like the other reviewer said, "sangatsu will become an ore-sama" 's title may lead you to believe that it's a shoujo manga. however, it very much is not. if i had to describe it, it's more of a loving parody of shoujo manga (and shounen romance).
this manga involves a girl named sangatsu, whose goal is to woo a klutzy and airheaded guy. unfortunately for her, she's incredibly awkward and freezes up whenever she has to talk to him. she then decides to talk to the resident playboy, nanami, for advice on courting her crush. he gives her coaching on how to imitate the "ore-sama" archetype of guys seen in shoujo (basically domineering, suave, and confident). of course, she's not used to acting like that, so hilarity almost always ensues. it's simultaneously poking fun at shounen romcoms and the "typical" shojo story, which makes it surprisingly fresh. there are a lot of moments where they lean on the 4th wall a bit while making fun of various romantic tropes seen in manga, which was pretty fun. (i kinda wished they had spent more time doing that)
the main characters are surprisingly fun. there's the aforementioned sangatsu and nanami, and their respective friends nodoka and yurine. they're polar opposites of each other, so their interactions make for great comedy. some pretty funny side characters also get introduced, and they manage to liven up the manga even more. this is a lot shorter than my usual reviews, but i don't think there's that much to say. i wish it had gone a bit longer, but axe-chan takes many before their time. all in all, it's a nice little manga that provides a lot of amusement in its meager 26 chapters. i'd recommend it to anyone who'd like to kill an hour or so.