
Mar 5, 2023
This is the land of the rising sun. Your desecration will not be allowed! Here me, for I am the god Yato. I now lay thee waste with the Sekki and expel thy vast defilement! I cleanse thee!

Noragami is your day-to-day shounen anime, it is about a god who really nobody cares about until he meets a girl and they become partners and i basically summed up the beginning, yay! You now don't have to watch the first episode.

[Story] : 7

The story begins with Yato, a small unknown god who meets your average anime high school student, Hiyori. So Hiyori saves Yato from being ran over by a bus and wakes up in the hospital with her soul seperated from her body alright nice. Hiyori and Yato partner up because Hiyori wants her physical body back for good, most episodes are the hardships experienced and goes through the themes of loneliness and the suffering you have because nobody else can see you and cannot make friends. Anyways most episodes have a slow buildup and then it speeds up the pace by a hell lot. There are also people called regalia which are weapons wielded by gods but are also former humans. There are phantoms which are basically things that eat the "darkness" and corrupt the good being of a human.

[Character] : 7

Yato is the main character of Noragami, he is a fairly comedic character but when you need him to be serious, he is serious, he is a god who wants to become respected. Hiyori, the female main character is a very basic anime highschool girl and shes not even that interesting to be honest but serves well and adds complexity with in the relation ships of Yato, Hiyori, and Yukine, Yato's regalia.
Yukine is also a comedic relief character and as I don't have a lot to say about him as he isn't very interesting either. I give it a 7 as the characters aren't awful but aren't the best.

[Animation] : 9

The studio which did Noragami, Bones, never disappoints, the animation looks amazing and the fights are very well done. The character designs were also done nice, not to shabby as expected from Bones.

[Soundtrack] : 10

Amazing, the opening and ending were very good the unique background music fit in during the scenes, during fights they immersed me even further than before. I watched the dub varitation of Noragami, so I do not know what the voice acting for sub sounds like, but the english version is surprisingly very solid. The voice acting sounds nice and does not take away from watching.

[Enjoyment] : 9.5

Very enjoyable, fights were amazing and I really never felt bored during Noragami. The only bad might have been it being a little to slow paced at some time but even the slow pacing was alright and usually was worth the fast paced parts of the anime.

[Overall Rating] : Very nice twelve episodes, if your into action and fights and shounen, what are you waiting for!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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