technological absorption—in that story, all characters shunned human contact, and stayed in little cells inside of a machine, slaving away at whatever their avocation was. This short appears to be the same, only we have surrealism tying everything together instead of sci-fi dystopianism.
A bit of a head-scratcher, but there doesn't appear to be anything terribly profound hiding away in the murk of this short film. Just somewhat charming aesthetics and muddled visual storytelling from a small studio. Not bad.