This is one of those animes that remind you why you consume this medium. It certainly doesn't have the best animation quality, sometimes using CGI that's a bit regrettable, but this series knows how to convey happiness and uplift its audience. There's a lot of drama, and it can feel like a soap opera with so many conflicts, but that very aspect, which could be seen as a negative, keeps you hooked and eager to see what happens next. The characters, who initially may seem quite cliché or annoying, quickly win your heart, just like the group TRIGGER, which I find excellent.
I also have to mention that having many characters with questionable backstories in terms of writing and drama is something that lowers the argumentative level. However, in general, you can see love behind this anime.
As for the songs, there are some that, to be honest, are not at all memorable and are very common in this medium. However, songs like 'Shaking Your Beat' or most of TRIGGER's are genuinely excellent, and you end up singing along.
If you don't mind a plot that isn't super well-structured and just want to enjoy something simple but fun, then this anime is for you.