Where shall I even start
Simple explanations: not recommended, story is more than boring and nothing interesting happens, don't bother watching it.
At first when I saw it the image looked interesting so i decided to give a shot and see if is good. The animation is similar to Ajin and Ghost in a shell by Netflix but mostly Ajin. I wouldn't even call this anime more like model movement. But I'm not here to talk about the animation its the story that needs to be rewritten.
I mean they had people to write a script
spend money on animation
See if certain majority likes it and what can be improved on
And release it
Not a single person has said hell no we will lose money on this not gain anything. I mean Ajin at least it had a interesting story and got to the point, where as this need to be rewritten from scratch as story was Boring, had no inner explanation of why things are happening, the way how characters reacted reminded me how films are made in todays world. Unatural. I've wasted my time watching this and I regret it. As mentioned before this story has holes that need to be filled as there is no feelings to any characters.
I'm not mad, I feel sorry for people voicing and animating this to make this.
Score 3. It was 5 after I've watched 40min of it already and its 105 min long