Firstly, I should preface that this show will probably only be enjoyable to people who have already seen the earlier series and who want more Di Gi Charat. This show's main appeal is to returning fans who already enjoy the franchise, it doesn't give new watchers much of a reason to care.
As someone who really enjoyed the original Di Gi Charat series and who's watched everything in the franchise, my feelings on this latest installment are mixed. Compared to the other installments in the franchise, it was pretty mid. It wasn't the worst installment so far, but I don't feel this show did the best job at capturing the spirit and humor of the original series. In particular, most of the first half was spent simply re-introducing the various characters from the earlier series (plus a couple new characters, who I didn't really care for). Most of these episodes were bland and not very funny. However, I do think this show got better in the second half, with more of the episodes being closer to the goofy comedy of the original series.
Overall, I mainly just enjoyed seeing all the characters again. If you're like me and want more Di Gi Charat, this show may be worth giving a shot, but I can't strongly recommend it.