If you want to experience a series/movie about pausing time, skip over this one. This if over an hour long of nothingness. Any other series you watch about time will be 100 times better than this.
The animation put me off at first, but I can look past poor animation if there's good plot. The problem with this is that the plot isn't really there. It's the most bare-bone plot line there is. The characters aren't memorable, so it makes all the little jankines of the animation shine like crazy. There's so much little movements that's not necessary and I keep staring them down. I think its from how the CGI is when they made the movie, but its jarring and feels TOO expressive (even with how little emotions the faces show)
The ending doesn't answer a lot of questions either. They leave it kind of open for interpretation but I think that's more of a cop out.
It gets a 4 because an attempt was made. There were people behind the scenes that probably cared about this project, but clearly not enough for something like this.